Live Broadcast: I, Social Terror, Scare My Blind Date Partner

72. Riding Face And Mocking? Nonexistent! He Is Not Worthy Of Playing The Villainous Boss!

Also because of this,

After Duan Kun listened to Zhao Lusi's plea,

I almost refused without even thinking about it!


I also really want to help you,

But I really don't know how to act,

if this goes,

Maybe it won't be of much help to you, but it will even cause trouble for you!


Duan Kun underestimated Zhao Lusi's determination to invite him!

After hearing Duan Kun's refusal,

This girl actually started to froth!

"Brother Duan, saving a scene is like putting out a fire!"

"Brother Duan, please!"

"Come on, come on, come on!"

"If you help me, I will be very grateful to you!

"Otherwise, how about I be your girlfriend?"


"And I'm a big star!"

"You take me out in the future, what a face!"

"Brother Duan, I kowtow to you!"

"Listen to—"

"Boom boom boom!"

"Brother Duan, if you don't come, I won't be able to get up on my knees!"

"Kneel myself to death here!"

Hearing these words from Zhao Ruth,

Duan Kun opened his mouth wide on the spot.

He had only heard of it before,

woman coquettishly,

is the deadliest,

Hundreds of steelmaking are not as soft as twisting your fingers!


It is a real feeling!

"But I really can't act!"

Duan Kun said helplessly.

"Brother Duan 31, you have to have confidence in your looks!"

"Where you go, you don't need to act at all, you can play the big villain well!"


how do you listen to this,

so awkward...

Is there such a boast!


Everyone has talked about this,

What else can Duan Kun say?

"Alright then, I'll try it.

"However, don't expect too much from me..."

"I really don't know anything about acting."

there was a moment of silence,

Duan Kun had no choice but to agree.


"Brother Duan, I'll wait for you!"

"I knew you, Brother Duan, are the best person in the world!"

"We'll see you later!"

"Love you, Trojan Horse!"

Hearing that Duan Kun finally agreed,

Zhao Ruth cheered happily.

He also blew a kiss over the phone!

Duan Kun:

that's it,

Under Zhao Lusi's hard work,

Duan Kun still agreed to her request,

Play the villain


Duan Kun has no confidence at all,

I don't know what this girl is thinking,

He actually let himself play a guest role.

never mind,

Now that you have agreed,

Then don't think so much,

go try it,

It also makes her give up on her acting skills.


After tidying up my mood,

Duan Kun set off.


before departure,

I have to go home first,

Replace the small electric tricycle,

Then drive the Land Rover over there!

Duan Kun is not the male protagonists in the novels,

I always like to play the role of a pig eating a tiger,

to that important occasion,

Not dressed in tatters,

That is, the performance is very suspenseful,

Then he was ridiculed by others madly.

compared to them,

Duan Kun doesn't have this habit!

When delivering the courier,

That's because the system requires him to experience the life of a courier boy,

For immersion,

so no way,

Duan Kun can only keep a low profile.

But since it is to save the field,

Of course, you have to clean up yourself a little more,

Not only to maintain his own face, but also to support Zhao Lusi's face.

that's it,

Duan Kun rode a small tricycle back home first.



There is also a live broadcast.

When Zhao Lusi called just now, Duan Kun muted the live broadcast room, so netizens still don't know what Duan Kun is going to do.

When I learned that Duan Kun would not deliver the courier today, but went to help a friend.

Netizens immediately boiled!

"Wow, what's the big brother going to do to help, shouldn't it be helping to kill people?!"

"Quack quack quack, maybe!"

"Brother received a call and was about to go there. Could it be that the younger brother was bullied and asked the elder brother to go over to support the situation?!"

"Brother, be safe!"

"Worrying about upstairs, as a big brother, he is killing people everywhere, you should let others pay attention to safety!"

"Makes sense!"

"The rules of the rivers and lakes, in case of unresolved problems, please ask the elder brother!"

"Brother is mighty!"

Look at the netizens guessing wildly there,

Duan Kun did not explain much,

Instead, he directly closed the live broadcast room.

The reward can only be triggered by express delivery live broadcast,

to act and not know,


You don't need to keep the live broadcast on all the time.


at the same time.

Hengshui film and television base!

After finishing the call with Duan Kun,

Zhao Lusi finally couldn't bear it anymore,

Cover your mouth and laugh for a while!

"Hahaha, brother Duan must be very helpless to me!"

"Brother Duan is helpless and can't refuse me, it must be very funny!"

"Killing me!"


"Just as I thought, Brother Duan looks fierce, but he is actually very kind!"

"He actually agreed to come over!"

"That's right!"

"Last time I took him for the express train master, and he wasn't angry at all!"

"On the contrary, he is very tempered. Send me here!"

"Brother Duan, he is definitely the best person in the world!"

"Love him!"


When I called just now,

She couldn't see Duan Kun's expression,

but can't see,

But she could imagine what Duan Kun looked like at that time,

Must be very interesting!

"Ruth, you, you really invited that Mr. Duan here?"

At this moment,

Manager Sister Wang came over and asked in disbelief.


I saw Miss Wang coming over,

Zhao Lusi stopped laughing and nodded:

"Brother Duan is actually very talkative!"

"Besides, if I act with Big Brother Duan, I will definitely be able to get into the play instantly!"

"The Lu Yutao who plays the big villain now, I really have no feelings for him!"

"Acting with him, I can't enter the state at all!"

Speaking up.

Zhao Lusi is soft and hard, and Duan Kun comes to play the big villain,

In fact, she was forced to make a decision.


She had a scene with the villain,

As for Lu Yutao, who plays the big villain,

It is obvious that people are long and frustrating,

And it's obscene,

Like a little hooligan in a hurry,

It's okay to let him play Xiaoliu busy,

But playing the villain big boss...


Not even close!

As for the other party's bluffing, goofy look,

Where does it look like a big villain?!

When playing against each other,

Don't say that Zhao Lusi can't enter the tense state of facing the villain's big boss,

Even the actors who were with her,

can't enter the state at all,

It's a performance without feeling at all,

stiff throughout,

No feelings,

Just act hard!

Also because of this,

that rivalry,

This has been stuck at 673 for three days,

Keep NG,

Can't get past it at all!

Zhao Lusi was anxious,

the actors are in a hurry,

The director of this scene was even more anxious!


There was only one day of filming left for this scene,

But now, three days can't pass!

one more day of delay,

That's a huge expense,

It will also affect the progress of the shooting!

no way,

The director approached Zhao Lusi and discussed with her what to do.

Zhao Lusi is also very direct,

Straight to the point, I said, if I want to perform this scene well, I can only replace Lu Yutao, the other party is really too exciting!

Of course the director also saw the problem,


Even if Zhao Lusi doesn't mention it,

He also knew that Lu Yutao was no good,

If it wasn't for Lu Yutao's relationship,

He kicked him out a long time ago!


Now the shooting progress is stuck here,

Even if you want to hire another actor to replace him,

Not even enough time!

It is also in this case that

In Zhao Lusi's mind, a figure suddenly popped up!!


Still the kind that lingers!!


She boldly recommended that person to the director,

Said that if the other party came,

Surely no problem!

After listening to the director,

I was a little confused on the spot!


Looks a little fierce?

Can you handle the role?


Although I feel very absurd in my heart,

but right now,

Seeing how confident Zhao Lusi is in that person,

He can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor,

For filming progress,

He can only agree,

Agree to let the person Zhao Lusi said give it a try.

If not,

I really have no choice,

I can only let that Lu Yutao go! .

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