The second box was opened.

Inside was a golden fish.

The live broadcast room.

Netizens were excited.

【Big yellow croaker!】

【So beautiful, is it wild?】

【I heard that wild ones are super expensive. If so, they must be very valuable.】

【The host can recognize it, but I think you must not understand it.】

【Anchor, come closer, ~ let us have a look. 】

Su Ran nodded slightly and put the camera closer to the foam box.

This yellow croaker is very big and needs to be tilted to fit into the box.

Buzz buzz buzz.


Xiao Ling'er and several bees started to run away again.

Su Ran smiled, and when he picked up the fish, he felt a chill in his palm.

He introduced:"This is the yellow croaker sent by Brother Zhao from the East China Sea Hotel."

"Large yellow croaker is also called stonehead fish, large yellow flower"

"It is the first of the four major marine fishes in my country. Chinese fishermen have already started to catch it in the early period."

"We have been catching yellow croaker for thousands of years, but it has only been in danger since the reign of Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty. The most serious problem was in the 1960s and 1970s, when the popularity of modern fishing boats and the use of fishing nets led to the extinction of wild yellow croaker."

"There are three types of large yellow croaker on the market: farmed and semi-farmed"

"If you want to know how to tell them apart, just look at their body shape. Wild yellow croakers are smaller and taller, with small heads and large dorsal fins. Farmed and semi-farmed ones have big heads and high backs. Some businesses even dye them, so you can't trust them."

"This is a wild yellow croaker, the price should be around 2,000 yuan per catty."

After saying that, he put the yellow croaker down.

The live broadcast room was in an uproar.

【As a coastal person, I feel like I don’t know as much as the anchor】

【I admire the anchor, popular science tells stories】

【Wow, host, have you ever gone fishing at sea?】

【Donghai Hotel Executive Chef Zhao Ge sent out 10 rockets: Where there is a market, there is supply and demand. Fortunately, wild yellow croaker has begun to recover in recent years. I hope the price will be lower next year. Then I will send more rockets to the anchor.】

【Old man Lin Yanping, sent 10 cards: In those days, yellow croaker was only sold for 0.2 yuan per pound, and I was half a witness. Now I can't bear to eat it】

【Aunt Liu, send out 99 weak chickens: It tastes good, but the price is not worth it, hurry up and test the anchor again. 】

Lin Xiaoyu smiled and opened a large foam box

"Ding ding ding ding, I don't believe you've eaten this!"

In the box, there were four colorful lobsters.

They were soaked in water and tied with tape.

Their long tentacles were folded up, but their bodies still looked very scary.

They were about 30 centimeters long.

If the tentacles were included, they would definitely be more than 1 meter long.

In the live broadcast room, netizens were excited.

【What a big lobster!】

【What kind of crappy restaurant is this? You don't even have 2 pounds of lobster. Give me a plate of stewed pancakes!】

【Hahaha, the guy upstairs is an old crosstalk listener】

【Although the anchor is from Coco Island, he must have been scared this time.】

【Just kidding , the anchor has never even seen a live sea fish in the mountains. 】

Netizens were overjoyed. They all joked.

Su Ran smiled and carefully picked up a big lobster. (To read the violent novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

He gestured and found that the head was bigger than his palm.

Then, he introduced:

"This is the Chinese lobster sent by Xidahu Restaurant"

"Chinese lobster, also known as lobster, flower lobster"

"The Chinese lobster is the largest of the lobster genus, with the largest one being able to grow up to 60 cm. Although its scientific name contains the Chinese character, it is not only distributed along the coast of my country, but also in Asia, the South Pacific and the Curry Ocean."

"Lobsters are delicious, but you must be curious why we often see lobster heads as decorations on TV instead of being processed into delicacies. This is obviously not worthy of the chefs of the eight major cuisines in my country."

"In fact, we don't eat lobster heads because they urinate from their faces. They have green glands in their heads."

"In addition, lobsters have two stomachs, one behind the eyes, which is used to crush food, and the other in the abdomen, which is the digestive organ. So it is best not to eat its head, because it has no meat and has a strong fishy smell."

"The Chinese lobster usually lives in waters 1 to 10 meters deep. It mainly preys on small fish, shrimps, crabs, shellfish and sea urchins. It is usually nocturnal, hiding in caves during the day and coming out at night, so it is very difficult to catch."

"I remember a few years ago, a fisherman went out to sea and caught a 6.6-pound lobster, which he sold for a whopping 1 million yuan."

"The high returns have made countless people willing to take risks to catch them, so their numbers in my country have become endangered. It is now a second-protected species."


【Second insurance?】

【Damn it, report that Xidahu Restaurant!】

【My goodness, how many years will it take to grow this big? Even the waiter needs to be caught】

【Really? The anchor may have to go in.】

【The anchor was in trouble. He didn't get to eat the lobster, but he got to eat the cabbage stewed with tofu! 】

The live broadcast room was in an uproar.

Netizens were posting comments crazily.

Su Ran shook his head slightly:"Don't worry, everyone"

"As I said just now, lobsters are not unique to my country, they also migrate."

"So this lobster should be from Australia, where the water quality is good and the breeding technology is much higher than ours. If it is wild, this box is worth millions of yuan and cannot be sold in China."

His words made the live studio feel relieved.

【Chef Liang of Xidahu Restaurant sent out 10 super rockets: Thank you for the anchor's help. This is indeed imported from Australia. Each one is only more than 2,000 yuan. Our restaurant imports it from Australia specifically to satisfy all the gourmets. Friends who are interested can come and taste the delicious lobsters, but don't say anything illegal. I can't stand the daily inspections.】

【Hahaha, sorry sorry】

【Look at you guys, you scared the chef so much that he got sick, and you even grabbed the waiter, haha】

【Is it really so cheap at over 2,000 yuan? I want to go there too!】

【Don't be silly, that's the purchase price. If the restaurant makes it, it will probably cost another two thousand.】

【Uh... I'd rather eat crayfish.】

【Can't afford to eat】

【No wonder I fried the lobster head last time, it was not tasty at all】

【The anchor is too knowledgeable, we can't afford to offend him】

【Who said, let's go for the beef!

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