Live Broadcast To Dig For Treasure In The Mountains, Start With A Million Times Profit!

Chapter 205 The Dragon Kingdom Cannot Live Without Lao Su, Just Like The West Cannot Live Without Je

From the face being red and the whole body being congested, to returning to normal.

This only takes a few minutes.

Watching Su Ze dive directly for a hundred meters.

Zhang Yuanyuan, Chen Kaijun and other people on the shore even suspected that they had seen it wrong.

Under the reflection of the drone light, coupled with the clarity of the underwater light.

The originally fair face looked congested.

But Su Ze's condition here has just recovered.

With a gesture, he continued to dive deeper.

This move made them all stupid.

"Su still want to dive?"

"This is more than 600 meters, close to 700 meters!"

"If this goes on...will you die?"

Chen Kaijun and others were stunned for a moment when they saw Su Ze diving deeper.

But looking at Zhang Yuanyuan, she clenched her fists and stared at the scene in the live broadcast room.

Nothing was said.

But under that nervous expression, you can tell at a glance.

She must be worried about Su Ze.

I just don’t want to disturb the current Su Ze.

Don’t delay and retreat!

Chen Kaijun and others on the shore were stunned by Su Ze's situation.

Netizens in the live broadcast room are not doing much better at this time.

In their opinion.

Su Ze subverts common sense.

Within a few minutes, he returned to normal from the congested state.

But now, he didn't care and plunged directly into the water.

This is not outrageous, what is outrageous?

"Lao Su, has he transformed?"

"It only took a few minutes, why did it change?"

"Where is the country? There is a Superman here, come quickly and slice it!"

"It's you upstairs, aren't you kidding me??"

"Does this mean we have to drag Lao Su into slices?"

"Not to mention diving a few hundred meters, even if Old Su turned into a Transformer the next moment and crushed his little life to pieces, the country would not touch Old Su to share!"

"Dragon Kingdom cannot live without Lao Su."

"Just like the West cannot live without Jerusalem!"

Discussions from netizens filled the entire live broadcast room.

That corner is full of barrage.

From being skeptical at first, to later wanting to pull Su Ze into slices.

And then to that classic quote.

The Dragon Kingdom cannot live without Su Ze.

Just like the West cannot live without Jerusalem.

This is very consistent with the existence of Su Ze.

However, Su Ze is willing to directly improve his physical fitness in the live broadcast room.

It's not something you do when your brain gets hot.

It was a move made after deep consideration.

First of all, it is the guarantee given to him by the big leader before.

Secondly, Su Xi is demonstrating her huge utilization value.

As long as his utilization value is extremely high, the country can have a very high attitude towards him.

And it has stayed that way.


There is another biggest consideration.

It is your own strength that always comes first.

It is precisely under so many considerations.

Su Ze just made such a move in front of so many netizens.

And all this proves that Su Ze guessed right.

Under such a move.

Some people think that Ze has too many hidden things.

But there are still more people who think so.

The existence of Su Ze is particularly huge for the Dragon Kingdom.

And it's irreplaceable.

And this is Su Ze’s confidence!

Didn't think much about it.

Under the huge thrust of the legs.

Su Ze just galloped and arrived at a depth of 890 meters under the water.

At this depth of the water, sunlight can no longer shine down.

The whole gives to the waters, all in darkness.

Su Ze relies on the top of the head.

Drone headlights.

Only in this water can you see the scene clearly.

Under the light, the drone circled the small solitary mountain in front of us.

From a depth of 430 meters to the current depth of 890 meters.

After simple conversion, the overall height of this small solitary mountain is about 450 meters.

Although this height is not low.

But it’s definitely not high!

Surrounded by a circle.

Under the lens of a drone.

The whole scene of Xiaogushan was completely revealed.

The trees that were originally on the mountain had long since rotted and died due to the loss of sunlight.

But now, there are only some algae and plankton on Xiaogushan.

These patches of green algae are swaying with the water flow on the mountain of Xiaogushan.

Those plankton invisible to the naked eye are also floating around like little bits of dust under the light.

Under such a scene.

Su Ze's eyes turned to the bottom of this small solitary mountain.

It was a piece of ruins.

Big or small, long or short.

But at first glance, you can see it.

These stones are all man-made artifacts.

Just like the stones Su Ze saw when he was up there before.

If you look carefully, you can still find it.

These stones and the stones above are even of the same type.

It's like a huge palace has sunk under the water.

It’s just that the palace is huge.

When they fell to the bottom of the water, some fell on top.

The part that exceeds it follows this huge deep trench and is under the pressure of Xiaogushan.

Crack, break into pieces.

Follow Xiaogushan to the bottom!

The drone wandered around Xiaogushan and took in all the scenery nearby.

Came to Su Ze with bubbles.

After the lights are turned down

The pieces of ruins appeared in everyone's eyes

Under the light, Su Ze swung his legs and slowly came to the vicinity of the artificial stone.

I picked up a piece and looked at the flowers on it

The patterns on these stones are similar to those found before.

It's obvious that this stone was once one with the other stones that were found.

Swinging her legs, Su Ze stepped on the water and slowly stepped back.

under his retreat

The ruins in front of us gradually revealed their full appearance.

Under about several thousand square meters, stones were piled up everywhere.

From five or six meters long to those a few centimeters short.

Countless stones piled up in front of Su Ze's eyes.

It's all ruins.

All things considered, this is a palace.

But it can barely be considered a ruins.

Maybe this palace was once very majestic and spectacular.

But now, all that's left is ruins.

Under countless stones, it is impossible to find a sound building.

Unless Su Ze goes to be a hard-working little bricklayer now.

It comes from a job of building blocks.

After a lot of hard work, we put these ruins and stones in front of us.

A palace was built for him.

Then this can still be regarded as a palace.

Rather than some ruins.

But does this make sense?


Su Ze is here to dig for treasures, not to pile up blocks!


"The bottom of this small solitary mountain is not a palace at all, but a ruin!

"These rocks look familiar!"

"These should be integrated with the stones that Old Su found before."

"It's all in ruins. It's full of ruins."

"I thought there was some treasure... I dug up a bunch of rocks..."

After netizens saw these stones clearly, they were surprised because of the medical treatment.

Zhang Yuanyuan revealed before.

At the bottom of Xiaogushan, there is a palace.

Su Ze endured the huge pressure and reached the bottom of this small solitary mountain.

But what about the current situation?

Ruins, ruins!

What’s particularly special are the ruins!

Perhaps this was once a palace.

But after the fall of Xiaogushan.

The whole palace was crushed.

A worthless existence!

While netizens were disappointed.

Zhang Yuanyuan on the shore was a little stunned when she saw the ruins.

"What a ruin!"

"Lao Su... wow... I didn't lie to you... I really thought the legend was true!"

"I thought it was true because these pigs were right.

"Yinhong Bridge under the water, and the small solitary mountain."

"But I don't's a ruin!"

Zhang Yuanyuan was a little excited and cried because of herself.

I thought that under her guidance, Su Ze would make huge gains.

But now Su Ze went down under the huge pressure, but there was only ruins under the water.

How happy did this make her?

I thought I was helping Su Ze, but it turned out to be a disservice!

Zhang Yuanyuan was crying like crazy.

Chen Kaijun and others on the side were also helpless.

They also tried to comfort her.

After all, there is only a ruin at the bottom of Xiaogushan.

Su Ze worked hard, but what he found was ruins.

Zhang Yuanyuan was not the only one who was disappointed.

The same is true for Chen Kaijun and others.

And just when several people were lost.

Above the pool, several heads popped up.

All are frogmen wearing professional equipment.

After seeing the missing people on the shore, these frogmen quickly approached.

Break through the water.

Several people had water stains all over their bodies.

Take off the oxygen mask.

Several faces were revealed.

It was Liu Zhengde.

Next to Liu Zhengde, there was an equally old man.

This old man is the one mentioned before who made a mark on the skull of the Beijinger.

Professor Lin Changfeng, former director of Longguo Fossil Research Institute.

Except for Liu Zhengde and Lin Changfeng.

There are also several professional researchers.

With the help of a few people.

Equipment was moved out one by one.

Although through the video, several people have been able to distinguish the authenticity of the skull.

But in the end it has to be submitted to carbon 14 testing.

Wait for the people to come ashore one by one.

Elder Liu Zhengde also noticed the strange expressions on Chen Kaijun, Zhang Yuanyuan and his party.

"What's wrong with you guys?"

After the words fell, Liu Zhengde suddenly felt that someone was missing among the crowd.

"Where's Xiao Su???"

Under Liu Zhengde's words, Chen Kaijun and others began to tell Su Ze what he had discovered underwater.

Liu Zhengde kept hearing that when Su Ze dived all the way to the bottom of 680 meters, his face turned green with anger.

"What are you doing!!!"

"The bottom of the water is 680 meters, do you know what it means?"

"Do you know what value Su Ze is to the country!"

"Without Su Ze, the Dragon Kingdom will be set back at least thirty years!"

"How do you bear these consequences???"

"You are still crying like this, you are crying!"

"Go and save people!"

Liu Zhengde was very angry.

Su Ze is right

Yu Longguo is too important.

Nowadays, the Dragon Kingdom cannot live without Su Ze!

If nothing else, the Qingzhou Cauldron is as important as strategic nuclear weapons!

And this is still the most important link in today's general domestic policies.

No room for error!

In this situation.

Is Chen Kaijun still part of some underwater archaeological team?

Don't you want to stop this?

Liu Zhengde was very angry.

When Lin Changfeng heard this, he was also confused.

"You said...Xiao Su..."


This conclusion comes out.

Everyone at the scene was dumbfounded.

Especially Chen Kaijun and his group.

Including Zhang Yuanyuan, there are also some money riches now.

For a moment, everyone looked at Liu Zhengde with complicated expressions.

Under such eyes, Liu Zhengde was stunned.

"What are you looking at?"

"Why are you still standing there?"

"Go down quickly and save people!"

After Liu Zhengde's words fell.

The researchers who followed Liu Zhengde and Lin Changfeng understood the situation.

He handed over the phone.

"Mr. Liu... why don't you take a look at this???"

Hearing this, Liu Zhengde suddenly became angry.

"What are you looking at?"

"What is more important than saving Xiao Su now?"

"You're not going, right? Then I..."

The words were only half spoken.

Liu Zhengde noticed what was happening on the screen in his hand.

"This is...Xiao Su???"

In a daze, Liu Zhengde quickly took the phone away.

Then he shouted quickly.

"Xiao Su, Xiao Su, are you still alive??"

"Where are you, just wait, we will come to rescue you right away!"

After talking for a long time, Su Ze could only be seen making gestures in the picture.

But there is no sound.

Liu Zhengde was stunned.

"Is the pressure too high and you can't hear the sound?"

"Xiao Su, why don't you speak?"

As the saying goes, trouble arises in haste.

Liu Zhengde had forgotten Su Ze’s current situation.

Lin Changfeng on the side saw that Su Ze on the screen 787 was safe and sound and could still gesture.

Naturally, he let out a big breath.

It seems to be a misunderstanding.

But after hearing Liu Zhengde's words, Lin Changfeng smiled.

"Old Liu...Xiao Su is at the bottom of the water."

"How do you want him to talk to you?"

"Come on, Chen Kaijun, right?"

"Look at what Xiao Su means now."

Lin Changfeng is still much more stable.

Not only did he not make random guesses out of eagerness.

You can also quickly discover the situation of Su Ze.

We even asked professional diver Chen Kaijun and his group.

In his opinion, he must be making some gesture.


After Chen Kaijun took the phone, he said:

"Mr. Su Ze said:"

"Don't worry, Mr. Liu, I'm fine."

"Now I am inside Xianfu Lake, the depth is about 890 meters.

As soon as these two sentences came out.

Liu Zhengde was stunned.


"Is everything okay???"

"What's going on now!"

A lot of good things to say.

Liu Zhengde only accepted the fact that Su Ze could dive eight to nine hundred meters through the explanations of Chen Kaijun and others.

But another problem arises.

"Then what were you doing just now?"

"I saw the disappointment on your faces, and then did you see Xiao Su..."

At this time, Zhang Yuanyuan took over the conversation appropriately.

Tell me all the details of the matter.

At this time, Liu Zhengde patted his chest.


"Ruins are fine too!"

"This kind of underwater ruins should be quite valuable."

"Don't worry, Xiao Su, these ruins should be worth several hundred million.

"If they don't give it, I'll make trouble for you."

Holding up his mobile phone, Liu Zhengde seemed to be comforting Su Ze.

After the words fell, Su Ze on the screen made a few more gestures.

This confused Liu Zhengde again.

But Chen Kaijun and others on the side were also watching the live broadcast.

Direct and simultaneous translation.

"Mr. Su Ze said:"

"He...he discovered the palace!"

"what's the situation!"

"Isn't this a ruin???"

Liu Zhengde was stunned.

"Is this what Xiao Su said?"

Chen Kaijun shook his head quickly, but the shock on his face was not missing at all.

But Zhang Yuanyuan on the side is still like this.

"Old Su, did you really discover the palace?"

“Isn’t this place in ruins???”

Everyone is confused.

At this time, the water bottom is 890 meters.

Su Ze has found clues after the search just now.

At the bottom of the small solitary mountain in front of you are ruins.

But what about ruins?

He has golden light.

He came here not just because of Zhang Yuanyuan's legend.

But it came along the golden light.

It was just that there was a location before, but it was impossible to determine where it was deep.

And now.

He's already here.

Follow the golden light and go.

Su Ze could not swim more than seven or eight hundred meters along the ruins.

Push away the mist.

A huge palace complex was all highlighted.

[Relics of the Ancient Dian Kingdom] Era: Western Han Dynasty, Value:?.

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