Chapter 67 Jill Valentine

Zhou Wei was woken up by his mobile phone in his sleep.

I was still drowsy at first, but I woke up instantly after hearing the words on the phone, and I was no longer sleepy.

sleep? Sleep with a hammer.

When he hurried to the company in the middle of the night, it was already half past one in the middle of the night.

In just one and a half hours, 800,000 users uninstalled the game box.

This is just the data in the middle of the night. By tomorrow, this number will be even more terrifying.

"Lin Mo! You are so cruel, I didn't expect you to be willing to give away your new game!" Zhou Wei angrily slapped the lighter on the table, "If I had known, I shouldn't have let your crappy game be on my platform! Damn it! Tigers are a source of trouble, raising tigers is really a source of trouble!”

If there is no dead end and the two platforms can coexist, things won't be too bad.

Players should receive games, receive games, and praise Linmo, and they will not deliberately delete the game box.

However, in an update of the game box a few days ago, the origin platform will be blocked by scanning the disk, and the two cannot coexist.

In this case, in order to sign in and receive the game, uninstalling the game box has become the choice of many players.


It will become the laughing stock of the industry. Pick it up and put it down gently, and it will further increase the other party's momentum, and more manufacturers will invest in the other party without hesitation.

Are you going to hold on so hard if you don't want to give in?

The number of platform uninstalls will reach a terrible point.

Zhou Zhouwei never expected that he would be forced into this situation by a new game platform that has only been developed for less than a year.

Now we are riding a tiger and it is difficult to get off, no matter what we do, it will not work.

I opened Weibo and took a look. Any tags related to Resident Evil or game boxes were filled with curses.

[I woke up in the middle of the night and came here specifically to uninstall the game box, spitting at the same time to ask for forgiveness from Brother Mo]

[Sorry, my faith is not firm, Momen]

[I knew this bitch from Game Box was not a good person, yet he forced me to choose one of the two while scanning the board? Get out of the retarded box! 】

[I lost the game box, so I couldn’t play Biochemical 3 on the first day after unlocking it! 】

[Zhou Wei, when will you die? 】

The incident occurred suddenly and there was no interference from the navy, which further highlighted the players' first reaction to the incident.

Many players have speculated about the possibility of giving away the game instead of DLC.

But when a legitimate sequel to the biochemical series was actually released, everyone felt like they couldn't believe it.

What a joke, the latest masterpiece is free!

Even at the level of Zombie City, you have to blow it up, right?

Besides, this is a biological crisis.

Although the approximate completion time on the game homepage clearly states that it is about 4 hours.

so what?

This is a free gift!

The two most popular things in the history of games, the first is out of print, and the second is free.

It feels good to have whoring for free for a while, and it feels good to have whoring for free all the time.

Naughty Cat's atmosphere at this time made players who couldn't play the game on the first day pour their anger on the game box.

Players don't care that they sided with the game box and uninstalled the origin platform.

Don't ask. If you ask, you will be deceived and deceived. It is all Zhou Wei's fault.

When the name of the free game was revealed to the world, countless players had already started unified operations across the country.

Uninstall this one, install that one.

On the second day, the third day.

Things are exactly as expected, the number of uninstalls continues to increase.

Zhou Wei was so anxious that his mouth was filled with bubbles. He drank chrysanthemum tea and couldn't get rid of the fever.

We can only hope that Biochemical 3 will suffer from poor quality due to insufficient production cycles, making players unhappy while playing it.

Otherwise, why does the production cycle of Lin Mo's game be so much shorter than others?

Is the quality still that high?


Just bet that the free Biochemical 3 will stretch your hips because the production cycle is too short, and the influence will not be that big!

The day comes when the game is officially unlocked.

Zhou Wei took a deep breath and opened the live broadcast platform, picked a live broadcast room and clicked in, waiting for the game to be unlocked.

In the live broadcast room, Dapeng greeted the audience excitedly.

"Brothers, according to past experience, there will be clues to the next game hidden in Lin Mo's game. Let's do a live broadcast today to squeeze them all out!"

More than a month ago, the first reveal of Biochemical 2 was to broadcast the decryption in his live broadcast room and then tell the world.

Since then, Zhao Peng has done video analysis of games related to Lin Mo immediately, and his traffic is full.

Under Zhou Wei's anxiety, the game was officially unlocked.

After entering the game.

First there is a handheld camera-style documentary, accompanied by the Naughty Cat LOGO.

What is different from the past is that the LOGO has undergone some changes and turned into a cat bullying a zombie mouse.

In the opening scene, those who are familiar with it can tell at a glance that this is the day when Raccoon City suffered a biological outbreak.

There is also the departure of scientific researchers from the umbrella company in white coats, who talk nonsense about creating a better future for mankind, which is extremely ironic.

Games start.

The first-person character gets up from the bed, and the tone of the scene is extremely dark and uncomfortable.

Zhao Peng controlled the character to walk into the bathroom.

From the mirror, I can see that she is a very good-looking woman.

The protagonist in the game lowered his head to turn off the faucet, but suddenly saw blood flowing from his nose and falling into the pool.

In panic, he looked up again, only to find that his eyes were rapidly rotting and deteriorating, and his hands were covered in blood, becoming like a zombie.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Wei trembled just like the barrage.

In panic, he could only pick up the pistol next to his face and aim it at his temple.

The moment the trigger is pulled.

The screen went black.


I opened my eyes in panic, only to find that everything just happened was a nightmare, and the protagonist turned out to be asleep at the desk.

Zhou Wei's heart sank. The thrilling feeling at the beginning and the creation of the atmosphere obviously did not seem to be rushed.

Although it is a game, it feels like watching a movie.

The audience learns through information that the protagonist is called Jill.

He controlled Jill to enter the bathroom again, and this time he could fully see the appearance of the protagonist.

A blue tank top, jeans, short brown hair above the ears, and blue eyes.

【Fuck! So beautiful! 】

[I'm sorry Ada, it's not that I have to abandon you, it's just that I love Jill's style so much]

【Wife! Wife! 】

Zhou Wei was very unhappy.

When faced with BGN's discriminatory responsibility in Resident Evil, he very much hoped that Lin Mo could withstand the pressure, so that if the game sold well, he would make more money.

Now, he extremely hopes that this will be the right kind of heroine like Zombie City.

Can't you make the protagonist look ugly for once?

Then Jill got a call.

"Jill! Are you okay? Listen, you have to run away!"

"Brad? Is that you? What are you talking about?"

"No time to explain, get out of there, now!"

The words have not yet finished.

The wall in front of him exploded with a "boom", and then a terrifying figure walked out with heavy steps.

Tracker, here you go!

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