At the beginning of the program, the majority of the audience supported Chen Aijun's traditional education method.

However, with the appearance of Lu Yu and Tong Tong, when I saw the joy between the father and daughter, and when I felt the harmony and beauty of the father and daughter, I unknowingly liked Lu Yu's way of raising children. On the contrary, the number of people has increased.

Especially with the large number of netizens coming here after seeing Lu Yu's way of raising children online, the proportion of people who like and support Lu Yu has become more and more popular again.

It is precisely because of this that when three experts severely criticized Lu Yu during the review session, so many viewers protested.

The out-of-control barrage almost made the three experts faint on the spot.

They never expected that there would be so many viewers speaking for Lu Yu's deviant father!

Fortunately, Teacher He reacted quickly enough, hurriedly ended the expert comment session, and quickly switched the camera to Chen Aijun, a father born in the 1980s, thus avoiding a live broadcast accident.

As the camera switched, the scene here also appeared on the screen in the next second. It was just past half past five in the afternoon, and it was still a little too early to prepare dinner, so Chen Aijun was practicing calligraphy with his daughter Tiantian at the dining table. Yes, don’t look at Tiantian who is only six years old now. But when she was four years old, she actually started practicing calligraphy. Every day after school, Chen Aijun would supervise Tiantian to write calligraphy for an hour, from five o'clock to six o'clock. Tiantian has been adhering to this habit for two years. Although Tiantian can't write many words, and the words she writes by following the gourd painting are a bit funny, her pen-holding posture includes pausing and lifting the pen. , but already looks decent. Because of this, when the camera turned to this side, there was a lot of praise on the barrage!

"Tiantian is amazing, she can even write calligraphy at such a young age!"

"Experts are stupid!"

"Brothers upstairs, have moved positions, stop scolding (covering face and crying, jpg)"

"Let me go, Tiantian’s pen-holding posture is very standard!"

"Not many people can write calligraphy these days. Chen Aijun really knows how to train children!"


Different from the praises from the audience, Chen Aijun shook his head after reading the words written by his daughter.

"Tiantian, I have told you this"putting aside" many times!"

"Why don't you change it?"

"Look at this place, don’t use so much force when writing, otherwise the ink will be very thick!"

"And here, where you should be careful, you must be careful!"

"If you don't listen to dad, all your writing will be in vain!"

"There won't be any progress!"

Chen Aijun's face showed deep dissatisfaction, and he pointed out the wrong things in his daughter's writing one by one.

Hearing her father's accusations, Tiantian felt aggrieved and anxious.

The more anxious she was, the less satisfactory the words she wrote, and on the contrary It’s better to write better from the beginning

"Okay, don’t write this one!"

"What is this written?"

"You write over and over again, but there is no progress at all, and you have even regressed!"

"You have let me down too much!"

Finally, after another five minutes, Chen Aijun couldn't stand it anymore. He took out the piece of rice paper written by Tiantian, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it into the trash can.

This scene made Tiantian feel sad. Scared to tears

"Dad, I, I don’t want to write anymore, I want to take a break, okay?"

Tiantian cried,

"When other students come home from school, they can play with toys, watch TV, and go out to play, but I have to write calligraphy every day when I come back. I really don’t like writing calligraphy, wuwuwu……"

Every day in kindergarten, the children in the class would discuss many interesting things, but Tiantian couldn't get a word in and could only watch with envy.

It's not that she doesn't want to join in, but she doesn't understand what the children are saying at all, and she has never played with it. For example, a few days ago, she found that many children had a cute little one hanging on their schoolbags. The doll has a fat, round body and a small hat on its head. She was worried that other children would laugh at her, so she didn't dare to ask others what it was. It wasn't until today that she learned from a friend's chat that the original name of the little doll was Danzi. Danzi, such an interesting name, it really fits his fat appearance. Tiantian also really wants a little egg boy to hang on her schoolbag. In this case, when she carries her schoolbag to and from school, it will also hang on her schoolbag and swing around, making it look particularly cute! However, Tiantian did not dare to say this little wish because she knew that her father would not buy it for her. Thinking of this, Tiantian cried even more sadly, and her tears couldn't stop flowing down. Perhaps it was the sweet crying that made Chen Aijun soften his heart. After she cried for a while, the anger on Chen Aijun's face gradually faded, and he became distressed and helpless.


Finally, Chen Aijun sighed and gently held his daughter in his arms.

"So sweet……"

Chen Aijun said seriously,

"Dad knows that you want to go out and play, but you don’t want to practice calligraphy. It’s just that you are a child and you don’t understand how fierce competition is in today’s society."

"Dad forces you to practice calligraphy like this, all for your own good."

"I also want you to go out to play, but time is the same for everyone. When you go out to play, there will always be children who work hard while you play."

"In this way, the gap between you and others will only become wider and wider."

Speaking of this,

Chen Aijun sighed with emotion,

"Mom and Dad have been like this all their lives. It’s almost impossible to become better again."

"Therefore, I can only place my hope on you"

"You are the most beloved child of your parents. We wish you well. If you sweat more now, you will shed fewer tears in the future!"

"Mom and Dad, can I still hurt you? If you knew there was a fire pit in front of you, would you jump into it?"

"Definitely not!"

"Moreover, you will soon enter the senior class. After the senior class, you will go to elementary school, junior high school, and high school. After graduating from high school, you will have to take the college entrance examination."

"It sounds like a long time, but it actually happens in the blink of an eye. As long as you endure it, you'll get through it!"

"Dad promises you that after you go to college, Dad won't care about you anymore!"

"When the time comes, you can get into a good university and do whatever you want!"

"Dad will not only buy you toys, but also allow you to eat snacks as an exception!"

"So you will be happy!"

At the end,

Chen Aijun pinched his daughter's little face.

When Chen Tiantian heard that after going to college, her father would no longer care about her and would buy toys and snacks for herself. Then she stopped crying, and her eyes filled with tears. Some surprises lit up.

At such a young age, she had no idea how long it would be before she went to college.

But when she thought about it, after going to college, she would no longer have to write calligraphy, and she might even be able to eat snacks. , you can even hang a cute, round and chubby egg toy on your schoolbag, and she can’t help but be happy!

"Dad, you are so kind!"

Chen Tiantian burst into laughter and happily kissed Chen Aijun on the face..........

【We do what we say, and we’ll send you more!】

【In the new year, I wish all readers and readers’ families that all your wishes will come true, all the best, wealth will come, good things will continue, money will be abundant, good health, happiness, peace and happiness forever!!!】

【Also, when setting off firecrackers, be sure not to stick them on your coat. Every crack will make a hole. Don’t ask me how I know, haha! 】

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