Live Broadcast: I, Social Terror, Scare My Blind Date Partner

73. You Were Asked To Play The Villain, But You Brought In A Real Big Brother!

At this time, after telling the agent Wang Jie that Duan Kun will come,

Zhao Lusi hurried to find the director again,

Tell him the good news!

after all

The director is really in a hurry these days,

Even the thinning hair,

There are a lot of roots missing that are visible to the naked eye.


Zhao Lusi found the director Zheng Defa!

"Director Zheng, I've already invited you!"

"It will be here in a while!"

"When he arrives, we can start the machine!"

Zhao Lusi said confidently: "He must be more suitable for this role than Lu Yutao!"

Looking at Zhao Ruth who is so confident,

Zheng Defa forced out a smile.


After calming down,

Zheng Defa already regrets making this decision!

Invite amateurs to participate?

Isn't this nonsense!

Although Lu Yutao's acting skills are poor,

but anyway,

After all, he is also a professionally trained actor,

Whether it is performance experience or skills,

I don't know how many times stronger than passers-by!

A role that even he can't handle,

Let amateurs drive it?

Let's not brag about it,


non-professionals and professionals,

The gap is still huge!


please all

we can only do this.

I can't let Zhao Lusi call people anymore, so that people don't come!

That's so rude!


"Since Ruth, you are so optimistic about him."

"I hope he can really surprise us."

A few words of symbolic expectation,

Zheng Defa continued to busy himself with his affairs.

but in my heart,

Still didn't hold out much hope.

at the same time.

In the rest area of ​​the crew,

Under a big parasol.

Lu Yutao also got the news that Zhao Lusi asked for foreign aid!

Upon hearing the news,

Lu Yutao's face turned green with anger!

"Zhao Rusi, little girl, what are you doing!"

"You still think my acting skills are bad!"

"It's obvious that your emotions are not in place, and you still have to blame me!"

"And you said I don't look like a big villain boss?"

Lu Yutao laughed disdainfully!

I know a big brother who really messes around!

my every move,

frown and smile,

Even talking in a deliberately low noise,

These are all learned from the big brother who really messes around!

this one,

How dare you say I don't look like a villain?!

Ridiculous daddy!

It's obvious that you have long hair and short knowledge,

Don't know the real face of big brother,

And blame me in turn!!

Lu Yutao was very angry. If he didn't want to tear his face apart, he would have gone directly to question Zhao Lusi at this time!


while angry,

Lu Yutao is also a bit playful!

"You mean I don't look like the big boss of the villain?"

"Then I want to see who Zhao Lusi can invite~!"

"I don't look like it, so the other party does!"

"It's just an amateur!"

"Can you be better than me, a professional actor?!"

"You can brag about your bullshit!"

"When the other party comes, I'll just let him play my younger brother, and I'll play the villainous boss. I'll make you mad!"

that's it,

in anticipation of someone,

In the case of disdain,

Time passed bit by bit.

In a blink of an eye.

An hour has passed!

And this time,

All the preparatory work has been done,

other people's roles,

The filming is almost over.

Only the last game left,

is also the most crucial one,

The big boss, the villain behind the scenes, has his mask removed, his identity revealed, and it's time to face off against the decent characters!

at this time,

Camera location, lighting, actors,

Everything is in place.

Just waiting for the actor who plays the villainous boss to come on stage!

Originally this role belonged to Lu Yutao,

but now,

Lu Yutao was sitting not far away, leisurely playing with his mobile phone.

There was no intention of coming here at all.

Director Zheng Defa saw this,

Also sighed helplessly!

he knows,

Lu Yutao is being angry on purpose,

But there is no way,

He could only look at Zhao Lusi.

"Ruth, when will that friend you invited arrive?"

"Also, ahem, let's get to the front. Lu Yutao is really angry this time. If your friend is not up to the role, you have to apologize to Lu Yutao in person and let him come back to continue acting."

"Don't worry, Director Zheng!"

"My friend will do it!"

Zhao Lusi is still so confident.

This time even Zheng Defa couldn't help being curious.

Where did her confidence come from?

To know,

The other party is just an amateur!

It's not those who specialize in playing villains, performance artists!

if they

You have faith, and I can understand,

Don't say you understand,

I have great confidence in them too!

For an amateur,

with so much confidence,

This is incomprehensible!

And just when Zheng Defa couldn't figure it out,

A black Land Rover with a very domineering appearance,

directly through the gate,

into the studio,


Stopped in front of the crew!

Everyone looked over immediately,

Zheng Defa also looked confused, he thought it was a tourist who came to visit, and was about to let the field manager go over and drive them away,

But Zhao Lusi stopped him in surprise!

"Director Zheng, it's my friend who has arrived!"

"I'll bring him right here!"

finished speaking,

Zhao Lusi trotted all the way to the Land Rover and went to pick him up.

This scene,

Let everyone present be quiet.

By now,

Everyone knows that Zhao Lusi asked her friends to save the scene,

are also curious,

What kind of person will the other party be,

Can make Zhao Lusi so respected.

Especially Zheng Defa,

It was full of curiosity.

Lu Yutao, who was not far away, did the same, crossing his legs and looking over there playfully.

that's it,

Under the spotlight,

The door of the Land Rover finally opened.

A burly man in a black suit with a cropped head and a cold and fierce face stepped out of the car.

After the person got off the bus,

First, he glanced at the crowd.


Just glanced curiously.

But the coldness, ferocity and cruelty in the other party's eyes made the crew tremble involuntarily!



What a scary look!!

What a scary man!!

Everyone's heart couldn't help trembling, and this unanimous thought arose!

And director Zheng Defa,

Even the moment he saw Duan Kun, he was stunned!!


If it weren't for knowing that this person was a friend invited by Zhao Lusi,

I thought it was a joke!!

This is too cruel!!

At first glance, it is the kind of werewolf who is good at black and black in the mixed society!!

You told me you got a friend to play the villain,

In the end, I really moved a social elder brother?!!

Zheng Defa was stunned for a while,

panicked on the surface,

My heart is actually panicked!

Until Zhao Lusi brought Duan Kun to him.

"々, Director Zheng, this is the friend I was talking about!"

"His name is Duan Kun!"

"It's my brother Duan!"

"Nice people!"

After Zhao Lusi introduced Duan Kun, she smiled and introduced the people present to Duan Kun.

"Brother Duan, this is director Zheng Defa."

"There are people from our crew over there!"

"We'll play against each other over there later!"

After Zhao Lusi's introduction,

Director Zheng Defa finally struggled out of his fear, reached out his hand and shook hands with Duan Kun hastily:

"Brother Kun, right? I've looked up to you for a long time."

"I'm the director here, just call me Xiao Zheng!"

In the face of the politeness of others,

Although Duan Kun doesn't think he can play this role well,

But he nodded slightly,

It was a greeting.

"Director Zheng, since Brother Duan has arrived, let's start filming!"

Zhao Ruth reminded with a smile.

"Shooting? Yes, yes, yes, shooting!"

Zheng Defa slapped his forehead, and quickly looked at Duan Kun again: "Brother Kun, I'm sorry to trouble you to follow along!"

"Your score for this scene is actually very simple!"

"No lines!"

"You are playing the role of a villainous big boss. You have been wearing a mask before, but now that the mask has been taken off, you have revealed your true colors!"

"You just need to stand there, hold the aura of being the villainous big boss, shock the decent characters played by Ruth and the others opposite, or let them (King Zhao's) feel that you are the big boss If it is powerful and terrifying, then this scene is considered a success!"

While politely taking Duan Kun to the filming scene,

Zheng Defa told Duan Kun about the scene.


It's very detailed!

Even the psychological description of the characters and the demeanor they need to show,

Explained everything perfectly!


at the begining of,

Zheng Defa is really not optimistic. The friend Zhao Lusi invited can play this role well.


After seeing Duan Kun,

After personally experiencing the horror of Duan Kun,

Jung Duk Fa changed that opinion!!

Although, at the moment he panicked,

But instead of being afraid,

He is more excited in his heart!!

he did not expect,

Zhao Lusi is so awesome,

He actually moved a real social elder brother to comeo for him,

Let the real social elder brother in reality,

The social big brother in the guest play, that is, the big villain BOSS,

My goodness!

Is there anything crazier than this!!

and human tail,

Can compare with the big brother in front of me,

Is it more suitable for this role!!

the answer is,


Absolutely not!!

Zheng Defa at this moment,

I can't wait to see the live effect after Duan Kun cameo later!!.

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