Many players have already closed the software and web pages they were watching.

Everyone has their own thoughts. Some are pure gamers who are looking forward to the appearance of "League of Legends".

Some fans of Naughty Cat are worried that they can't get through the difficulties with just one game.

Even many rivals are already opening champagne at this time. This thorn in the eye finally has nothing to do.

Everyone was surprised to see Lin Mo go on stage again after the annual best award was presented.

[He went on stage at this time. Wouldn't it be the sponsor who personally announced the end? ]

[What should I do? I'm excited. I feel like there will be something big]

[What are you thinking about? Naughty Cat is a company that makes games. What big things can it have? You're thinking too much]

Lin Mo naturally didn't know what the players were talking about, but he could roughly guess one or two.

At this time, the entire stage was dark, and the spotlight was on him.

The participants in the ceremony below the stage all had different expressions.

Some were surprised, some were excited, and some were smiling.

The birth of a console naturally cannot be just about games. The games that can be installed are the top priority.

The initial sales of the console still depend on Naughty Cat's games.

But games from other manufacturers are also indispensable.

Some manufacturers in the audience looked excited and expectant, and they signed a confidentiality agreement, and their games will be exclusive to Switch in the future.

They have also been looking forward to the announcement of today's blockbuster content for a long time.

"Hello, dear players and friends, I am Lin Mo."

"In the past year, countless works that can be called works of art have been launched, bringing a feast to players."

"According to incomplete statistics, the global game market size reached 1267.3 billion yuan in the past year, a year-on-year increase of 6%. The global mobile game market size was 608.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.9%. The global market size of the console game market was 321.4 billion, a year-on-year increase of 5%. The console game market size was 297 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 11%."

"The past five years have been five years of rapid development of the game industry, and the global game market has experienced rapid expansion. Among them, the number of high-quality games has increased by more than twenty times compared with five years ago, and the satisfaction of players' consumption has increased significantly compared with the past."

Hearing these meaningful words, many people at the scene chuckled kindly.

Many people understand the meaning of this.

What day was it five years ago?

Naughty Cat came out of nowhere.

The number of high-quality games has increased by more than twenty times, indeed.

Most of them are contributed by Naughty Cat.

With this catfish, game companies around the world are forced to start focusing on quality.

[Hahahaha, this is using data to seduce those big companies that continue to produce garbage]

[Although I am a console player, I will support Naughty Cat's games if I can only play them on PC in the future. Such conscientious companies cannot disappear]

[New players in recent years may not know that the gaming environment in the past was very stinky]

[This doesn't sound like a simple closing speech]

Looking at the many expectant eyes in the audience, Lin Mo raised his voice and said: "In order to bring more and better games to players, and to have a better platform to carry more fantastic ideas."

"At the beginning of the new year, a new surprise for everyone. A brand new console developed by Naughty Cat - Switch."

The scene was instantly in an uproar, and the originally quiet venue was full of whispers.

"Did I hear it wrong? A brand new console?"

"I heard it wrong. A game manufacturer making a console is too ridiculous."

"Looking at the faces of my colleagues around me, why do I feel that someone has known this news for a long time?"

"Damn, what is this on the big screen?! It's really a new console!!!"

As soon as Lin Mo finished speaking, a promotional video appeared on the big screen behind him.

A "console" that looks a bit "strange" and different from what players have seen.

Seeing this red, blue and black console appear, the barrage exploded directly.

[Fuck! ! I thought I heard it wrong, it's really a new console! ]

[Ward made a console? Being targeted by two major console manufacturers, he made a console himself in anger? ]

[Awesome! ! You are indeed a naughty cat, you have a temper, you don't want to play with me, right? I'm going to set up my own business]

In the CEO's office of the Lighthouse Yageo Hard Game Department, West choked on his red wine and coughed violently, his face flushed.

In the gym of the headquarters of Soni, Makoto Ito, who was running, sprained his leg and looked at the console on the big screen with a confused face.

There was only one thought in his mind.

I admire young people with temper, but I have never met such a young person with such temper.

That is a console!

Technology, funds, channels, games, design.

Any problem in any link will cause the sudden death of the game console.

Massive investment will be wasted in an instant.

There are also consortiums in history that envy the achievements of the two giants Soni and Juying in consoles.

In the end, they just spent countless money and time, and finally ended in disgrace.

But there is a very big difference between Naughty Cat and those greedy consortiums.

That is Lin Mo.

He may be the one who knows games best in the world, no one else.

In an instant, my whole body was numb, I felt goose bumps all over my body, and a chill ran through my body.

"No, no, we must not let Switch be accepted by the majority of players."

Lighthouse Country and Xiao Rizi, two big names in the game industry, have made a decision secretly.

Back to the venue.

Everyone stared at the demonstration on the big screen.

As the first promotional video for the game console interview, this video will basically demonstrate all the features of the game console.

Many manufacturers are curious about one thing.

Carry more fantastic ideas?

Will it make any essential difference from the other two consoles?

At the beginning of the promotional video.

It was a sunny early morning on the weekend.

In the living room, a player was holding a controller and playing an open world game on TV that no player had ever seen.

Look at the name marked on the video.

[The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild? Is it a story about a hero called Zelda? ]

[The style of this game is so cute, it doesn't look like the style of the mainstream open world 3A games now]

The screen of the mobile phone on the coffee table lit up, it was a party invitation sent by a friend.

After replying with a "OK", he turned off the TV, walked forward, took a tablet off the base, put it in his backpack and went out.

On the subway on his way to work, he took out the tablet and started playing.

The name of the game he was playing was marked on the screen, "Super Mario: Odyssey"

At this time, the screen gave a close-up, and many people finally understood.

"Wait, a handheld game console? A handheld game console that has been proven to be out of step with the trend of the times? Is it true?"

"Why does this game console feel a bit out of place? Is it a handheld game console or a console?"

"Eh? My current project is relatively light, and it seems to be more suitable for this kind of game console."

The promotional video continued.

Several boys gathered together, and the four of them had two such handheld game consoles in total.

At this time, each of the four people had a controller, and they played happily in groups of two.

Looking at the screen again, the name of the game marked was "FIFA". Although there was no clear information about the two sides, judging from the vague jersey colors, it was the national derby between Real Madrid and Barcelona.

The screen switched back and forth again and again.

In the gym, some people hold a ring-shaped object with two Switch handles tied to it, playing games in a fitness way.

The name of the game displayed is "Ring Fit Adventure".

Indoors, outdoors, on the subway, in school, family gatherings

In short, wherever there are people, there is Switch.

Light games suitable for playing on handheld games, heavy games suitable for playing on TV, and party games suitable for playing at gatherings.

Everything is available.

And because of the touch screen and somatosensory, the types of games are even more diverse.

With special VR glasses, there are even corresponding early childhood education games, mainly based on popular science and interaction.

I even saw a paper box with a handheld game console and two handles, which can be combined like handicrafts to make fun physical toys.

In just three minutes, the characteristics of the game console are fully demonstrated.

Portable, interesting, suitable for all ages.

There is no masterpiece that looks like a bursting picture and awesome.

Almost all the games that appeared are centered on two words - creativity!

The video came to the end.

The player who went out of the house to meet friends at the beginning returned home, held his child and sat with his wife, plugged the handheld game console into the base next to the TV, and opened a "Super Mario: Party".

The family was happy.

The camera gradually pulled away from the window of the living room, and the logos of Naughty Cat and Switch appeared on the screen.

When the lights came on, many people had not yet recovered from the shock brought by the machine.

"How do you feel?"

"This machine. I can't comment. Dare to make such a rebellious innovation, either open a new path, or mean violent death."

"I am curious about many of the games that appeared just now. It seems that they are all first-party games of Naughty Cat. Lin Mo has really prepared a lot."

"This may be the console with the strongest first-party game lineup in history, no one else. Just relying on the name of Naughty Cat, it is not a problem to ship 10 million units."

The shock brought by the video ended.

The game industry practitioners at the scene and watching the live broadcast began to think about one thing.

What kind of impact will this console bring to the industry?

The carriers of games are nothing more than mobile phones, consoles and PCs.

A new and ambitious console will disrupt the plans of many game manufacturers.

Some people are considering whether to put their games of average quality on Switch, taking advantage of the rapid expansion period of the new console and reducing risks by exclusive fees.

Some people are considering whether to take a gamble and develop some games that are fully adapted to the functions of the new console. If they can catch the east wind, it means making money lying down, and the game will not worry about selling at all.

Some people are also considering whether this console will have any impact on their own companies, whether they should target it and kill this unstable factor in the cradle.

Compared with the practitioners' various thoughts, players are much more excited.

[I have wanted to buy a console for a long time but have never been able to convince my wife. Now I have a chance]

[Why can't I suffer for my children? Why can't I be poor in education? For the sake of my children, I can only reluctantly place an order]

[shut up and take my money! ! ]

[Hold your words and upload the link. I’ve long been unhappy with the two major hosting companies]

[I would like to ask if a girl who usually only likes to play casual games like Plants vs. Zombies should buy a Switch? Is it difficult to operate? 】

It has only been three minutes since the Switch console was unveiled, and it has quickly become a hot search and trending list in various countries.

Some players are weird.

According to the past, as soon as there is any big news in the gaming industry, the media marketing account will publish the news immediately, and the difference between before and after is less than a minute, or even more than ten seconds.

Why is it obviously later than usual today?

Because the editors of various media outlets are numb.

No matter which award ceremony, the nomination list will be released in advance.

No matter who wins the prize, there will be a draft written in advance. As long as you see the results when the time comes, just send the corresponding ones.

But the Electronic Arts Awards are different.

I didn’t mention in advance that Naughty Cat was the biggest sponsor!

It didn’t say that the Naughty Cat Games national team wouldn’t go out to compete in person!

Not to mention that there would be such a big surprise at the end of the ceremony, the kind that would blind one's eyes.

Highlight a surprise.

The lights on the stage came on again.

Only this time, it was not Lin Mo who appeared on the stage, but Zhou Yun.

He also said with excitement: "Hello everyone, I am Zhou Yun from Genting Technology. Now I will show you the game performance and features of the console, and answer some questions. Finally, the price of the game console will be announced. Release date and pre-sale starts today.”

Since this ceremony is sponsored by Naughty Cat, it is a good time for Chinese players and audiences.

So at this moment, I don’t know how many people hurriedly got out of their beds, with sleepy eyes, trying to cheer up, listening to Chinese that they didn’t understand at all, awkward simultaneous interpretation, and watching the most exciting part of this ceremony. .

For the screen demonstration, the game "Hunter: Call of the Wild" is used, which is mainly based on the realism of the screen and can be called a hardware killer.

[The picture seems to have shrunk, it seems not as realistic as the one on XGame]

[After all, this is a two-in-one handheld and host machine, and this picture is completely acceptable]

[The exclusive positioning of this game is obviously different, this picture is enough]

In terms of somatosensory, the demonstration uses "Fitness Ring Adventure".

[Isn’t this a masterpiece to get your girlfriend to agree to buy a console? 】

[Who can refuse the joy of playing games and working out at home?]

Since the VR demonstration cannot be viewed particularly intuitively on a large screen, the main demonstration is the low latency of VR.

During the question-answering session.

"Excuse me, Switch is a console that has never been seen before. How difficult is it to develop? Are there any barriers for small and medium-sized manufacturers?"

Zhou Yun obviously had many answers in his heart and said without hesitation: "In this regard, Naughty Cat has special free technical support to ensure that even independent game teams can develop without obstacles."

"Will Naughty Cat's first-party game have a clear release date? You know, we don't want a game that has been in preparation for a long time to hit the release date."

As soon as this was said, there was some good-natured laughter.

Zhou Yun said with great certainty: "Naughty Cat's first-party console exclusive game will be announced at least four months in advance."

"Excuse me, will Switch exclude other manufacturers' games, suppress dissidents, and remove other companies' games in order to compete?"

As soon as these words came out, the venue, which was originally full of whispers, fell silent for an instant.

Even Zhou Yun didn't expect this problem.

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows and glanced at Jeff.

The latter quickly shook his head and waved his hands: "It's not me, I'm not looking for any excuse."

This highly targeted question goes straight to the core of this series of events.

Zhou Yun didn't need to look at his boss and said bluntly: "Don't worry. Switch will uphold the same policy as the origin platform. As long as the rules of the platform are respected, Naughty Cat will never reject or remove any third-party game." (End of chapter)

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