Qin Ren doesn't care whether the people from North China like it or not.


He was almost crying.

The White Tiger War Zone is located in the northwest.

The territory is mostly plateaus and mountains, and the environment is extremely complex.

Usually, all troops are transported by airplanes and trains, but it is difficult to guarantee that there are some areas that cannot be reached by airplanes and railways.

Routine practice.

It uses vehicles to maneuver to the character's position.

The rest can only be carried out by soldiers on foot.

The last five kilometers were very problematic.

This car.

Perfect solution for the last five kilometers.

The more you look at it, the better it tastes.

Just imagine, the soldiers got off the helicopter and immediately got on the old manle, with heavy firepower weapons in the back bucket.

Mountains, meadows, snowfields...

What else is difficult for them?

Take the recent border conflicts as an example.

If you suffer a loss, you will suffer because the terrain in your own territory is difficult.

It is difficult to reinforce the border guards.

If the performance of this car is half as good as what Lu Ze said.

Paved to the troops.

During the conflict, Ah San looked at the mighty army of Old Man Le in front of him. The back buckets were filled with large-caliber weapons.

I was so scared that I had to pee.


This is just the imagination in Qin Renyuan's mind.

All of the above.

All are based on the premise that the parameters Lu Ze just mentioned are real and the performance is effective.

Just one mouth can't prove anything.

Especially private companies that make cars.

During the press conference, the hype was overwhelming.

The real car hit the road, but Hinata didn't say a word.

"Xiao Lu, since your car has such good performance, why haven't I heard of it?"

Qin Renyuan asked rationally.

Agricultural vehicles of brands such as Shifeng and Lantuo are very common in the northwest.

There are many near each station in the White Tiger War Zone.

Some of them were even used by fellow villagers as military chariots.

But the Juwei brand was unfamiliar to Qin Renyuan.

There is not much market holding.

So what are the disadvantages of specifying it?

This is the nature of industrial vehicles.

Parameters are one thing, and hitting the road is another.

Some cars have full parameters.

Two or three years after it rolled off the production line, sales nationwide were less than 500 units.

Military products should pay more attention to this point.

If Juwei doesn't even capture the market share of civilian products, how can it talk about military use?

Lu Ze nodded, slightly indifferent.


"We are a small and micro enterprise, and the only funds we have are spent on research and development."

“There’s not a lot invested in the marketing part.”

"There are no spokespersons and no advertising, so market awareness is relatively low."

Qin Renyuan nodded as if he didn't understand.

Makes sense.

If the product is great.

Just hire two down-to-earth artists like Huang Bo Baoqiang.

Advertisements are painted on the walls of rural homesteads.

Awareness can be improved.

Because that’s what some people in the scene do.

Dual-use manufacturers headed by Jialin have always had products that are not off the production line and advertisements are flying all over the place.

280 This made Wu Qinghai and Wei Heguang a little uncomfortable.

What about us?

All your funds are spent on research and development.

Does that mean all our funds are spent on advertising?

I don’t know where Lu Ze came from.

Not only is the product excellent, but every word is also packed with details.

Wu Qinghai was a little dissatisfied.

"Commander, you know that we have been cultivating military products throughout Jialin for fifteen years.

"I have accumulated excellent technology."

"I admit that Mr. Lu's car is unique."

"But there is always a gap between civilian products and military products..."

The words are not finished yet.

Lu Ze turned back and looked at these peers.

Weak head.

"Indeed, we are a private enterprise that develops products based on the needs of the people."

"Market awareness is also very low."


The conversation changed.

A sharp light shot out of the corner of Lu Ze's eyes.

“Our cars have actual combat damage ratios.




One sentence.

Fucked everyone.

Didn't wake up!

You are an old man, how can you talk about actual combat loss ratio?

Wu Qinghai immediately retorted: "Young man, do you know what selling war is?"

He was a little disdainful.

The product is not bad.

But the boss was a little crazy when he spoke.

The Bobcat assembly force is also ten years younger.

I don't dare to say that I have actual combat loss ratio.

How dare you, an old man, to brag?

Only on the battlefield vehicle.

Only then will the actual battle loss ratio appear.

The domestic situation is stable, and even neighboring countries are not in turmoil.

There is no talking about the battle-loss ratio.

The Lynx that has been deployed has a combat loss ratio of only a few exercises at most.

Qin Renyuan smiled awkwardly.

"Xiao Lu, General Master Wu is right. You are still young and can speak...

Not finished yet!

far away.

A school official came running.

She didn't wear a dress uniform like the other officers.

Instead, wear regular clothes.

"Report to the commander! There is military information!"

Immediately afterwards.

The school officer leaned close to Qin Renyuan's ear.

After a few seconds.

Qin Renyuan nodded.

It's not an important military situation.

He pointed at the running school officer and said, "This is the combat staff officer of our staff department."

"He just said that there is progress on Maozi's side."

"Mukht has been captured!"

Qin Renyuan's expression was very peaceful, as if he was reading the news.

Everyone present was a little uneasy.

Although they were unable to attend the General Staff meeting.

But I watch the news often.

Mukht is an important industrial city in Udong.

When the Maoist army reached this point, it fell into a stalemate (cdfa).

The two sides have been fighting for a long time, and Mukht has become a veritable meat grinder.

Qin Renyuan suddenly changed the topic.

"We have had several rounds of discussions about the Mukht meat grinder."

"Now it's time to discuss with the equipment manufacturers."

Qin Renyuan looked at everyone meaningfully.

The Qilin Theater is also dominated by the Army.

Known for large-scale armored armies.

This is similar to the ongoing war.


The Mukht Meat Grinder has guiding significance for Qilin War Zone.

Everyone can see the true situation of modern armored warfare from this.

Qin Renyuan patted the Shanhemao-1000 in his hand.

"The staff officer just said."

"The reason why Da Mao was able to conquer Muhet."

"It's because they take advantage of small motor vehicles."

"The black soil of the Udon Plains is thawing, and the large armor cannot move."

"Da Mao took a different approach. I don't know where he got a batch of cars like this from, and built a miniature synthetic brigade.

"Breaking through the defense line in one fell swoop......"

Qin Renyuan became more and more fascinated as he talked.

The purpose of the military region was directly stated to the manufacturers participating in the tender.

“By accelerating this bidding process, we see the future of small all-terrain motor vehicles.

But at this time.

The staff officer who came to report was wide-eyed.

Staring at the Yamaha Cat.


"It's not similar!"

Qin Renyuan turned around.

Look at the staff officer.

"What's the meaning?"

The staff officer also patted the car in front of him.

He had just finished watching the video intelligence and came over to report it while he was still excited.

You can't go wrong even if you die.

"This is the kind of car Da Mao drives!"

"Exactly the same!"


Hear this.

Qin Renyuan didn't believe it at all. Da Mao didn't fight Xixi, so where could he buy Shanhe Cat?

The staff officer looked at the commander's luck.

He took out his mobile phone directly.

It's not just the military that has similar intelligence.

There are also stories about the hacking of the Mukht meat grinder on the Internet.

He found a news article with a picture.

"Look, it's the same!"

Qin Renyuan turned on his cell phone and enlarged the picture with two fingers. His old eyes were almost glued to the screen.

This picture is not a battle scene.

It was a scene of Chairman Mao inspecting and expressing condolences.

There was a similar all-terrain vehicle in front of him.

Except for painting.

There is no difference from the car in front of me.

Several other manufacturers also came up and craned their necks to watch.



The crowd exploded.

Damn it’s true!

"Boss Lu, is this your Shanhe Cat?"

Lu Ze nodded.



Lu Ze didn't lie.

People’s cars were killed in the Mukht Meat Grinder.

Isn’t this a record of actual combat?

Qin Renyuan had a complaining look in his eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You didn't even ask me!"

at this time.

Only then did Qin Renyuan understand the deep meaning of the boss asking them to evaluate this car.

He has already performed meritorious service on the battlefield!

The boss knows this.

So let me test it below, and I want a judgment without any standpoint.

Figure this out.

Qin Renyuan's head was buzzing.

Good guy.

It’s true that you are a private enterprise, but Maozi’s micro-synthetic brigade uses all your equipment!

You can’t fucking afford a spokesperson.

You were carefully selected by Emperor Pu!

Lu Ze looked at the staff member's cell phone.


"Yes, this is our Shanhe Cat-1000.

"Maozi bought 2,000 cars at the beginning."

"I thought our truck would be suitable for hauling potatoes in the plains of Eastern Europe, so I sold it to them."

God damn potatoes!


The next second.

The experts looked at Lu Ze differently.

Even Wu Qinghai and Wei Heguang have huge resentments.

Everyone admires Lu Ze.

Yang Lian on the side learned another lesson.

It was my adoptive father who was harmed!

In just a few sentences, the experts were confused.


What my adoptive father just introduced was Shanhemao 1000.

First generation version.

Thinking of this, Yang Lian couldn't hold back his lips.

"Chief, the Shanhe Cat-1000 is our basic model."

2000 is our main flagship model. "

While talking.

Yang Lian cooperated with Lu Ze and drove another Shanhe Cat forward.

On the surface.

There is no difference between this car and 1000.

There are just some minor changes to the cargo compartment.

"We improved the suspension in 2000, and the ride comfort has been improved without looseness."

Qin Renyuan: "6!"

In one sentence, make a man fall in love with you.

These words spoke to the depths of his heart.

The current Bobcats in the army are not equipped with suspension, they are just large beam vehicles.

The soldiers sat on it with no comfort at all.

Sometimes go

Some bad roads.

Even the most elite tank soldiers have to deal with lumbar spondylosis.

"Look at me!"

Qin Renyuan turned back and looked at Wu Qinghai.

At this moment, his attitude has obviously changed.

Wu Qingyuan felt aggrieved!

The Bobcat does not have a suspension because they have always adhered to the design concept of assembling helicopters.

Adding suspension increases the height of the vehicle.

Can't fit in a helicopter.

But on other people's Bobcats, the height of the car has not changed after adding suspension.

After all.

Juwei’s technology won!

"In addition, the 2000 is equipped with a universal module bracket, a sight gauge welded to the groove side, and a rear bucket with self-unloading."

"Xiao Lu, this function of yours is also used by farmers?"

Lu Ze: "Of course, otherwise it would be very tiring to carry potatoes manually."

I believe you as a ghost!

Forget about self-uninstallation.

What the hell is a universal module!

Qin Renyuan also understood immediately.

The universal module can be equipped with switchable radar modules.

The rocket module is installed formally and the 6-unit mortar module is installed backwards. The self-unloading function is used to adjust the launch angle.

You also soldered a sight gauge!

That is to say!

Any farmer can complete mobile launch!

With a 6-gun mortar, one driver and one loader can form a mortar squad, and two horizontal cannons are added to the roof to rotate 270 degrees.

The militiamen directly turned into artillery!

This kind of car can be equipped with 5 cars.

It's a complete company-level artillery barrage.

Qin Renyuan didn't know if this function was useful for transporting potatoes.

But engage in mobile fire coverage!

Gaga is useful!

"In addition, we also have Shanhe Cat 3000."

at the same time.

Another car appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The same Shanhe Cat appearance.

But the rear bucket has been specially modified to look like a stove.

"We looked carefully."

"Shanhe Cat is also particularly suitable for small vendors."

"The car has its own water supply system, two triple cooking machines, and is also equipped with a smoke-free treatment system."


From the appearance.

The Bobcat 3000 seems to be similar to a hawker's tricycle.

But the car's configuration is full.

Qin Renyuan immediately thought of the army's logistics support vehicle.

"Xiao Lu, I know everything else, what the hell is this smokeless system of yours?"

Lu Ze: "Chief, what do you think? Small vendors are not allowed to hide from the urban management when setting up their stalls? If there are no cigarettes, wouldn't they just hide...

I suspect you are kidding me.

Are you also setting up a stall?

This is clearly the Shanhe Cooking Cat!

Good guy.

look carefully.

The smokeless disposal system is even more advanced than the military's.

"In addition to 3,000, we have 4,000 more.

"The vehicle is equipped with an adaptive stabilizing stretcher."

"If a farmer is injured while working, he can immediately send 4,000 transport vehicles to the health center..."

Everyone swallowed unconsciously.

Surprised and greedy.

Shanhe Cannon Cat, Shanhe Cooking Cat, Shanhe Rescue Cat...


Wu Qinghai stared at the difficult-to-model Shanhe Cat with wide eyes.

"You built a family system with just one farm machine!?"

Familialization is a distinctive feature of military equipment.

An excellent architecture can derive different functions.

This will greatly save costs.

Take the Type 08 infantry vehicle as an example, due to the excellent mechanical quality of the chassis.

Manufacturers add different components to the tracks.

can achieve unexpected combat effects.


That's a tracked armored vehicle, so it's understandable that it's family-oriented.

This is your all-terrain car.

How did you learn to be a family member?

Behind this.

Hidden is Juwei Agricultural Machinery’s strong R&D and productivity.

To know.

The serious Bobcat family is also exploring familialization.

But the function is not half as good as other people’s Shanhe Cat.

Wu Qinghai's heart felt as gray as death.

At first, Lu Ze said that his car was called Shanhe Cat, but Wu Qinghai concluded that this was plagiarism.

Copied all the names.

No need to lose face.

Now, Wu Qinghai was completely numb.

Their cars are full-featured, high-performance, and family-friendly.

Who copied whom!?

Just the fact that Lu Ze changed the suspension on the ATV.

Spit it out and let Jialin learn it.

Jia Lin can’t even understand!

Qin Renyuan looked at the young man in front of him in awe.

Not that there was anything wrong with his technique.

But Qin Renyuan discovered that Lu Ze had a strategic vision.

The General Staff issued a document "On Strengthening Our Army's All-Area Light Motorized Combat Capabilities" only last year.

It is because the bosses see the development direction of modern warfare.

Large quantity and fast speed are the keys.

The boss of the General Staff just realized what was going on.

Have all of your private enterprise products been offline?

"Xiao Lu, I don't understand. Your car looks like the ultimate solution for global cluster family mobility."

"You also said it's a farm vehicle?"

Lu Ze looked innocent.

"That's right!"

"Farmland is everywhere, all over the land."

“When harvesting wheat, we help each other and work in clusters and families.

"Don't you use cars to pull wheat? Motorize it.

Qin Renyuan....

Your explanation is true.

All have something in common!

Gengzhan Channel sincerely does not deceive me!.

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