As we all know, judges generally do not participate in the competition in person.

If they are in the same field, at least in theory, the level and status of the judges are higher than those of the awardees.

As the first Electronic Arts Award, no one is more suitable than Lin Mo.

And standing on the stage as the award presenter, it basically announced one thing.

Naughty Cat Game will not participate in the competition!

This adds a lot of suspense to the program out of thin air.

Let many awards that have no highlights become suspenseful again.

At the same time, live broadcast rooms in various places have also launched some viewing activities, guessing who the winners of various awards are without threshold.

Those who guess correctly will also have the opportunity to receive gifts from the organizers-CDK or prop gifts of the winning games.

After the award ceremony officially begins, some small awards will be presented by official hosts. After several insignificant small awards are presented, the first heavyweight award is produced, but it is completely different from the WGA selection.

Lin Mo looked at the card and announced loudly: "The winner of the Best Mobile Game of the Year Award is - Stars and Flowers! Congratulations!"

After announcing the award, as the award presenter, he also gave a short review of the game for about 15 seconds, then picked up the trophy of the project and handed it to the producer who was flushed, a little nervous and even at a loss.

[Naughty Cat Game really didn't accept the award, interesting, if there were no Star Iron, this game would have deserved this award]

[Although I am a die-hard fan of Naughty Cat, I have to say that the award ceremony became more interesting after Naughty Cat stopped participating]

[I won the prize!! Haha, I want to see why this game deserves this award]

[He doesn't want it! ]

[I'll buy a copy, watch this promotional video and Lin Mo's professional comments, it seems a bit interesting]

On the stage.

Producer Fudi, who accepted the award on behalf of the award, took a deep breath, held the trophy and gave his own speech to the microphone

"I am an independent game producer from outside China. I was able to have my own team thanks to the support plan of Naughty Cat. I would like to thank Mr. Lin Mo in advance.

He is not only my idol but also my benefactor. Without Naughty Cat, there would be no game "Stars and Flowers"."

Lin Mo was stunned when he heard it, and the surprise on his face flashed, but it was still captured by countless viewers in front of the screen.

Because the director was very smart to take a close-up of his face.

[Laughing to death, how many small and medium-sized game companies have been helped by the support plan of Naughty Cat, Lin Mo himself may not know]

[Is this considered a teacher awarding a prize to a student? But this teacher is actually not as old as the student]

[Damn! I just found out about this, too. I’m a die-hard fan of “Stars and Flowers”. Thanks to Naughty Cat.]

[It’s a shame that such a generous and industry-focused gaming company like Naughty Cat would perish because of the ban by two major console manufacturers]

“.Finally, I’d like to thank Naughty Cat and Mr. Lin Mo for the Best Mobile Game of the Year Award again. I like the game “Honkai Impact 3: Star Railway” very much, and I’m looking forward to the new version of Pinocchio’s story.”

Lin Mo listened and laughed. Is it okay to urge for more updates on the spot? Do you want to improvise a song of sleepless night on the spot?

But this is just a thought.

After the award was presented, Lin Mo temporarily left the stage and started the promotional video of the mobile game.

There are surprises and regrets. The quality of the game promoted this time is still not as good as that on WGA.

The next few important awards were almost all presented by Lin Mo himself.

"The winner of the Best Narrative Award of the Year is - "Returning Tide"! Congratulations!"

"The winner of the Best Visual Art Award of the Year is - "Steam Age"! Congratulations!"

"The winner of the Best Ongoing Operation Award of the Year is - "Edge"! Congratulations!"

"The winner of the Best Action Adventure Game of the Year is - "Back to the Future"! Congratulations!"

The names of the game awards at many award ceremonies are similar.

However, except for the Electronic Arts Award, these awards were awarded to Naughty Cat's games at other ceremonies.

They are the Best Narrative Award of the Year for "Detroit: Become Human", the Best Visual Effects Award of the Year for "Cyberpunk 2077", the Best Ongoing Operation Award of the Year for "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive", and the Best Action Adventure Award of the Year for "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare".

At Juying, West drank red wine leisurely while watching the awards being presented, and sighed, "Naughty Cat, no matter how good it is, it is just a game company, and it can only save itself in this incompetent way. What's the point of you, Naughty Cat and the Electronic Arts Award, winning people's hearts in this way?"

Swoosh, Ito Makoto smiled as he watched the winners on the screen blush with excitement.

Thinking, if it is this level, then you, Naughty Cat, are simply courting death by refusing PlaySquare's request for exclusive games.

In another month, when the exclusive request is made again, Lin San, I wonder how you will refuse?

Although he has a bad temper, he is still the best game producer in the world.

However, young people, it's not bad to have personality.

"As an old man, I appreciate young people with talent, temper and personality, but I only allow you to make a mistake once."

Unlike several big guys in the upstream of the game industry who control the entire game circle ecosystem.

Freeman is already ashen.

If this trend continues, the number of viewers of the Electronic Arts Awards will eventually catch up with or even surpass the number of viewers of this year's WGA.

This is the first Electronic Arts Awards!

But whether it is the stage design, the overall tone or the level of excitement, it has had a dimensionality reduction blow to WGA.

There's just one thing I haven't figured out yet.

Seeing this, I didn’t even see what Naughty Cat planned to do with the help of the Video Game Awards.

More than two hours passed.

This time the ceremony has come to an end.

After the finale show, it was time for the announcement of many new games.

In the past WGA, the game broadcast before the announcement of the year's best was the most expensive in the whole event, and it also had the highest exposure.

Even if the current Electronic Arts Awards have not reached that level, some heavyweight games have been released at this time.

The first game CG promotional video came from Potato Factory.

This company does not have a good reputation among the player community, but it is undeniable that it also has the ability to handle players that is the envy of its peers around the world.

Game production is extremely high-yield, but the quality is uneven. Over the years, not only has there been no improvement, but it has also regressed a lot.

Many players can be said to be fooled every year, but never the same thing.

After seeing the exquisite game CG and experiencing the high-quality game content in the first few hours, as the perspective zoomed into the distance, the words "Potato Factory Giant Presentation" and the game LOGO popped up, and many players were in a trance. They felt like this Just one of the greatest gaming companies in the world.

But what followed was the old lady's foot wrap, the smelly and long formulaic open world.

The second promotional video comes from Xiaori, a medium-sized game company, and it brings a less standard Souls-like game.

Many features of Souls-like games were referenced in the design, such as the exquisitely designed box-style levels and the oppressive and difficult BOSS.

But it has also made some of its own features, such as an equipment system that can be brushed repeatedly, and a very powerful skill system that can be obtained after adding points.

When these two promotional videos were aired, the audience applauded.

Then, there is the third trailer.

Only this time, there were many confused voices at the scene.

"Huh? Start right away?"

"Where's the manufacturer's logo?"

The scene begins late at night, and the crows of crows can be heard all around.

In the middle of a forest, there is a dilapidated ancient ruins.

A man wearing a top hat and a red cloak, who looked like a prodigal and a gambler, was leaning on the ruins, playing a few cards in his hand.

He raised his head slightly, as if he had discovered something, and suddenly threw out the cards in his hand.

A crow was impaled by a card and fell to the ground.

The angle of view followed the crow's body upwards, and a "person" with faint green eyes stood there.

A scarecrow, I should say.

It is exactly the same as the scarecrow in the farmland that drives away birds and protects the banker.

It’s just that this scarecrow looks scary, like a nightmare coming out of a horror story.

With a wave of his hand, a swarm of crows attacked the prodigal playing cards opposite him.

The latter's method of fighting was not with swords, guns, swords and halberds, but with playing cards that emitted red, blue and yellow light.

[This CG technology is really full, but I can’t tell what kind of game this is]

[Action game, right? This is obviously reflecting the characteristics of the character]

[Obviously an action game]

However, in the next scene, in a deserted area, a mage with blue skin, a book in hand and luggage on his back was being chased by a black mist.

The black mist continued to swallow everything around it, and there were whispers and ridicules from demons inside.

Then, an incorporeal monster appeared, with a sharp blade in its hand that could easily pierce a person, and fought with the blue-skinned mage.

In the next scene, a heroic red-haired female assassin wielding two daggers struggled with a sturdy knight in shining golden armor.

The fierce fighting caused the ground to collapse, and the knights in golden armor gained the upper hand.

However, just when he was about to kill the enemy, another enemy walked out of the darkness with a big sword and looked like a madman.

Even if the giant sword pierces the opponent's body, it cannot kill him.

Just when the knight in golden armor was in a bitter battle and was in danger.

A little loli appeared in the distance, humming a song and walking towards here holding a teddy bear.

Cute yet sullen.

She threw her doll into the air, and then a huge bear appeared with its body burning with fire.

Roaring and roaring, he charged towards the enemy.

But before the giant bear and the immortal barbarians had time to decide the winner, an accident occurred again.

A huge monster that looked like a snake or a dragon rose up from the ground and swallowed the giant bear easily.

The terrifying eyes were fixed on the people on the ground, ready to attack at any time.

The moment the two sides fought together, the scene ended and the screen went black briefly.

Seeing this, the netizens in the live broadcast room were even more puzzled.

[This doesn’t look like an action game or an RPG game. What is this? 】

[If the main method of combat were not melee combat, I would have thought this was a new expansion pack for Overwatch]

【etc. Am I the only one who thinks some of the skill settings are very similar to the Warcraft map? 】

[Damn, it can’t be the independent game version of that map “League of Legends”, right? real or fake? 】

However, the next second, the answer was revealed.

Bilingual LOGOs in Chinese and English appeared one after another.

"League of Legends"

"League of Legends"

When this LOGO appeared, the audience was no longer applauding, but in an uproar.

"Did Naughty Cat really turn another player's work into an independent game? And it appeared at this time as the finale?"

"Isn't this the ultimate means of Naughty Cat, relying on this game to solve the problem of capital chain?"

"Isn't this a bit too magical? Is this game really okay?"

At this time, Naughty Cat's competitors around the world couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene.

West was amazed: "It's really panicking, is this the only way? A community map born in Warcraft? Lin Mo, you disappoint me a little."

Ito Makoto laughed and planned to get up and go to the gym for a while, muttering to himself: "Sure enough, you have no backup. If we talk about cooperation again, it will not be an exclusive game."

At the headquarters of Baofeng Entertainment, Moreno laughed so hard that tears almost came out.

The laughter stopped after a long time.

"Lin Mo, Lin Mo, although I, Baofeng Entertainment, have recruited some of your people and established a relevant project team. You don't think this so-called MOBA game can really be popular, do you?"

Compared to the silent doubts of peers, the response among the player community is still not small.

Many players have experienced the fun of this new type of game on Warcraft, and even independent communities have been born to share experience, gameplay and hero strategies.

[It's a bit interesting, but this game is the backhand of Naughty Cat? Can it really get out of trouble by relying on this? ]

[Who cares, just play it, and buy more skins when the time comes]

[Brothers, believe me, this map is really fun!!! ]

[Naughty Cat's new game must be supported, but it feels a bit sorry for such a big battle with just this one game? Start the next step now? ]

The audience was confused and a little at a loss.

There was no real machine screen, no changes or gameplay introduction.

That's it!

The fans were especially confused.

Big brother, you are the most important sponsor, so important, with the task of pulling Naughty Cat out of the quagmire.

Is it all right?

Like ordinary manufacturers?

No matter how much you want to say, you have to face the reality helplessly.

Because, the next is the most important annual game award ceremony.

Jeff announced in a loud voice: "The Electronic Arts Award for the Best Game of the Year, the nominee is - "Xenoblade Torment"! Congratulations!"

Hearing this name, many producers who thought they would have a chance to win the best prize without Naughty Cat's game showed a little disappointment on their faces.

But then they applauded again.

Because this game is a very unique game, and it is a game that has been promoted on the Origin platform as an exception this year.

The gameplay of the game can only be said to be standard, but the depth of the plot can be said to have reached an unprecedented depth in RPG games.

It is well-received but not popular.

[Hey, it's not Naughty Cat Game that won the Best of the Year, I still feel a little awkward]

[Anyway, it's assumed that the Best of the Year is the second game of the year, what's the difference]

[Xenoblade Torment? This is a good game, but it has too much information, a little obscure, and not so easy to understand]

[Indeed, if it wasn't Naughty Cat Game, this game would indeed be a good choice for the Best of the Year]

[But the ceremony is over like this? I always feel a little unsatisfied]

As if to respond to the expectations of the fans watching this live broadcast, it didn't end after the award recipient walked off the stage.

Lin Mo walked onto the stage again.

It seemed to say that the surprise was still to come.

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