Faced with the question of whether to support or not to support,

Lu Yu did not give his daughter a straightforward answer.

Instead, he first told a story that really happened in this society, using the experience of that kind couple to tell the story. The dangers of children's hearts.

Let her know that sometimes, kindness is not a good thing, but will hurt herself severely.

After the story was told,

Lu Yu did not tell Tongtong whether he should help him or not.

Instead, he asked her if she could understand now why so many people were standing nearby and could help the old lady up as long as they stretched out their hands, but they kept it secret and did not dare to step forward.

In this way, by gradually allowing your daughter to accept the message you want to convey to her, the impact on your daughter's young mind may be minimized.

At the same time, many viewers in the live broadcast room also expressed great admiration for Lu Yu's education!

"I really didn’t expect that when Brother Lu is unreliable, he is really unreliable, but if he is serious about teaching children, he can be so good!"

"Yes, Brother Lu obviously gave Tongtong the decision of whether to help or not. He did not directly tell Tongtong what to do, but used the story to let Tongtong understand how bad the bad guys are.!"

"Hey, if I guess correctly, the couple that Brother Lu talked about should be the couple who have been doing charity for 11 years and donated 183 poor children, right?"

"They were indeed very kind, but their ending was really tragic. The couple had done good deeds throughout their lives, but none of them died a good death. Their two daughters, who were only five years old at the time, became orphans."

"So, don’t just persuade others to do good deeds. Good people are rewarded with good things. It’s all a lie. Hemp ropes are cut at the smallest details. Bad luck only seeks out the miserable. Good people don’t live long, and disasters last for thousands of years!"

"I have read that there is a saying that everyone has sufferings that he should bear. If you help him, it is equivalent to taking over the sufferings for him, and you will have to bear the consequences of the consequences for him.……"

"I give full marks to Brother Lu for this education. I am not afraid of Brother Lu being proud!"

"I learned this, and if my son asks me this kind of question in the future, I will tell him the same thing!"

"Faced with this kind of problem, everyone is actually quite helpless. It's not that they don't want to help, but they really don't dare to help. Once they are blackmailed, they will never be able to turn around for the rest of their lives!"

"Not to mention us ordinary people, some time ago a female police officer helped an old lady on her way home from get off work. As a result, she was blackmailed for more than 30,000 yuan. She finally revealed her identity as a police officer and got her money back!"

"Even the police have been blackmailed and there is nothing they can do, let alone us?!"

"So, let alone Brother Lu teaching Tongtong like this, even if he directly tells Tongtong that we will not help him, I think Brother Lu did the right thing!"


Lu Yu's guidance of Tongtong from the simple to the deep attracted unanimous approval from the audience in the live broadcast room.

Kindness is a good thing, but kindness that will bring huge hidden dangers to yourself and your family is really not advisable. of!

Just like Lu Yu said, a bad person will never write his badness on his face.

No one knows whether the old lady lying on the ground is good or bad, let alone her family. What kind of attitude will you have when you come here?

Under such circumstances, especially when there are so many lessons learned from past mistakes, who would dare to help?!

Sometimes, we really can’t blame people for being too cold, but the things that have happened in the past have chilled the hearts of too many people!

At this time, facing Lu Yu's inquiry, the smart Tongtong finally understood what his father meant.

"Dad, I understand, it’s not that everyone doesn’t want to help, it’s that they don’t dare to help……"

"Yes Tongtong!"

Lu Yu nodded and said,

"There were so many people standing there, not that they were not kind, but that everyone was really scared by the bad guys!"

"If you help her up and she insists that you knocked her down, she will have to take her to the hospital, pay her medical bills, and take care of her. This is really terrible."

"Yes, so scary!"

Tongtong nodded vigorously and looked at the old lady on the ground with some fear, but then,

Tongtong asked again,

"Dad, what if she is a good person?"

Yeah, what if the person lying on the ground is a good person?

Hearing Tongtong's question, the audience in the live broadcast room fell silent again. If it's a bad person, forget it if you don't help him.

But what if, the other person If you don’t intend to blackmail people, are you a good person?

Are you really in urgent need of help from caring people?

This question not only troubles Tongtong, but is also the most difficult thing for many viewers to face.

Is he a good person or a bad person?

From the appearance, You can't see it at all, unless you go up to help.

But after you help, what if you are blackmailed?

This will fall into the previous endless loop again, and there is no solution at all!

Because of this, the audience at this time They all looked at Lu Yu again, wanting to hear how Brother Lu would answer this question.

Faced with this question, after Lu Yu thought about it, he still did not give Tong Tong a direct answer. Instead, he guided Tong Tong as he did just now.

Judge for yourself

"Tongtong, before answering your question, I want to ask you a question first"

"Do you think gambling is a good behavior or a bad behavior?"

"Of course it’s bad behavior!"

Tongtong said without thinking,

"Dad, don’t you always say that you and gambling and drugs are inseparable?"

"So, of course gambling is bad behavior!"

"Yes, gambling is indeed bad behavior!"

In response to his daughter's answer,

Lu Yu nodded with great satisfaction, and then brought the topic back to the question of whether to help or not.

"By the same token, can you tell whether the person lying on the ground is a good person or a bad person?"

"You believe she is a good person and go over to help her up. Isn't this an act of gambling?"

"Just like those gamblers, before every bet, they always think they will win."

"It's just that gamblers, they bet money"

"But when you support her, you are betting on her heart, whether she is kind or not!"

"If you bet correctly, you might get a thank you from her."

"But once the bet is wrong, you will be pulled into the bottomless abyss by her!"

"We live our own little lives in a good way, eating well, having fun, drinking well, and being free and comfortable. Isn’t that delicious?"

"Why should I bet with her?"

"And why should I use my own kindness to bet on her humanity, bet on whether she is kind, bet on whether she is a good person?"

"Whether she is a good person or not is not important to us at all!"

"The important thing is that we must fight against gambling and drugs!"

"It's a gamble, it won't do us any good!"

"If you don’t gamble, nothing will happen!"

"So, Tongtong, if this is the case, why should we gamble?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Lu Yu's explanation once again caused the live broadcast room to boil!

The audience who listened were suddenly enlightened and enlightened!

Maybe, some people will ask, as a parent, how can you teach your children this way?

However, if you think about it from Lu Yu's perspective, he really thinks so!

Even worse, he didn't have the nerve to say it in front of Tongtong, a child!

What are the good and bad people, who are loving and not loving, what are the senses of social responsibility and so on... all of these have nothing to do with me!

I just want to do my own thing well and live my own life well. We abide by the law and do not endanger society or disrupt social order. Isn't that okay?

Why should I risk my family's stable life to gamble on the humanity of a stranger I've never met?

Good person or bad person, [ ]

I don’t know her at all, so why should I bet with her!

If the bet is right, there will be no benefit at all.

If the bet is wrong, the whole family will be affected by your actions and cannot live in peace!

If that's the case, why bother gambling?!

If you have the ability, go ahead and execute those old people who blackmailed people before!

After killing a few people in public, do you think they still dare?

When that time comes, we will naturally dare to stand up and help you without your help!

But the key is, it doesn’t exist now!

Even if a blackmailer is exposed, he can just slap his butt and leave with a light apology!

But, when they apologize, do they really know that they are wrong?

Not really!

They were just scared when their lies were exposed, so they apologized!

Just like a death row prisoner who has committed all kinds of evil, his tears when he was arrested were not to repent of his sins, but to be afraid of the consequences he would face and to regret how he had been caught!

On the contrary, those who have been blackmailed are in misery. They have to find ways to prove their innocence...

Fairness does not stand at their feet. There is bloody rain all around them. Sober people, How dare you risk your kindness and risk your humanity on a battlefield littered with corpses!

What is wrong is not our indifference, but the absurdity of this world!

Just like a very interesting saying on the Internet before, the funniest and most ironic joke in the 21st century is that insurance companies actually launched insurance for the elderly...

Yes, it is obviously an act of love, but now , you have to buy insurance first!

How ironic!

How ridiculous!

In this case, why don’t I help you?

If you don’t want to help, there’s no need to buy it!

At the same time, after Lu Yu said these words, the live broadcast room exploded again!

"Ma De, Brother Lu's explanation really made me enlightened. I used to have uneasy conscience, but now I'm going to do it. From now on, I can feel at ease and take care of myself and my family!"

"Hahahaha, what Brother Lu said makes so much sense. We were originally sworn in with gambling and drugs, but since helping people has now become a gamble, why don’t we support them!"

"I am an honest person, answer the call, and never participate in gambling! (dog head, jpg)"

"Yes, that's really it. We don't know whether she is a good person or a bad person. Instead of betting on her humanity, it would be better not to bet in the first place. Betting on dogs will result in losing, and you will lose every time you bet!"

"Brother Lu stood up and spoke, and I knelt down to listen. He really lived a sober life!"

"Yes, what Brother Lu said is indeed very clear. It is just right to explain it to a child, allowing her to understand the truth without hurting the child's innocence and kindness too much."

"I really didn’t expect that Brother Lu, who is such a big loser, is actually the father who knows how to educate his children. Isn’t this more helpful for the growth of his children than the big principles that Chen Aijun talks about every day?"

"Chen Aijun is nothing, but his education methods are comparable to my brother Lu?!"

"There is a saying, when Brother Lu is unreliable, he is really unreliable, but if he is reliable, he is still very reliable!"

"Hahaha, I feel like Brother Lu has already said it very tactfully in front of Tongtong!"

"If Tongtong hadn't been here, Brother Lu would probably have scolded him when he talked about blackmailing people!"


Lu Yu's words triggered bursts of applause in the live broadcast room.

To sum up,

Lu Yu’s point of view is just one sentence: put aside the plot of helping others, respect the fate of others, and enjoy a wicked life!

Just live your own little life well and be comfortable. It's great that you can survive another day. Don't force or interfere in other people's affairs! Whether you call Lu Yu selfish or indifferent, if you do your best, you

Just shut your mouth immediately, stand on the moral high ground, and point fingers. Who wouldn't?

Compared to a huge gamble with human nature, a stable life for the whole family, in Lu Yu's opinion, is better than anything else!

Along with the boiling and cheering in the live broadcast room, at the same time, in the studio hall, the three experts were already so angry that their blood pressure soared and their faces turned pale!


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