"No, why did it go away? We still have to listen to Brother Lu telling stories!"

"If my prediction is correct, what Brother Lu just mentioned should be Journey to the West!"

"Hahaha, it feels like something changes when it comes out of Brother Lu’s mouth!"

"Hey, it’s time to see Tiantian being educated again. I really hope Tiantian can live as happily as Tongtong."

"It’s difficult. With a parent like Chen Aijun, how can a child be happy?"

"Even if he is happy, he will never be as happy as Tongtong!"


When they saw the camera switch to Chen Aijun and Tiantian, many viewers in the live broadcast room immediately began to complain.

Although Lu Yu is very cheating, he likes to trick children, and he is also an old traitor who makes the little traitor tremble, but with him, Tongtong is really happy!

That kind of carefree happiness, with dad accompanying me to go crazy, play together, eat at roadside stalls, drink milk tea together...

It really makes people feel happy just thinking about it!

As bystanders, they couldn't help but put on their aunt's smiles as they watched, feeling very comfortable in their hearts.

Because of this, the audience couldn't get enough of Lu Yu raising a baby.

Even if the father and daughter simply had a meal, chatted and did nothing, the audience watched with gusto and did not feel bored at all.

In contrast,

""Two, five, three." Every time the camera shows Chen Aijun taking care of the baby, it gives people the feeling of depression and suffocation.

Chen Aijun's chattering and various educational methods make people feel for Tiantian across the screen.

Feeling tired...

As the picture gradually became clearer, Chen Aijun and Tiantian, the fathers born in the 1980s, also appeared in the camera again. At that time, the time had already reached 8:30.

Not surprisingly, , this time is exactly the time Tiantian is doing exercises.

She will do exercises for an hour every night between eight and nine o'clock. After finishing, she has to ask Chen Aijun to check them again and correct the wrong questions. It can only be finished after the redo is completed.

At this time,

Tiantian's little figure is still lying on the dining table doing the questions.

Chen Aijun is sitting next to him and watching.

He is not playing with his mobile phone or doing other things. Just like a qualified supervisor, he pays close attention to his daughter's every move.

"Tiantian, do you want to think about this question for so long?"

Chen Aijun suddenly frowned and knocked on the table.

Tiantian suddenly became nervous.

"Dad, I thought about it again and figured it out right away.……"

"Do you still need to think about this?"

Chen Aijun said with some hatred that iron cannot become steel,

"You just finished calculating how much 8+7 equals. Now, you don’t know what 7+8 equals?"

"8+7 and 7+8, aren’t they exactly the same!"

"It’s just that the numbers have been swapped!"

"The two numbers have not changed!"

"Or add the two of them!"

"The answer must be the same!"

"It's like I have 8 apples and you have 7 apples. Whether it's you and me or me and you, if we add up our apples, isn't that what we have?"

"You are already so old, and you will go to elementary school in one year. Why don’t you even have the ability to be flexible?"

"Your mind is too stupid!"

"What a disappointment to dad!"

Chen Aijun reprimanded loudly.

He was really disappointed. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

He couldn't help but complain,

"I spend so much thought and time on you every day, give you good food, clothes, and good care, and choose the most expensive kindergarten for you to go to school!"

"For your study, I don’t feel sorry for the thousands of dollars it costs to enroll in a cram school. I will try my best to give you the best education.……"

"But look at me, dad!"

"I don’t want to eat or use them. My clothes are all old clothes from a few years ago, and my mobile phone is old. I throw it on the street and no one picks it up!"

"Who am I doing all this for?!"

"It’s all for you, Tiantian!"

"But now, is this how you repay me?!"

"You still can't deal with even this most basic question. How can you not make your father angry?!"

Chen Aijun's complaints made Tiantian lower her head in shame, her little face almost lying on the table.

She felt that she was really stupid and made her father angry again.

For her own sake, her father I’ve put in so much effort, but I can’t even solve a single question.……

"Lift your face, I want you to lift your face!"

"Your eyes are so close to the table, are you trying to be nearsighted?"

"How many times have I told you that when doing homework, your back should be straight and you can't lie on the table, don't you want your eyes?"

"If you don’t want it, then I’ll take you to the hospital tomorrow and ask the doctor to remove your eyes!"

"Forget being a blind man from now on!"


Chen Aijun's words scared Tiantian and she quickly sat up straight, biting her lips tightly and not daring to say a word.

"Damn it, what Chen Aijun said was too much. How could he talk about a child like that?"

"To be honest, 8+7 and 7+8 are indeed easy for adults to understand. Even if the two numbers are added in different positions, the result remains the same, but a child cannot understand this kind of thing!"

"Add two addends, swap the positions of the addends, and the sum remains unchanged... If I remember correctly, this should be called the commutative law of addition, which is something only learned in the fourth grade of elementary school."

"Tiantian is only in middle school, so it’s normal that she can’t understand this."

"That is, you can't ask for sweetness with an adult's thinking. What you think is simple may not be simple for children!"

"After being convinced, he came again. Chen Aijun started preaching again, saying how difficult it was for him, all for the sake of his children...You are the most difficult person in the world!"


Chen Aijun's words attracted countless complaints and dissatisfaction in the live broadcast room.

It is quite normal for a child of Tiantian's age not to understand the calculation method of exchanging addends. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yes, in the eyes of adults, this kind of question is indeed very simple and even ridiculous.

However, there is no such calculation logic in the minds of children!

This is actually the case with many problems. Children may not be able to understand things that adults think are simple.

In particular, as he spoke, Chen Aijun began to complain about his hard work again, complaining that he had paid too much and gave the best to Tiantian...

These words made the audience even more confused!

An audience member refuted Chen Aijun sharply.

"You are reluctant to eat, wear or buy a new mobile phone. Such sacrifices cannot be blamed on Tiantian. Tiantian should not pay for your sacrifices. For such problems, you should blame yourself. , blame yourself for not having the ability!"

"If you have the ability, if you are a billionaire, are you short of this little money?"

"So, in the final analysis, no one can be blamed except your own inability. Why didn’t you study hard back then? Why don’t you work hard to make money now? If you had enough money, would you still have to do this nonsense?"

"I can't do it myself, I don't have the ability, and I'm still here blaming the children. It's so typical of all of them!"

"What the brother above said is so right, it touches my heart deeply!"

"That’s right, how expensive are clothes, shoes and mobile phones? Why are you reluctant to buy it? The price has been this way over the years. Don’t talk nonsense with your eyes open. If you think it’s expensive and you’re reluctant to buy it, think about it for yourself. Have your wages increased over the years? Have you worked hard? It’s very difficult for people to sell things, okay?!"

"Hahahaha, Li Jiaqi called her an expert after hearing this, and I’ll give you the seat!"


At that time, of course Chen Aijun didn’t know that his education method had aroused dissatisfaction from so many people.

Even if he knew,

I’m afraid he would only reply:

It’s because I am useless and I have no ability, so , I am so strict with my daughter, I want her to become a capable person and not be as incompetent as me when she grows up!

He didn't think there was anything wrong with his thinking.

He suffered the disadvantage of being incompetent and wanted his daughter to become capable.

Isn't this normal?

Time passed bit by bit, and finally, at nine o'clock,

Tiantian's task of doing questions for today was finally over.

Chen Aijun picked up his daughter's exercise book and began to check each question one by one. Tiantian was watching carefully, fearing that he was careless about any question and made a mistake, which would cause his father's sadness.

Fortunately, my father read from beginning to end and didn’t find a single wrong question.

"Not bad, basically everything is done right!"

Chen Aijun said.

There was finally a trace of relief on his face.

Tiantian breathed a sigh of relief, relaxed his tense body with relief, and even asked somewhat flatteringly,

"Dad, I got everything right today, and I didn’t get a single question wrong. Isn’t Tiantian great too!"

"Tiantian is not a stupid child, is he a father?"

Hearing this,

Chen Aijun glanced at his daughter, but he did not praise her.

Instead, he sighed and took the opportunity to say seriously,

"Tiantian, although you did not get the question wrong today, this is not something you should be happy and proud of!"

"If dad hadn't been there to supervise you, coach you, and teach you how to do it!"

"You don’t know how many questions you will get wrong!"

"Therefore, in terms of credit, dad’s credit is much greater than yours!"

"You have been doing the exercises for so long, and it is normal to get them all right!"

"If you do something wrong, that's abnormal!"


After hearing Chen Aijun's words,

Tiantian's mood that she had finally recovered from just now cooled down again.

"Oh dad, I know……"

Tiantian said disappointedly.

Chen Aijun put the exercise book on the table and continued,

"If you did it right this time, you may not do it right next time. Pride makes people fall behind, but humility makes people progress."

"Don't be complacent just because of a small achievement!"

"Moreover, do you think you are very good just because you can do a few 1.8 simple math questions?"

"You are wrong Tiantian, there are many children who are better than you!" Chen Aijun thought of those particularly powerful children he had seen online before. Some of those children were even younger than Tiantian.

"Did you know, Tiantian, that some children are younger than you, but they can already calculate addition and subtraction within 100!"

"But when you calculate the addition and subtraction of single digits within ten, you always make mistakes!"

"There is also a child who is even more awesome!"

"After just attending the senior class, I can already recognize hundreds of Chinese characters!"

"Just like those story books for children that your father bought for you, you can read them yourself, and you don’t need your parents to tell them to you."

"But what about you, how many words do you know?"

"Let’s not talk about these children, let’s talk about your second aunt’s family, your little cousin"

"When he was your age, he could already recite many ancient poems. How many can you recite now?"

"In addition to memorizing the phrase"goosegoose" and singing to the sky, what else can you do?"

"Although our family conditions are far inferior to your second aunt’s family’s wealth……"

"But your father will definitely have to work harder to guide you in this aspect than your second aunt instructing your little cousin!"

"So, Tiantian, you must give your father some credit!"

"My father only has a daughter like you. If you fail to live up to expectations, who else can your father count on?"

"Do you think so, Tiantian?"


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