Chen Aijun also kissed his daughter on the little cheek, and the previous harmony between father and daughter seemed to have been restored.

After a few more words of intimacy,

Chen Aijun looked at the time.

I found that after such a delay, it was already 5:50.

There were only ten minutes left before the time he had stipulated for Tiantian to write calligraphy until six o'clock every day, so Chen Aijun did not plan to let his daughter continue writing.

What's more, Tiantian just cried. If she continues to write, she probably won't be able to write well.

"Tiantian, today, my father will allow you to be lazy once, and will not let you continue writing calligraphy."

Chen Aijun said,

"You go play in the living room, daddy will prepare dinner for you"

"Yeah, long live dad!"

Hearing that she no longer had to write calligraphy today, Chen Tiantian immediately cheered, jumped off the chair like a little rabbit escaping from the cage, and went to the living room to play by herself. When

Chen Aijun saw this, he shook his head helplessly.

"This child is so happy when it comes to playing. I wish you could be so active whenever I ask you to study!"

After Chen Aijun finished speaking, he no longer cared about his daughter. He went to the kitchen, put on his apron, and started preparing dinner.

At the same time, a heated discussion had already begun in the live broadcast room. In fact, when Tiantian was writing calligraphy and Chen Aijun cried fiercely due to dissatisfaction, the barrage was no longer calm!

"As for it, I just want to say as for it, it’s just a six-year-old child, does it need to be so strict with her?"

"Tiantian is obviously only half a year older than Tongtong, but Tiantian lost her childhood early!"

"Hahaha, writing a calligraphy calligraphy means that there is no childhood?"

"As Dad Chen said, if children sweat more now, they will shed less tears in the future. In the end, this is all for the good of the children!"

"God is doing it for the good of the children. I despise this sentence every time I see it!"

"I also think Chen Aijun’s education method is a bit too much. She has already done a good job. She is only six years old. Why is she so demanding?"

"What's wrong with being six years old? Do you know what children from rich families are doing at the age of six? I have a relative who owns a processing factory and has assets of over 100 million. When his children were six years old, they were already learning various musical instruments and starting to take exams. Children from rich families work so hard, but children from ordinary families like us, want to If you don't want to be left behind and if you want to surpass others, you have to work harder!"

"Damn, you also know that people are rich, what kind of conditions do they provide their children, and how much help can they provide to their children when they grow up? You only compare your children with others, why don't you compare yourselves?"

"That's right, many parents only compare their children, but never compare themselves with other parents!"

"My parents are like this. They ask me to compete with other people's children every day in terms of study, not food and clothing. But when I tell someone how awesome their parents are, they say I'm unfilial, and that dogs don't care if the family is poor.……"

"Children from rich families are driving forward in cars. We stand up on bicycles and pedal, and the chain of the bicycle is smoking. We lose in the end. Why should we blame us for not working hard enough?!"

"I'm in tears, it's so true!"


To be honest, it is really difficult for children from ordinary families to catch up with children from wealthy families through diligence, hard work and sweat.

Almost impossible to do.

Just like there is a saying on the Internet, why do you think that after nine years of hard work, you can win over my three generations of businessmen?

Everyone's starting point is fundamentally different.

Their conditions, connections, backgrounds, and resources, taken randomly, are not comparable to those of ordinary people.

Unless you have some particularly big opportunity, why do you think you can surpass others?

In particular, many viewers almost laughed out loud when they heard Chen Aijun say that he would no longer care about Tiantian after she goes to college and could buy her toys and allow her to eat snacks!

"Tiantian, don’t be stupid. Your dad is lying to you. When you go to college, he will say that he won’t care about you after you take the postgraduate entrance examination. After you graduate, he will say that he won’t care about you when you get married. , after getting married, they will say that they won’t care about you after you give birth to a child, hahaha!"

"Well, what I want to say is, is it still useful to buy her toys after she goes to college? By then, the child will have grown up, and even if you buy it for her, she won’t play with it anymore!"

"When I was a kid, I was particularly envious of my neighbor's kid having a game console. With my first salary after working, I bought one for myself. But after I bought it, I realized that I really couldn't get back the fun I had when I was a kid."

"The same goes for me. When I was a kid, I really wanted something but my parents wouldn’t buy it for me. When I grew up and earned money, I would go crazy and buy it for myself!"

"Although I didn’t feel that much fun buying it, I just wanted to buy it to make up for my childhood regrets!"

"So, when many people grow up, the first child they raise is actually their childhood selves!"

"Damn, what you said made my skin crawl. I suddenly understood why Lu Yu bought a PS5 for Tongtong!"

"Lu Yu is different, he is just a fool!"

"Hahahaha, I thank you on behalf of Lu Yu, you are so nice!"


Amid the heated discussion among the audience, the camera was also switched to Lu Yu's side.

And after seeing the scene on Lu Yu's side, many viewers exclaimed,"

That's right, that's right!"

At that time, Lu Yu was taking Tongtong to play in the square in the community.

There is an open space in the square with many fitness equipment next to it.

Lu Yu was sitting on the steps of the garden, playing with his mobile phone with his legs crossed.

Tongtong, on the other hand, was playing with a group of children of the same age on the fitness equipment.

Under the camera, the innocent laughter of children is like the most beautiful music in the world, which seems to heal everything.

Tongtong played really well, her little face turned red, and she was very good at playing.

Just like that space stepper.

It is the equipment that can be used to step back and forth by holding on to the upper armrests and stepping on each foot.

Because Tongtong is too young and short, she cannot reach the upper armrests.

Tongtong simply sat on the footrest, swinging back and forth like a swing.

There is also the round disk standing on top and twisting its waist.

She couldn't reach the catch on top, so she lay on the disk and rotated there with the help of inertia.

After playing all this,

Tongtong was still not satisfied.

Just at this time, a child next to me said he was hungry.

When Tongtong heard that he was hungry, without saying a word, he ran to the garden and picked a few grasses, and then pretended to stir-fry them in his hands, pretending to cook for him. Damn it, go feed the other party some grass.

The child refused to eat, and Tongtong immediately became a showman, pretending to be his mother, and educated him in a mother's tone:"Children can't be picky eaters. If you don't eat, your mother will spank you!""


These joyful scenes made countless viewers in the live broadcast room unable to stop laughing.

One by one, they said, this is right, this is what it should be, littleThe correct way to open it!.........

【I wish you all a happy New Year again. In the new year, I would also like to ask for flowers, monthly votes and evaluation votes for support. After I see it, I will add more updates. Thank you all! 】

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