"Ridiculous, really ridiculous!"

"This Lu Yu, how dare he!!"

At the expert table,

Hu Zhen slapped the table in front of him angrily.

"As a father, how could he educate his children like this!!"

"Isn’t he letting his children grow up without knowing right from wrong, good from bad?"

"As the old saying goes, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Even if the other person is really a bad person, he is still a bad person who needs help!"

"How can you pretend not to see when you see it? How can you choose to stand by and watch!"


Hu Zhen was really angry.

Lu Yu's selfish and indifferent attitude simply made him feel angry!

Especially, he actually taught this view to the next generation of children!

If everyone becomes so indifferent and selfish, then who will help those old people who fall down?!

Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s just talk about myself.

Hu Zhen himself is already old. Maybe in a few years, he will reach the age where he fell on the road and cannot get up.

If no one helps him, then by then , what should I do if I accidentally fall?

Therefore, in addition to being angry,

Hu Zhen was also a little worried. He was worried that everyone would really listen to Lu Yu's monstrous words and become like Lu Yu, and then no one would help him!

"That's right, Lu Yu's education is truly incredible!"

Next to her, the female expert Liu Liwen was also furious.

"Yes, there have indeed been some negative events in our society!"

"Some elderly people, perhaps because of their age and bad eyesight, accidentally wronged the kind people who helped them!"

"However, they have been severely criticized and educated!"

"As bystanders, we cannot be blinded just because of these few negative energy events!"

"Not to mention that we cannot deny all elderly people who have fallen just because of this extremely rare incident!"

"Having kind thoughts, being kind-hearted, and being willing to help others are our traditional virtues!"

"How dare Lu Yu teach his daughter this way!"

"What else is gambling?……"

"Helping others is a kind act that does not require anything in return. How can it be said to be gambling? It is accumulating blessings for yourself and future generations!"

"That's right! Therefore, Lu Yu’s education is so wrong!"

Expert Hu Zhen took over and continued,

"I strongly request the program team to cut out the content of the program just now!"

"In order to prevent more people from being distorted by his views after seeing it!"

"Speaking of which, I also want to make a suggestion to the relevant departments!"

"I hope the relevant departments can create a new law on this issue of supporting the elderly as soon as possible!"

"The elderly not only need to be supported, but must be supported!"

"If anyone sees it and refuses to help him, it is no different from the crime of intentionally injuring others!!"

"If the old man's life is safe because of this, all onlookers will be treated as accessories to the murder!"

"In this case, I still don’t believe it, who dares to be so indifferent!"


The three experts criticized Lu Yu's rhetoric just now.

Hu Zhen, in particular, was even more fierce in his words. He even wanted to suggest that the relevant departments establish a bill to punish all those who do not help the elderly!

In this way, the living environment of the elderly will definitely be greatly improved, and it will also sound a warning to those who are indifferent and selfish like Lu Yu! As for his point of view, not to mention how the audience reacted after hearing it, even the people on the directing team almost beat him to death with their eyes rolled! Has this old guy been kicked in the head? Still want to legislate? It would be strange if the relevant departments could accept your suggestions! To put it bluntly, this kind of question of whether to help or not is actually similar to whether you want to give up your seat to an elderly person on a bus. Helping is a matter of affection , but not helping is a duty. Even if you don’t help, you can at most We can only criticize others from a moral perspective, how can we legislate! If that's the case, then we might as well enact a law on buses from now on. If you don't give up your seat to an elderly person, you 'll be punished as a crime. You can see what kind of chaos it will be when the time comes! Sure enough, after these three experts finished speaking, the audience started laughing directly on the barrage!

"These old bricksmen really made me laugh. You just stand and talk without pain in your back. I want to help you. I don’t have mines at home, so I really don’t dare to help!"

"Wait, that person just said that doing good deeds is to accumulate blessings for yourself and your descendants? Your view should be regarded as feudal superstition, right? I remember that feudal superstition seems to be prohibited here, and we don’t even allow paper burning for our ancestors during the Tomb-Sweeping Day! (dog head, jpg)"

"Hahaha, good argument. Since feudal superstition is prohibited, how can we talk about accumulating good fortune? We must believe in science!"

"The law should indeed be enacted, but not this kind of law, but should be enacted for those old people who are blackmailing people. Once it is found out that they are blackmailing people, don't say anything, just take them away and quarter them!"

"In this way, there will definitely be fewer blackmailers, and we will dare to be more loving!"

"This is a good idea. In the final analysis, those people dare to blackmail others because the cost of crime is too low. If they win by blackmailing, they will have enough food and clothing. If they lose by blackmailing, they can just apologize!"

"When I think about it, I want to blackmail others. Isn't this easier than going to work?"

"Don't tell me, something like this happened some time ago. Two young men did not go to work and went to steal something in a supermarket. They were discovered by the boss. They fell while running away, and then the supermarket boss paid them five dollars. Ten thousand dollars!"

"Damn, is this okay?!"

"What's wrong with this? What's even more outrageous is that a barefoot doctor saved a heart attack patient on a high-speed train. After saving the patient, he was extorted tens of thousands of dollars because he was said to have no medical qualifications.! (face covering, jpg)"

"So, Brother Lu is right. People are indifferent. We really can’t be blamed. If we are to blame, blame those ridiculous judgments!"


The words of the three experts attracted countless complaints and sarcasm from the audience, and in the midst of everyone's ridicule, something that made the three experts' faces even darker suddenly happened!

In the picture, after Lu Yu finished speaking to Tongtong, he did not immediately take Tongtong into the mall.

Instead, he still stood there, looking at the fallen old man over there, wanting to see what happened in the end. What will be the result?

Because some people in the crowd of onlookers can no longer stand it and are starting to make moves.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, a kind person stood out from the crowd!

This was a middle-aged woman.

After she stood up, she first took out her mobile phone, started recording, and said to the old lady on the ground,

"Auntie, let me record a video first to prove that I did not knock you down. As long as you say it was not me, I will help you up immediately!"

In order to prevent herself from being blackmailed, the middle-aged woman first took out insurance for herself.

When the old lady heard this, she cried repeatedly,

"My child, it wasn't you who hit me, it was me who fell down. Please help me up, my legs are almost broken!"

"Okay, okay, aunt, since you said it wasn't me who hit you, I'll help you up now!"

The middle-aged woman breathed a sigh of relief. As she spoke, she stopped the video, hurriedly walked over, and helped up the battery car that had fallen on the old man.

After holding up the battery car, (to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

She turned back to help the old man.

However, what no one expected was that just one second, the old lady who was praising the middle-aged woman as a kind-hearted person, the next second, she changed her face to Sichuan Opera. , turned her face away!

Her two hands suddenly hugged the middle-aged woman’s legs and started to cry loudly.

"Oh, you blind thing, you want to hit me to death!"

"You can't run!"

"You broke my leg. You have to send me to the hospital for examination, and you have to pay me!"

"Ouch, ouch, it hurts me so much!!"

The old aunt pretended to be real, and her screams frightened the middle-aged woman.

At the same time, it also stunned the children not far away.

In the live broadcast room, there were more than 20 million people. At this moment, the audience, after being stunned, began to curse!

No one expected that this old woman was actually a blackmailer!

The middle-aged woman suddenly panicked and hurriedly shouted road,

".Auntie, you can't frame a good person. I have a video on my phone. You just admitted it yourself. It was you who fell. How can you rely on me?"

"Ouch, it hurts me so much. Video, what kind of video? Those words just now were clearly what you forced me to say. If I didn’t say it, you would have run away!"

"Dare I not say it!"

The old woman acted rogue in public, which made even the middle-aged women angry.

"Auntie, there are so many people watching, you can’t be like this, the current atmosphere is ruined by people like you!"

"Everyone present can testify to me that I didn’t hit you at all!"

Faced with the middle-aged woman's explanation, the old lady still refused to give up.

"Ouch, who can give you proof? If anyone can give you proof, then let someone take me to the hospital... Ouch, when you moved the electric car just now, you crushed my foot again, and this time the ankle may have been broken.!"


The middle-aged woman was so anxious that she almost cried.

"Auntie, don't talk nonsense. I didn't hit you at all. My electric car was parked over there. How could I hit you!"

"Oops, it turns out I flew here from over there. My forehead, look at my arms, are all bleeding, my ridged cap!"

"Please call an ambulance quickly, I can't move!"


The old aunt lay on the ground, hugging the other person's legs and rolling around.

Even in the face of the accusations from the people around her, she did not give in at all. She just clung to the middle-aged woman who was holding her up like a dog-skin plaster. The middle-aged woman was anxious to explain loudly, but no matter what she said, the old aunt would not let go and would depend on her for life and death. Just like that, after a stalemate for more than ten minutes, the police came. Even when the police came, the old aunt refused to let go and insisted that it was the middle-aged woman who knocked her down. Even if the people around her opened their mouths to explain to the police, the old aunt would not let go. Still firmly aware of this point, he cried, made trouble, and hung himself, just messing around. Faced with such an old lady, in the end, the police had no choice but to take the middle-aged woman with them and send the old lady to the hospital for examination. According to what the police said, the middle-aged woman also needs to pay the medical expenses for the examination in the hospital first. After the investigation is clear, if she is not the one who hit her, the medical expenses will be refunded to her by her family. Before the middle-aged woman left, her face was filled with deep regret. She originally came to the mall to buy a cake for her son, but she didn't buy the cake yet. Instead, she got into trouble because she did a good deed. Such a big pile of troublesome things... If we want to deal with these things thoroughly in the future, it will be impossible to do it in just a few days. Not to mention anything else, just talking about the advance medical expenses, it is difficult to say whether you can get it back from others. If you encounter an unreasonable family, you may have to file a lawsuit and apply for legal enforcement. The method... In this way, in full view of the public, the farce of helping the old man finally came to an end, and the live broadcast room also started a crazy mockery of the three experts!


【Thanks to the blank space memory guy for your monthly ticket support! 】.

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