Three days later.

Rongfei Group.

The seventh design room of materials.

This is the leading company in the domestic research and development of fighter jets.

The seventh room specializes in basic material science research on the front fuselage and tail of fighter jets.

After a day of meetings, Sun Changxing, director of the seventh room, looked a little tired.


There was a knock on the door.

"Director, are you here? I'm Xiao Zhang."

"Please come in."

The person walking in from the door was his own student, Zhang Mingrui, a department researcher in the seventh room, with a Ph.D. in materials science from NPU.

Sun Changxing looked at Zhang Mingrui who hurried over.

I felt resentful in my heart.

Judging from his anxious look, it seemed that something unexpected had happened again.

The strings that had finally been relaxed had to be tightened again.

"what's up?"

"Director, the composite materials laboratory of the Western Research Institute has given the results. The trial production of carbon fiber epoxy resin composite materials failed."

One word.

Sun Changxing's heart skipped a beat.

This is one of the most basic materials for the production of fighter jets.

Accounting for 25% of the body weight.

Due to external constraints, this material can only be developed through domestic research and development.

The composite materials laboratory of Xiyan Research Institute is the leading laboratory in this industry in the country.

If they can't make it, then this material cannot be produced domestically.

"The main reason for the failure is that the cracking and carbonization process is imperfect. They are summarizing the factors that led to the failure of the experiment. They expect to conduct a second batch of trial production at the end of this year..."

The words are not finished yet.

Sun Changxing threw the pen on the table.

"The end of the year! Year after year, when will it end!"

The anger and disappointment were palpable.

Applied materials scientists headed by Sun Changxing have almost lost their tolerance for failure.

Forty years.

The carbon fiber industry has never made a breakthrough.

There was progress domestically last time.

Or a certain research institute successfully circumvented the embargo rules and imported a batch of low-grade production lines from John Bull.

The issue is.

After four years of debugging, this production line failed to operate successfully.

In the end, millions of foreign exchange were wasted.

This failure caused senior executives to lose confidence in the localization of carbon fiber.

R&D funding for related industries has been cut many times.

Until now.

The domestic composite materials industry is almost on thin ice.

Memories came flooding back to me.

Sun Changxing's heart was extremely painful.

"Xiao Zhang, the proportion of qualified materials for the new generation of fighter jets is more than 25%."

"Among other things, the front fuselage frame is entirely made of this material."

"Now we can't even produce basic materials. Do you know how serious the consequences are?"

Zhang Mingrui nodded.

It's like building a house.

The drawings were drawn, but a suitable keel could not be found.


The design drawings that cost billions had to be overturned and started all over again.

Not to mention wasting money and wasting people.

It was another huge blow to the morale of the entire project team.

Zhang Mingrui lowered his head and looked at the report in his hand.

He even hesitated to submit the second report.

After a fierce ideological struggle.

Zhang Mingrui still put the documents on the table.

"But, Director."

"The Air Force sent out a report yesterday. It was their performance test of some domestically produced carbon fiber. Would you like to take a look..."

The words were not finished.

Sun Changxing was a little impatient.

The Air Force is somewhat like the project's first party.

Only responsible for raising demands and providing funds.

He is really an outsider in research and development.

"Domestic carbon fiber? If even the Western Research Institute can't make it, I don't believe anyone else in China can make it."

His mouth was full of complaints.

But out of professionalism, Sun Changxing still accepted the report.

This looks like a strength test report for some kind of finished material.

Although it is not a raw material, it has been tested in great detail.

Watch and watch.

Sun Changxing's eyebrows wrinkled.

"Tensile strength is above 3500MPa"

"The elastic modulus is above 230GPa..."

"Under non-oxidizing atmosphere conditions, it can be used at 2,000°C and does not melt and soften at high temperatures of 3,000°C...

"This is……!"

"Where do you get such good data!?"

Sun Changxing has been dealing with carbon fiber his entire life.

He can form concepts in his mind just by looking at some data.

This is definitely a carbon fiber material above the T300 level.

It meets all the strength requirements of the fighter's front fuselage.

If the data in the report are true and this material can be mass-produced, it can indeed solve the urgent need of Room 7.

"Xiao Zhang! Did the Air Force say where this material came from?"

Zhang Mingrui shook his head.

The Air Force simply sent a test report.

It also asked whether this material had reference value, without explaining the source of the report.

But it can be seen from Director Sun's expression.

This report must be valuable.

"Director, how about I call the Air Force?"


Sun Changxing stood up and put on his coat.

"I'll go there myself!"

"Inform the senior management of the group, the experts from the School of Materials of the Academy of Sciences, and the leaders of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense."

"Go to the Air Force for a meeting immediately! Tell us there is significant progress."

"I want to see this material for myself!"

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