Chen Aijun's lecture made Tiantian lower her head again.

She looked a little ashamed.

She didn't expect that there were so many children who were better than herself!

Some can calculate addition and subtraction within a hundred...

Others can recognize many, many Chinese characters.

Even his little cousin could recite many ancient poems when he was as old as himself...

Chen Aijun Yue Talking about this,

Tiantian's little head hung lower.

She felt that she was really stupid and useless.

Every child was much better than herself.

Her father had already taught her this, but she still couldn't. She couldn't keep up with other children...

Tiantian was so ashamed that she didn't dare to say anything. She felt very sorry for her father's hard work and dedication. She even thought about how great it would be if other children could be their father's daughters!

In that case,

Dad will be very happy every day and won't be so angry all the time.

At the same time, the live broadcast room was once again exploded by Chen Aijun's remarks!

Looking at Chen Aijun, who hates iron, and looking at Tiantian who is so ashamed, many viewers were so angry that they started swearing!

"Damn, let me just say this, Chen Aijun is a big fool, whoever agrees, who objects!"

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

"Mad, why is this guy making me feel more and more disgusted? The child finally did all the arithmetic problems correctly. She is full of joy and wants to wait for you to praise her a few times. You praise her, is it so difficult?!"

"Even so, you still have to say that your contribution is greater than Tiantian?"

"Yes, everything you said is right. It's all your fault for riding the horse. Tiantian didn't do anything, so I have to praise you!"

"The sentence I hated the most when I was a kid was what my parents said, look at how awesome the children of so and so are.……"

"If other people's children are awesome, what does it matter to you? Dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, and white swans can give birth to ugly ducklings that become white swans. If someone’s child is great, it means that their parents are also capable and powerful!"10"You yourself are not as good as the parents of other people’s children, why don’t you say that? But you compare your children with other people’s children. Isn’t it disgusting?"

"Haha, he said it, he said that the conditions of his family are not as good as others, so Tiantian should give him a shout-out!"

"It's so funny that you can't do it yourself, but you let your children fight for you. What kind of fucking logic is this?!"

"Watching Brother Lu play with Tongtong, I couldn’t stop laughing. Watching Chen Aijun play with Tiantian, I was so angry that my blood pressure soared. It really made me mad to death!"


In the live broadcast room, there was constant ridicule and abuse, and everyone showed great disgust at this education with Chen Aijun. Tiantian finally got the question right once and wanted her father to praise her for being great. But Chen Aijun opened his mouth and said,"It's normal for you to get them all right. It's abnormal for you to get them wrong!" Then he started to compare other people’s children with Tiantian.


""Other people's children", these words are simply the childhood shadow in the hearts of countless people. Many viewers were shocked when they heard this. Not to mention that the audience couldn't stand listening, even here in the studio, as the host Su Xue's face turned ugly at this moment.

She looked at the camera with distress, looking downcast Tiantian, and really wanted to give her a warm hug to comfort her:

"My kid, you are actually really awesome!"

"Chen Aijun said such words, it is actually very easy to hurt children."


Teacher He, a person who never speaks ill of others, couldn't help but say at this moment,

"Children's growth requires more encouragement from parents."

"I can understand criticizing her for doing something wrong."

"However, since she did a good job, why should parents be stingy with a few words of praise?"

"You praise her to make her more confident"

"Suppressive education will crush children's self-confidence and self-esteem!"

"Especially, comparing other children to her……"

"Every child has his own strengths and advantages. I personally think that such comparison is unfair to children and will also make children have low self-esteem and sensitivity."


Speaking of this,

Teacher He suddenly remembered a friend he knew in the industry.

That friend, I believe many people know, is the leader of Deyun, Lao Guo and Uncle Guo who are sought after by many people.

He adopted this kind of suppressive education for his eldest son Guo Dalin. He has mentioned his experience in educating Guo Dalin more than once in many programs :

"To educate a child, you must hurt his self-esteem!"

"Knock all his self-esteem away from him!"

"He will understand!"

"I've bullied him enough, and it's much better than letting outsiders bully him after he goes out!"

"The child can’t do it without scolding him!"

"As long as there are others at home, he will always be able to stand by!"

"You can’t even put food on the table!"

"The more people are in front of outsiders, the more harshly I have to say something bad about him. The more people there are, the more harshly I say it. I can't let him think that because you are my son, you can do something special!"

"The same goes for eating, you can only eat after others have finished eating!"

"If you don't do well, you should be scolded!"

"If you do well, I will scold him too!"

"Because people who don't like you will scold you regardless of whether you are good or not, or whether you are doing the right thing or not. If this is the case, then I will start scolding you like this first!"

"As time goes by, you won’t be afraid of others scolding you!"


Lao Guo can be said to have used this severe repressive education to the fullest. And this is what he did in life. When he first appeared on stage, Guo Dalin didn't perform well because of his poor performance. After returning home, Lao Guo scolded Guo Dalin until midnight and forced him to stand. Come out and apologize to the audience. Afterwards, Lao Guo trampled Guo Dalin's dignity to the ground in front of millions of netizens! Is Lao Guo’s repressive education really right? As Guo Dalin grew up, the character traits that he had developed under this kind of suppression since childhood began to expand infinitely, such as low self-esteem, sensitivity, being so sensible that people feel distressed, and being humble enough to be in the dust. Whenever he and Lao Guo share the stage or appear in front of the camera, he always looks submissive and timid. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) and Lao Guo Although they are father and son, they cannot even communicate with each other at the most basic level. They are as polite as two familiar strangers. Later, after Guo Dalin gained the ability, he moved out of his home as soon as possible and escaped the oppression of his family. Later, he even said"filial piety in front of the family", which made countless netizens sigh. As one of Lao Guo's friends in the circle, Teacher He didn't know how Lao Guo would feel after hearing his son's words of"filial piety in front of the family", but Teacher He himself felt that this matter , actually quite sad. Lao Guo's kind of education method makes the children really bruised and bruised in the end, and their hearts are riddled with holes... Teacher He was thinking about this. Suddenly, at the expert table, the expert Liu Liwen refuted his words.

"Xiao He, I don’t think what you call repressive education is bad."

"A child's heart is not as fragile as you think!"

"If he can't even bear the pressure from his biological parents, then what future can this child have?"

"When you grow up and enter the society, how can you bear greater pressure and responsibility? Liu

Liwen said,

"I see that there are many viewers on the barrage who are accusing Chen Aijun, the father born in the 1980s, of wrong education methods.……"

"What I want to say is, that’s because you are laymen and don’t understand education very well!"

"I have studied children’s enlightenment education for so many years, and I know very well how to cultivate a child to become a successful person!"

"Chen Aijun did the right thing. He should be strict with his children. How can he do it if he is not strict?"

"Like Xiao He, you just said, praise the children……"

"Hahaha, you are too little for a child."

"If you praise her, it will only make her satisfied with the status quo, complacent for a small achievement, and not thinking about making progress!"

"The more you praise her, the less she will know that the sky is high and the earth is high, that there are people outside the world, and that there is a sky outside the world!"

"Timely criticism can actually make her calm down and work harder to catch up with others."

Speaking of this,

Liu Liwen smiled and said,

"Let me make a very simple analogy: a donkey pulls a mill, you must have seen it, right? Scenes like this often appear on TV"

"When the donkey is pulling the mill, you praise it by saying that you are awesome and that you are pulling really well... Is it useful to say this?"

"You won’t listen to this. If you praise it for being great, it may give up all the work in the next second and lie down to rest!"

"So, if you want it to keep grinding, what should you do?"

"It's very simple, just hit it with a whip!"

"The harder you pump, the faster it pulls!"

"This is true for donkeys, and it is also true for educating children!"

"The parent's encouragement is that whip. Only by constantly urging your child can she make progress and become successful!"

Liu Liwen's words clearly reached the ears of every audience in the live broadcast room.

After listening, many viewers immediately exploded!

"Damn, your child is a donkey. If you compare an animal to a child, you are still an expert!"

"This stupid expert really healed the scars and forgot about the pain. You said that children's hearts are not that fragile. Then what do you think of the children who committed suicide due to depression every year when the host Xiaoxue mentioned them before?!"

"I don’t object to spurring children, but it should be done in moderation, right?"

"Even if it's a donkey, if you whip it hard, the donkey won't be able to bear it!"

"Hahaha, it’s not that I’m being harsh, but with Chen Aijun’s education method, something will happen to Tiantian sooner or later. I can only say, I hope that day will not come!"

"Right, right, right, we don’t understand education, you are the only one who understands, you are so naughty, you are so naughty, go ahead and scold Brother Lu a few times, have a fight with Brother Lu, and you will be done with it if you see if Brother Lu scolds him to death.!"

"What kind of nonsense is this? If your child does something wrong, you criticize it, and if your child does something right, you also criticize it, just to prevent your child from being proud? Make children motivated?"

"If this is the case, I would rather my children have no ambition at all in the future and just be ordinary people, which is quite comfortable!"530

"So, now many parents born in the 1990s have awakened……"

"Just like Brother Lu, he doesn't care whether his children will do well in the future. As long as the children are happy, safe and healthy, that's enough!"

"Only now do I know that Brother Lu is really too sober. In this current environment, if we still teach children according to the previous education model, it will really drive them crazy!"


Expert Liu Liwen's remarks attracted countless complaints and abuses from the audience.

Looking at the endless barrage,

Expert Liu Liwen's face became livid with anger.

As an old expert who has studied education for decades, how dare you question me in my professional field?

It's so ignorant and ridiculous!


Expert Liu Liwen does not intend to argue or debate with these audiences.

As the saying goes, arguing with ignorant people will only make you look small and ignorant!

Liu Liwen took a deep breath and said with a sneer,

"You can have your own views and opinions"

"You can also say that what I said is wrong"

"In other words, Chen Aijun’s education method is wrong."

"But, there is one thing you can't change!"

"That is, the children taught by Chen Aijun are indeed more sensible and outstanding than other children of the same age group!"

"For example, the exercises his children do every day"

"Can you guarantee that other children of the same age can do the above arithmetic problems?"

"Don't talk about others……"

"Let me just say that Lu Yu, the father born in the 1990s who many of you like and support very much, is that he has a lot of fun with his children and is very happy!"

"I admit that his children are indeed more cheerful and lively"

"But cheerfulness and liveliness come at a heavy price!"

"Can his child, Tongtong, do the math like Tiantian and calculate those exercises accurately?!"

"I think, probably, it can’t be done!"

"And this is where Chen Aijun's education method is better and more worthy of promotion than Lu Yu's education method!"

"Whether parents can take care of their children and whether they can bring them happiness is not the key to judging whether a set of educational methods is good or not!"

"The key is to see if the baby you bring out is good or not!!"

"If you have the ability, ask that Lu Yu child to come up with a few of the same arithmetic problems and give it a try!!"


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