"It made me laugh so hard. A child can still play. He just used some fitness equipment to do tricks!"

"The scene where she feeds the children to eat grass is so funny to me. The child has resistance written all over his face."

"This is the correct way to open up a child, innocent, lively and cute, better than anything else!"

"Yes, isn’t this more fun than staying at home and writing calligraphy?"

"One thing to say, although I don’t deny practicing calligraphy, is the quality of handwriting really important? When I was a child, my handwriting was very beautiful. After I entered the fifth and sixth grades, the workload became heavier. If I still write like that I couldn't finish writing one stroke at a time, so from then on, my handwriting became more and more sloppy, and it came faster and faster!"

"Hahaha, it’s the same. When I was a kid, I would tie two pens together when doing my homework!"


Happy emotions are contagious. Seeing Tongtong having so much fun made many viewers feel much better.

Thinking about the scene where Tiantian was beaten by Chen Aijun because she didn't make progress in writing, and then look at the scene where Tongtong was so excited,

I can only say that there is no harm if there is no comparison. If Tiantian sees Tongtong's Life, I'm afraid she will also be very envious! However, just when everyone was immersed in the joy brought by Tongtong, an accident happened. Tongtong yelled"Ouch". It turned out that when she was climbing the horizontal bar, she suddenly lost her grip and slipped off the horizontal bar, and her butt landed hard on the ground! In an instant, Tongtong became extremely happy and sad, and her little face wrinkled up in pain. This scene shocked many viewers who like Tongtong.

"It’s broken, the child fell!"

"As for Lu Yu, why don't you come over and take care of the children!"

"Don't cry, Tongtong, your father will be here soon!"


Seeing Tongtong fall on his butt, many viewers immediately became nervous.

Then, they looked anxiously at Lu Yu, who was sitting on the steps playing with his mobile phone not far away, hoping to ask him to come and help Tongtong up.

Even the cameraman shouted anxiously,

"Brother Lu, stop playing with your phone, Tongtong fell off the horizontal bar!"

"Come here quickly!"

Hearing this, Lu Yu raised his head, stood up and walked over.

However, what everyone did not expect was that facing Tongtong who was sitting on the ground with a sad face, Lu Yu not only did not go over to her immediately. I didn't mean to help him up, but I stood aside and observed it, and then laughed out loud.

"Hahahaha, Tongtong, your current posture is so funny!"

"The way you hold the pole looks a bit like a koala!

"Don't move. Dad will take some photos for you!"

While laughing,

Lu Yu hurriedly turned on the camera of his mobile phone and began to take pictures of Tongtong in circles. In the blink of an eye, he took more than a dozen pictures.

However, do you think this is the end?

No, just think of Tongtong's depressed thoughts. When he was about to get up from the ground, Lu Yu smiled again and said,"Tongtong, don't move yet, I will take a few more photos with you!"

After that, he switched to the front camera again and started taking photos with Tongtong.

"Tongtong, let’s compare!"



Faced with her father's unreliability, Tongtong seemed to have long been accustomed to it, and she actually cooperated and competed.

She waited until Lu Yu finished filming, then patted her butt, got up from the ground, and then jumped up and down, playing whatever she wanted.

The cameraman next to me was so dumbfounded when he saw this scene that his eyes almost popped out.

"Brother Lu, you are too ambitious. The child fell down, but you still took pictures. What's even more outrageous is that you actually asked the child to compete. Are you Tongtong's biological father?"


Facing the cameraman's complaints,

Lu Yu seemed a little confused and said innocently,"Isn't it just a fall on my butt? What's the big deal?"

"Well, having said that, you should comfort the child at least!"

"She slipped down accidentally, why should I coax her?"

"Besides, the horizontal bar is not high enough to fall hard on. Lu

Yu said in astonishment. Having said this,

Lu Yu actually disliked some old people in the community taking care of their children. Every time he saw a child falling or crying, it was obvious that the child was fine, but the old people would coax and coax them in various ways. He felt distressed, as if something terrible had happened.

Lu Yu felt that there was absolutely no need to do this.

It was normal for a child to fall. The more he fell, the stronger his skin became. For example, when he was a child, he fell off a wall. Just pay more attention this time.

Moreover, the way Tongtong fell on his butt just now was so funny and interesting.

Rather than coaxing the child in the past,

Lu Yu would rather take a few more photos and take them out to enjoy when he has nothing to do in the future.!

"Hahaha, I’m convinced. If you’re born in the 90s and have a baby, just focus on one thing that makes you happy!"

"In fact, what Lu Yu said makes sense. It's normal for a child to fall on her butt. If you don't coax her, she'll get better on her own. If you go over and coax her, she might cry immediately."

"The way Tongtong cooperated with taking photos just now was so skillful that it made people feel distressed. It was obvious at a glance that Lu Yu had bullied him like this all the time! (covering face)"

"It can't be considered bullying. He first made sure the child was okay before taking the photo."

"Tongtong is so strong. If it were any other child, he would have cried just now."

"Tongtong: Are you strong? Made with practice!"

"If Tongtong had cried just now, Lu Yu would probably have laughed even louder. Cry if you want, make trouble if you want. Post it to Moments and take a photo!"

"Good guy, I’ll teach you all the rules for raising children born in the 1990s!"


In the live broadcast room, after witnessing Lu Yu's hardcore parenting, many viewers were dumbfounded.

When your child falls, you as a parent do not comfort your child, but instead take pictures for fun.

This behavior is so 90's-ish. The main idea is to just be happy!

Of course, many viewers thought that Lu Yu's approach was very unreliable, and they severely criticized Lu Yu on the barrage!

Over here in the studio.

Liu Liwen, the only female expert, couldn't sit still on the spot.

"The child has already fallen down, but the parent still makes fun of the child. This is a secondary injury to the child!"

"How sad is the child's heart!"

"She will think that her father doesn’t love her anymore!"

"Is this what Lu Yu said, giving his children a happy childhood?"

Liu Liwen just finished speaking, but the next second, she was accidentally slapped in the face by Tongtong!

When Tongtong got up from the ground to play, another little girl ran to Tongtong and asked curiously. road,

"Tongtong, why is there a soldier carrying a cannon standing next to your father?"

"I'm dizzy!"

Tongtong explained to his friends in a funny way,

"That's not a cannon, that's a camera, and he's filming my dad!"

"Wow, is your dad a celebrity?"

The little girl asked in surprise

"My dad is not a star!"

Tongtong showed off proudly and proudly while playing,

"My dad is better than a celebrity. He is the person who loves me the most in the world. His love for me is so long that it can reach the moon and come back again!"

"Wow, your dad loves you so much!"

"of course!"

Tongtong's eyes were shining as he continued to show off,

"My dad not only loves me, but he is also very powerful. My dad told me that he can kill a tiger with just one slide!"

Tongtong's words shocked the friends around him.

One of the little boys was a little unconvinced and stood up directly and said,

"My dad is also very powerful. My dad can kill a dinosaur with one punch!"

"Hahaha, stop bragging, dinosaurs are extinct"


The little boy was embarrassed for a moment, but then he said proudly,

"Then my father dares to eat shit, how dare your father!"

"My dad also dares to eat shit! He dares to eat whatever I pull or what my mother pulls!"

Not to be outdone, a little boy next to him competed with the other party to see whose father was more powerful.

"Then my dad still dares to drink urine while eating shit!"

"What's so amazing about this, my dad can drink a tank of urine!"


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