As soon as this was said, the practitioners at the scene burst into applause.

There are not many cases in the industry where games like Naughty Cats are targeted and removed from the shelves, but there are some.

Fortunately, the two consoles are evenly matched.

When faced with competitors, you still have to be restrained.

Otherwise, you dare not imagine what it would be like if one company dominated the market.

Now there is a new disruptor, and it is Naughty Cat, which has a good reputation.

There are new choices and new strong competitors.

It can give game developers more choices when choosing a login platform, and the emergence of Switch is also a deterrent to the other two.

The triangle is the most stable, an eternal truth.

After a period of Q\u0026A, basically all the topics that the practitioners present were interested in knowing have been answered.

Next is the most important time.

The price of the game console and the release time!

Makoto Ito, who is far away in his daily life, and West in the Lighthouse Country, sat up nervously when they saw this.

You should know that the price of both consoles is not low, a full $599.

For many players, the decisive factor in choosing a console is the price.

Including the price of the console, the price of the game, etc.

Games have to be bought with real money, and most players will only buy less than ten games in the entire life cycle of the game console.

Zhou Yun: "Then, let's reveal the price of Switch."

The big screen on the stage did not keep the secret, and several numbers appeared directly on the big screen.

Those numbers stung the hearts of everyone who was not happy to see Naughty Cat turn over.

Among them, the price column of the domestic area, a number directly excited the players watching the live broadcast.

The price of the basic version of the domestic area: 2799

The price of the US area: 400 dollars

Seeing this price, the audience couldn't help but exclaimed again.

These game developers were all tempted.

A lower console price means a wider audience, which means opportunities.

In the live broadcast room, the players also climaxed.

[Wait, 2799? Are you kidding? This price is 65% of the price of the two consoles, right? ? ]

[Wow, this pricing strategy seems to be different from the positioning of the other two game consoles]

[This price is understandable. After all, it can be seen from the previous configuration table that the performance of this game console is generally not as good as the two consoles]

[It would be irrational to compete with the two consoles in terms of image quality. We have already developed a consumption habit]

The players in the Lighthouse Country who were watching the live broadcast with the time difference were also excited, and a group of anchors kept shouting "Oh my god".

The price of $400 is more expensive than that of the domestic area, but compared with the other two consoles, it is simply conscience.

Since the price of the game has been determined, it is natural to announce the first game to be installed.

Among them, the open world game "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild", which has appeared repeatedly in the promotional video of the game console and is very eye-catching, is listed.

Finally, the release time of the game console.

A big April 20th on the screen made the players who were afraid of having to wait for a long time shout "Momen" on the spot.

[So I can play the new machine in four months? I'm so excited. I can have fun during the May Day holiday.]

[But the problem is that this machine was launched too hastily. Which console is not launched after a few years of preheating?]

[This game lineup is a bit thin. It seems that there are not many good ones except the first-party games of Naughty Cat.]

[I don't mind. I plan to support it. With the quality of the first-party games of Naughty Cat, it's worth buying one.]

Zhou Yun was very happy to hear the applause from the audience, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he can barely be considered a game player, he only plays it as a game in his spare time.

But to be honest, he doesn't understand games.

Seeing the enthusiastic response of the well-known developers in the audience, I believe the response of the players is not much worse.

The final Switch press conference can be said to be very successful.

At the end of the exhibition, Jeff was replaced again.

Although his expression looks calm, those who are careful can see his inner tension from his clenched fists.

"Thanks to the sponsor Naughty Cat Entertainment Games Company, and thank you to the players and participants for their support. At nine o'clock tonight, the first batch of 500,000 Switch consoles will be available for pre-order on the Switch official website, Naughty Cat official website, and Tianshu Mall. This year's Electronic Arts Award ends here, see you next year!"

Amidst the applause, Jeff bowed deeply to the audience, and the camera gradually pulled away to give a panoramic view of the stage.

When Jeff raised his head again, he could no longer hold back his inner emotions, with a bright smile on his face.

Although he hasn't seen the specific data yet, he can clearly know one thing.

The Electronic Game Award was a great success.

It will no longer be difficult to replace the WGA one day in the future.

"Thank you Naughty Cat"

I added silently in my heart, and even felt a little pity for those who took advantage of Naughty Cat's misfortune this time.

It is obviously a very reliable and easy-to-talk partner.

Why do so many brainless people have to be enemies with it?

It's really puzzling.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was overwhelming, the applause at the scene lasted for a long time, and the reputation on the hot search list was at its peak.

There seemed to be a general revelry, but many people were unhappy.

West looked gloomy. Today's live broadcast gave him a big surprise.

No, I should say frightened.

He thought about the naughty cat's self-rescue behavior, and thought about some exciting news at the Electronic Arts Awards.

I originally thought that it might just launch a series of games that are more suitable for PC.

But even if I stretched my imagination to the limit, I never expected to see a console come out.

A bit too tempered, right? !

Nowadays, the price of a console remains high, not only because it does not want to reduce the price, but also because the cost is not low.

Whether it’s Soni or Mega Hardware, the two companies have considered lowering the configuration and price of some consoles and taking another route to attract more players.

But there is no way.

The ship is in serious danger of turning around, and no one dares to try it easily.

If it succeeds, everything will be fine; if it fails, it will be doomed.

Unexpectedly, what I wanted to do was actually snatched away by Naughty Cat.

At this point, it is no longer useful to think about whether there was any problem with the original negotiation with Naughty Cat. The top priority is to think of countermeasures.

It's already enough to have one Souni as a competitor, how can one more be enough?

And that was a naughty cat who was good at creating miracles, so he had to be cautious, no matter how cautious he was.

He watched the final curtain call of the Electronic Arts Awards on the screen and kept thinking.

What XGame has always been good at is not first-party games, but its dominance in the field of cars, guns and ball.

Many European and American players buy two or three games every year, one for racing, one for ball games, and one for guns, and then play them for a year.

It cannot be said that the first-party game lineup is not strong, but it is still inferior to Soni and Naughty Cat.

This was true even after the successful acquisition of Baofeng Entertainment and the acquisition of the century.

In this case, how can we make the Switch deserve its death?

West naturally looked at the title of an independent game made from a community map that was at the top of the trend list——

"League of Legends".

"It seems that Lin Mo attaches great importance to this game. With their strong production capacity, they have only released news about this one game. Want to rely on it to prop up the huge hole in the Naughty Cat industry chain? This seems to be possible. A curve saves the country.”

West couldn't help but grin.

Just right!

Previously, Baofeng Entertainment took advantage of Naughty Cat's internal turmoil to poach many people with lottery tickets and some revengeful intentions.

Many of these people are old employees of Naughty Cat, and there are also capable generals. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are elite soldiers and generals.

However, due to language and nationality issues, these people were all linked to the Chinese branch of Baofeng Entertainment.

The project under development is a similar MOBA game.

Moreover, the support given was sufficient, and the progress was rapid.

"You want to rely on "League of Legends" to fill this huge hole? The research and development of a console consumes an astronomical amount of money and resources. There is no need to let this game die suddenly, as long as it has an impact and takes away even 30% of "League of Legends" Players are enough to have a profound and far-reaching impact on Lin Mo’s plan.”

As for the host

That old guy Ito Makoto should have more headaches and snipe with all his strength, right?

After all, in the current console buying war, Soni has the upper hand, and its advantage continues to expand.

If this were not the case, Juhard would not intend to acquire Baofeng Entertainment to deepen its moat.

Although there are ways to deal with it, I still feel a little uneasy.

"Let's play a few games of League of Legends to get to know our opponents."

It's not easy for West, and it's not much better for Makoto Ito.

The life cycle of this generation of consoles has reached the middle and late stages, and they are preparing for the next era.

That’s why we approached Naughty Cat to “invite” each other to play exclusive games.

At this time, a competitor who doesn't play according to the rules is really uncomfortable.

"How the hell could this happen? If I had known better, I wouldn't have pressed so hard."

It’s just that there is no regret medicine in the world.

I wanted to expand my exclusive game lineup, but unexpectedly forced out a competitor.

Originally, Naughty Cat had no intention of participating in the console war.

Games are not just about cutting leeks one after another. Especially for big companies, the birth process of a project is extremely complicated.

Currently, within Souni, there are really no open world games released this year.

But we cannot ignore the powerful enemy.

We can only recruit new partners.

Thinking about it, Ito Makoto looked at the potato factory with a huge output of first-party games.

Since Naughty Cat came out and made a name for itself with high-quality games, this major European game company has also been seeking transformation.

The new work also happens to be an open world.

Can we cooperate?

Stop Naughty Cat's "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild"?

Although it is hasty, it is not necessarily a sure win.

But at least it can cause some trouble, right?

at the same time.

Baofeng Entertainment China Branch.

"Look, what I said, "League of Legends" will be launched soon, but no one believes it, what now?"

Liu Hu looked at several core members of the team with pride.

Several team members shared a look of envy and admiration, at least on the surface.

There was even a flatterer in the conference room who said bluntly: "You are indeed a member of the Naughty Cat Visibility Team."

Upon hearing this, the flattering deskmate quickly nudged his colleague with his elbow.

According to past experience, some job-changers are very taboo about contacting the parent company in advance.

But unexpectedly, after saying this, Liu Hu actually nodded very helpfully and said: "That's a naughty cat. You can't get in unless you have a certain level."

After hearing this, some people still showed admiration on their faces.

But I couldn't help but murmur in my heart.

Didn’t you sneak in during the period when Naughty Cat was expanding rapidly?

If he was really a capable soldier, why would he have been stuck in the "Warcraft" project team and never participated in the development of subsequent important large-scale projects?

I think so in my heart, but I must not say it with my mouth.

After all, he is the leader.

"Okay, let's continue with the meeting. As you have seen, "League of Legends" has been officially announced. Although there is no specific release time yet, according to my understanding of Naughty Cat, the game will be launched soon."

"In the field of MOBA games, in addition to "League of Legends", it is our project "Thunder Heroes". The company has invested a lot of money in this project and has created something that everyone can enjoy."

After a lot of painting by Barabara.

"Okay, if you have any questions, just ask them. I will take advantage of this conference to answer them. I don't want there to be any deviation from the design intention."

After these words were spoken, an arm was raised in the conference room.

"Director Liu, I still think that canceling the economy and equipment system is debatable. Now if I work overtime, I can add this system back before going online."

Liu Hu interrupted directly and rudely: "Okay, this goes without saying. What we want to do is not a "League of Legends" like, and we don't need to follow Naughty Cat in everything."

"Director Liu, I have a question. But the experience point system has also been cancelled. Isn't this a bit too aggressive?"

Liu Hu: "Remember. "Thunder Heroes" is a team game. The core and greatest fun provided to players is teamwork. These designs are all for this."

"Director Liu, winning or losing the game depends entirely on the mechanics of line control, teamfighting and map grabbing. These mechanisms are even more powerful than the Baron in "League of Legends". In addition, shared experience and no equipment, do they put pressure on players' personal abilities?" Is it too low?”

Liu Hu: "No. The rich hero pool provides a variety of hero types. Some heroes have extremely high operating limits and can lead team battles. This is a reward for operational players."

"However, it is difficult for LOL to balance the hero characteristics on the map in just one map. Is it too difficult to balance the balance of so many maps in "Thunder Heroes"?"

Liu Hu: "No, so it is in the game."

This overtime meeting lasted for a long time.

At the end, except for Liu Hu who left refreshed, everyone else looked exhausted.

After he left, some people in the office looked at each other, talking in low voices and getting ready to go home from get off work.

"What do you think of this project?"

"It's hard to say. MOBA games are originally a new game type defined by Lin Mo. If I knew, I wouldn't be a coder."

"What are your plans for tonight?"

"Playing League of Legends?"

"Okay!" (End of this chapter)

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