the next day.

The Moyu duo discussed yesterday's game content with great interest.

"The hero Juggernaut is so powerful. I can't even imagine how much fun it will be when the independent version of LOL comes out! And both AP and AD can be played, it's simply invincible."

"Tch, didn't I choose a wet nurse for you to increase the blood and you were able to kill five times last night?"

"That's not the first time I managed to kill the opponent. Well, what is the name of the Dark Ranger's model after it has been changed to blue color and skills?"

"Ice Archer Ashe."

"Oh, yes! That Ashe named Jungle Tiger is really cool. When I saw him choose this hero, I directly chose Juggernaut, chopping melons and vegetables! I'm really not used to this naming. The director is here and I don't know. What kind of weird changes will there be today? Good morning, Director Liu! Did you sleep well last night?"

Liu Hu yawned and rubbed his eyes.

Although he was also on the Warcraft project team, he had not left even when the LOL project was established.

However, the gameplay of this type of game has not yet been completely finalized, and he also needs to log in to the game frequently to see the latest updates.

It can be said that it changes with each passing day, and it will change drastically if you don't play it for a few days.

Last night, I naturally played a lot of games for the purpose of working.

Just a poor record.

After hearing this, he looked over, nodded to the fishing duo and said, "Well, I was a little late in the research last night."


The two members of the fishing team were stunned.

Currently, there are many MOBA games on the market that follow the trend of winning prizes, but currently only LOL can be played.

Research, isn’t it just LOL?

"Director, have you played League of Legends? What heroes are you good at? Do you want to play together?"

"Okay, I'm just checking to see if there is anything that can be optimized in terms of the blackout experience of the LOL project. My name is Jungle Tiger #34277."

"Okay, the friend request has been sent, etc."

It was only in hindsight that I realized something was wrong.

Isn't the Jungle Tiger the dishonest Han Bing I met last night?

Liu Hu took out his mobile phone and opened the mobile version of the Origin Platform.

When I saw the ID I applied to add as a friend, I remembered something, and my expression became a little unnatural.

Damn, I should have banned Master Yi of The Infinite Sword Master last night.

Thinking about the five kills he received from his employees while playing games last night, his face turned blue and purple.

The Moyu duo's faces turned pale and they couldn't help but shrink their heads, expecting to receive a scolding.

Liu Hu finally restrained himself from getting angry and said calmly: "I'm not the kind of leader who gets angry just because he loses a game. Don't worry, you two."

The fishing team breathed a sigh of relief.

However, before he could take a breath, he heard Liu Hu continue: "LOL has another big disadvantage, that is, it is too easy to target in the game selection interface, and the existence of the BAN position will make many people think... Players who play fixed heroes are disappointed. This is a very failed design. Therefore, in "Thunder Heroes", we need to optimize the mechanism of selecting a hero first and then starting the game, and then enter the game directly. Keep an eye on you two and do your best."

After that, he turned around and walked towards his office.

The faces of the Moyu duo turned green.

Damn, change the matching mechanism? !

This thing is an important mechanism related to the core experience of the game!

Naughty Cat’s CSGO game experience is good because of its excellent matching mechanism.

This workload can be described as huge.

The issues involved cannot be explained in a few sentences.

"It's all your fault. What sword master did you choose?"

"How could I know?"

In the same city, Naughty Cat's park.

Many people in the "League of Legends" project team also have dark circles under their eyes, obviously working a lot of overtime.

In the lounge, Zhang Chengbo stretched his cervical spine and let out a sigh of relief.

On the other side is Zuo Xuming, a workaholic.

One is responsible for preparing the design and development of the independent game "League of Legends", and the other is doing numerical balancing.

"Honestly, when I started working at Naughty Cat, I never thought I would have such a stressful day."

Zhang Chengbo smiled bitterly, rubbed his sore eyes, took a sip of coffee.

Zuo Xuming chuckled and said: "It doesn't matter, the project is all under General Manager Lin's supervision. As long as he doesn't say anything, your current work direction is correct. Even if this project fails, Naughty Cat will still be able to overcome the difficulties."

"I believe Mr. Lin is right, but when I think about the fact that there are some problems in the company, and only the project I am responsible for has problems, the pressure is not as great as usual."

"An Xin, you are in the company of the person who knows the most about games in the world. Mr. Lin says there is no problem in this direction, so just let it go and keep going."

Zhang Chengbo was silent for a few seconds, and then said with some confusion: "Before Liu Hu resigned, he summarized the core fun of MOBA games, which is the game of operation, operation and competition for resources. He even thought about deleting the economic equipment system and allowing the team to share experience points. Making "League of Legends" with this as the core. But why was it rejected by Mr. Lin? I think this is a development path."

Zuo Xuming touched his chin and thought for a while, then said: "The current player base of tens of thousands is still too small, so I can't give you an answer for the time being. But Mr. Lin mentioned an answer. The development and improvement of the characters in each game, Commonly known as the sense of upgrade.”

Feeling like an upgrade?

Zhang Chengbo frowned and thought about these three words.

They are all practitioners in the game industry and are no strangers to this concept.

The simplest game model is to set a goal for the player to achieve.

On the way to achieve the goal, because the game types are different, the ways to take this path are different, and small goals will be set one by one.

Achieve small goals one by one and gradually improve your skills, strength, stats, and equipment.

This process of gradual improvement is the most addictive process, which involves the most important concept at the game level.

Positive feedback!

In Monster Hunter or MMORPG, you are constantly hunting stronger monsters to obtain new equipment, stronger stats, and better appearances.

Why is it that Dark Souls has countless game mechanics that reduce difficulty, but so many players find it difficult to get stuck? Because the improvement of players' own skills is the most difficult to quantify, but the positive feedback and sense of accomplishment brought by defeating the BOSS and clearing the level are also unparalleled. of.

Zhang Chengbo continued to think about his game playing, when was the most enjoyable time?

Is it a solo kill of the enemy hero? yes.

In addition to proving his superb skills, the core source is the positive feedback of leading the equipment economy experience after a single kill to better win the final victory.

Is it to capture wild resources such as big dragons and small dragons? Yes, but the roots remain the same.

These various elements constitute positive feedback. The most direct and intuitive way to obtain positive feedback is damage numbers, experience points, increased equipment, and BUFFs on the body.

What would be the consequences of taking away all this, and even adding shared experience?

First of all, the core of victory is experience value, and all players share experience. To suppress the opponent in terms of level requires better tacit understanding and cooperation between players, which greatly weakens "individual heroism".

The suppression of experience points can lead to victory in team battles, thereby grabbing extremely powerful map mechanisms. For example, players are completely unable to match monsters that can help demolish towers.

The advantage is that it pays more attention to team strength rather than individual ability. It is really fun to have a group of friends who are suitable for playing black games together.

But the disadvantage is also coordination.

This makes it difficult for the elder brother to carry in the fish pond game. It is not like the current map version of LOL where one person can crush the opponent with six divine equipment, nor is it like CSGO where one can fight three against one or even destroy the team by one person.

The positive feedback that players lack is not just a little or two, but a lot.

Such a big problem is that it focuses too much on competitiveness and ignores gameplay.

It has become a game that is good at everything, but just not fun.

After thinking about this, he excitedly expressed all his thoughts.

Then, I saw Zuo Xuming's confused eyes.

"Well, actually, this is a word that Mr. Lin mentioned. You may be right, but I am not Mr. Lin, so I cannot foresee the importance of a change to the development of the game."

Zhang Chengbo felt a little embarrassed and touched his nose.

But after thinking carefully for a while, he suddenly said: "But I have to admit that some of the ideas in "Thunder Heroes" are really good. Can I borrow some of them and make them into active maps and active gameplay in the game?"

"That's a good suggestion. Like?"

"For example, before Liu Hu changed jobs, he talked about the map-grabbing mechanism, summoning some powerful creatures that are almost difficult for normal players to defeat to help him push down towers. Then why don't we design some of the same elements in our event map? ? For example, the demon Teemo is so powerful that it is difficult for five people to defeat it. For example, the battle is between humans and machines, but it is a powerful human-machine that far exceeds the standard and tests every operational decision of the player. Or there is simply no infinite mana. CD’s pure cool mode?”

"Oh? Interesting. Wait a minute, I'll ask Du Rui and Wang Yi to come over. They should be very interested in this."

“Aren’t they two busy developing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild?”

"Hey, they are all the company's flagship projects, regardless of each other."

The two were discussing in such a lively manner that they didn't notice Lin Mo just passing by outside the door.

He made a silent gesture to the employee who was getting the coffee, indicating not to disturb the discussion between the two, and then walked towards his office.

I was a little tired from work this time, so I planned to take a walk and come to see the development situation and explain some things, but now it seems that there is no need.

There is nothing wrong with the general direction. There are only some subtle directions that need to be controlled, which is not difficult.

There is nothing wrong with the design direction of the game. In the end, it is the way to achieve profitability.

This is the most important part of a game, bar none.

Especially free competitive games like LOL.

Many players may be confused, is it a free competitive game, and how can it be charged?

But in fact, the development of this type of game has also gone through a lot of exploration and development before gradually evolving into what it is now.

In fact, in Lin Mo's previous life.

After DOTA became popular, League of Legends was not the only competing product.

At the same time as LOL, there was also a strong competitor, and even a competitor that was crushing at one time-"Heroes of Newerth" (Heroes of Newerth).

The abbreviation is HON.

At its peak, the number of simultaneous online players for this game was several times that of LOL.

But where is the loss?


Yes, this is a one-time payment game that requires purchase.

If we make an analogy, it is the charging model of StarCraft and Warcraft.

Even CSGO initially had a threshold for purchasing games.

Nowadays, players have long been accustomed to free games, and the payment model based on value-added services, skins and passes is already a mature payment model that has been rolled out after countless peers died.

The simplest thing is that the early LOL was not very thoughtful in skin design, and many skins were not even as good-looking as the original skins.

On the contrary, heroes and runes, which are directly linked to the game experience, have many payment points.

How much effect do runes have on heroes?

A crocodile with full runes buys a big red potion with attack and ignites, and can almost kill Teemo without runes in one second with a red rage W.

Because of this, in the early versions that no one knew how to play, countless players were discouraged.

Therefore, Lin Mo also made certain changes.

The first is to skip the rune version, which is the biggest cancer that hinders new players from entering the pit, and use the talent tree system instead.

In terms of heroes, the difficulty of obtaining is greatly reduced.

A game is the most fun when no one knows how to play it, especially when the game is just launched.

As long as players are attracted to play the game, heroes with different styles and many strange ways of playing.

As long as players have the idea of ​​trying other heroes and are willing to stay in the game, there is no need to worry about not making money.

On skins.

Reduce the number of skins for each hero, but ensure that each skin launched is of a certain quality, so that players are willing to spend money.

Finally, it is about updates and changes.

Whether the LOL myth equipment version is good or bad is a matter of opinion.

But it is inevitable that it hinders the return of old players.

Many old LOL players do not want to come back to play, but they cannot come back.

Before the myth equipment version, many players could play a few games of ARAM or Infinite Firepower in their spare time or when they were itchy.

But since the myth version, everything is different.

The heroes have long been different, and there are not many people who can play them well.

The equipment has changed a lot, and I don’t know what to wear and which ones to wear.

I was so confused that I thought I was playing this game for the first time.

This phenomenon must be eliminated.

As for e-sports competitions, this is inevitable for the development of games. After the game develops to a certain extent, even if the official does nothing, there will be third parties actively promoting the competition.

The annual S game must be guaranteed, and the schedule must be compressed to a certain extent.

During the official off-season, clubs are allowed to participate in third-party hosted events.

Only when there are more competitions to guarantee the club's income can more players and event practitioners be supported, and the competition can be dynamic enough.

Since most of the third-party sponsors are cup competitions, as for which clubs you can invite to play, it depends on your own money ability.

E-sports is built on a mature player ecosystem. Without a sufficient player base, e-sports is out of the question. (End of this chapter)

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