Only 7 minutes into the game, Wang Zha crashed down.

Zhou Wei's face turned completely ugly now.

Because what follows is a chase inside a building with extremely exciting shots and scene management.

The shock and impact of the pursuer's intention to take your life no matter where in the world is rendered extremely well. The building is collapsing and burning at any time.

The excellent use of camera makes this chase scene full of drama and tension.

Cries for help and noises came from the street.

Citizens fell from tall buildings, and zombies began to attack people.

At this moment, Raccoon City felt like the end of the world was coming, and suddenly everyone was in danger.

Either dead or on the way to death.

Unlike some cult movie-style developments at the beginning, the rest of the game doesn't feel like playing a game, but rather watching a wonderful movie.

A playable movie.

Such a stunning and wonderful opening part can be said to show the charm of the game at a glance.

Zhou Wei doesn't know how to play games, but his ability to appreciate games is not bad.

Different from the slowly unfolding style of the previous game, the beginning of this one can attract the attention of many players.

Let many players who are afraid of being scared dare to try and get in touch with this series.

Not only that, the addition of the dodge system also gives this Valkyrie a unique charm that is different from Leon Claire.

When facing zombie attacks, it adds a sense of operation.

"It's over, it's over"

Waves of regret came to mind.

The game box was originally in good condition and had even submitted an application to the Securities and Exchange Listing Committee.

If nothing else, the listing application can be passed.

but now.

Lean back weakly on the back of the chair.

If it had an impact on this matter, it would really be a big loss.

Naughty Cat, which already has an excellent reputation, has reached a higher level with the gift of Biochemical 3.

In one mission in the game, Jill needs to assist another character, Carlos, in going to the electric tower to restore power and activate the subway to allow citizens to escape from Raccoon City.

Before going to the mission location, you need to pass through an alley full of flames. Jill said on the intercom that there was a fire in the alley and it was impossible to pass.

Carlos quipped: "Surely someone as stunningly beautiful as you can put out a little fire, right?"

In exchange for a cordial greeting from Jill.

"go to hell."

Combined with Jill's peak appearance, it has become a meme circulating on the Internet, and this sentence has even become her symbol——

A stunningly beautiful woman.

In this generation, the game is also very considerate, never sparing to give benefits to players, and you can enjoy Jill's graceful figure.

The famous scene where the sucker performs nucleic acid on Jill made many people blush.

Many novel authors could no longer hold back their ancient strength and wished they could just scream and draw her for three days and three nights.

Naturally, each part of Jill's body is modeled separately to facilitate modders to modify the game to their liking.

As a result, various MODs full of astringency such as maid outfits and bikinis appeared.

The famous scene of Jill wearing these sexy costumes and having her nucleic acid extracted by a head-sucking monster go viral on the short video platform.

Many old porn fans who don't pay attention to games can't help but download the origin platform.

I don’t mean anything else, I just want to criticize Naughty Cat with my own eyes.

But players also discovered some shortcomings of Biochemical 3, that is, it is short.

After the famous scene of making nucleic acid, Jill solved the circuit problem, and on the way back, he was chased by the pursuer again.

Not only was this monster fine after being hit by a rocket, it was also alive and well.

And he only has Jill in his eyes, and his only goal is to kill the survivors of this mansion.

Next, there are the trackers who appear again and again.

The tracker equipped with a flamethrower, the tracker equipped with rockets, and the tracker that turns into a monster with bony fins can bring a different freshness every time.

The puzzle-solving elements of this game have been reduced, replaced by an extremely compact game plot and a more exciting and refreshing combat system.

The advantage is that the game plot is easier to understand and the interaction between characters has also increased a lot.

There is no need to watch the game plot for two or three times like Biochemical 2, read a lot of text, or even watch explanation videos to fully understand it.

But there are also disadvantages. In just over three hours, after beating the tracker four times, the game was completed.

At the end of the game, the nuclear bomb strikes, and Raccoon City becomes history.

Many players are still a bit unsatisfied and haven’t had enough fun!

Then, he glanced at Biochemical 2 hanging on the homepage.

It’s like an enchanting woman ogling the players crazily and saying, “Uncle, come and play~”

Players who received the game for free said they were fooled and cursed Lin Mo for his scheming.

Then I bought Biochemical 2 with tears in my eyes.

In addition to these much-talked-about parts of the game, there are also some small easter eggs that caught the attention of a squeeze-draining anchor like Zhao Peng.

In the previous game Biochemical 2, there was a collection element. You had to smash the figure-sized Mr. Raccoon. If you smash them all, you can get an infinitely durable knife.

Biochemical 3 also inherits the gameplay of collecting elements, but the figures that need to be smashed look a lot strange.

Anthropomorphic sunflower, pea pod, watermelon, star fruit, corn, potato, cherry

Many people suspect that this is Naughty Cat's new game, but this time the speculation is not completely over yet, a trailer was released first.

Game fans said that the feast was too much to eat.

As a result, many people were stunned when they clicked on the trailer.

"Plants vs. Zombies"

What kind of game is this?

Magical music, cute painting style, and game play that can be understood at a glance.

A row of sunflowers and pea shooters attack the incoming zombies.

Some stepped on potato mines, some were blown to ash by cherry bombs, and some red-eyed zombies came and were shot in the head by corn cannons.

Let’s look at the official tag keywords, leisure, puzzle, and tower defense.

This left many fans of the game somewhat disappointed.

[What are you doing, a child’s game? What about Biochemistry 4? 】

[Originally, I wanted to ask why it wasn’t Biochemical 4, but then I suddenly remembered that the first game in the series was released less than two months ago]

[Naughty Cat enters the sub-supply market? 】

Putting aside the controversy over the type of game, the scenes in the trailer look pretty exciting.

The characteristics of various plants can basically be seen at a glance, and the designs of various zombies are also unique.

The trailer is divided into two versions. The main difference is the background music, which is paired with the Chinese and English bilingual version of the music Zombies On Your Lawn.

Just one trailer can tell you everything about the gameplay.

This time, the promotion of the new game did not use the method that Naughty Cat is good at to arouse players' emotions.

That's the most traditional way.

Advertising, local push, pop-ups.

This has disappointed many players. Now the main consumer group of Naughty Cat is the core heavy game players, and the acceptance of this type of casual games is not particularly high.

There are also people who are happy to see the emergence of such a game, and that is Zhou Wei.

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