Live Broadcast To Dig For Treasure In The Mountains, Start With A Million Times Profit!

Chapter 206 The Disappeared Ancient Dian Kingdom, A Priceless Treasure!

Everything is so outrageous.

I thought Su Ze was dead.

When I turned around, I saw that Su Ze was not only not dead, but also alive and well.

Then I heard them say.

Su Ze followed the previous legend and discovered some small solitary mountain in Xianfu Lake.

What else is there to drink in Hongqiao?

He also said that it sank because of the heavy rain.

Quite outrageous!

As a result, Liu Zhengde turned around and took a look.

Isn't that a mountain behind Su Ze?

In this Xianfu Lake, there is actually a mountain???

Mountains in the lake?

And it rained heavily... and then it sank?

A heavy rainstorm that can submerge Nagumo?

But in the historical records of Nanyun, there was no such heavy rain!

But that's the truth.

There are more than just mountains in Xianfu Lake.

It is still a mountain with a height of four to five hundred meters.

And the depth is even more outrageous.

We all reached 430 meters under the water before we saw the top of the mountain.

And until we reached 890 meters, we could barely see the foot of the mountain.

Isn’t this outrageous???

A mountain actually sunk so deep?

This is nothing.

The most outrageous.

This is Su Ze!

The bottom is 890 meters.

It’s still okay???

With a calm look on his face, he could not only hear what they were saying.

Can you still gesture to them?

Isn't this the same as on land?

After seeing Su Ze.

Liu Zhengde felt a little doubtful about life.

This somewhat subverts his outlook.

But this is the truth.

Su Ze not only reached this place 890 meters underwater.

I also found a ruin here!

According to Chen Kaijun and others.

Before Su Ze discovered the ruins, he also found an extraordinary amount of gold jewelry elsewhere.

Moreover, the dates of these ornaments are all above the Tang Dynasty.

Because Chen Kaijun and others are members of the underwater archaeological team.

So it is not difficult to roughly judge the year through the mobile phone screen.

Moreover, Liu Zhengde and others saw the video that Chen Kaijun later handed over.

The gold ornaments cleared out by Su Ze are really antiquities from before the Tang Dynasty.

The years are long.

At least for more than a thousand years.

But Nanyun a thousand years ago.

Aren't they barbarians?

Why is there such an underwater palace in a place like this?

This has never been recorded in history!

If it weren't for the fact that the water bottom has reached a depth of 890 meters.

Liu Zhengde had to wear these diving suits and go directly to the bottom of the water.

What is the condition of the stones in these ruins?

And when Liu Zhengde was shocked and speechless by this series of blows.

Su Ze's series of gestures.

But it is shocking.

Discovered the real palace?

What's happening here?

Is there really a palace inside Xianfu Lake???

I wonder what age the buildings are from?

What kind of building complex is it?

And which dynasty do these buildings belong to?

Who built these buildings?

All these are doubts in the mind of expert Liu Zhengde.

And amid the doubts of these experts.

Su Ze is already swimming in the water.

Under the illumination of that headlight.

Under the illumination of the drone's headlights.

Although the waters are still dark.

But under the illumination of this light, we can see a lot of the way forward clearly.

With one person and one machine swimming.

The darkness ahead was dispelled.

One building after another appeared in front of everyone.

These buildings are all made of stone.

Because of the algae suspended on the surface and being in the water for a long time.

From a distance, the material of these stones cannot be seen.

Although the specific material of these stones cannot be seen.

But all the stone buildings were exposed.

"There really is a palace!"

"This... this is a complex of buildings???"

"Underwater ruins?"

"Are these buildings... originally underwater... or did they sink from the ground???"

Netizens were stunned after seeing these buildings.

The buildings are high and low.

But the overall height is about two floors.

Converted, it is about four meters in height.


Those buildings are not palaces.

Instead, it’s more like a city-state!

Liu Zhengde and other experts looked at the buildings that suddenly appeared on the mobile phone screen.

People are kind of stupid.

"These...are bungalows?"


"A city-state under the water??~`?"


After experts saw these buildings, people were a little confused.

A city-state in the water.

That patch of bungalows.

What's the meaning?

People must have lived here before!

Although I don’t know whether these city-states were built underwater.

It sank to the bottom of the lake due to a natural disaster.

But no matter what the reason is.

All represent the amazing value of these city-states.

A city-state that has never been recorded in history books.

An underwater city-state.

No matter which part of this is released, the sensation it causes is astonishing!

And when everyone was shocked by the appearance of these city-states.

Under the water.

Because overhead exposure is limited.

Su Ze pushed the throttle lever directly.

Control the live broadcast drone and start taking pictures of the entire city-state in front of you under the illumination of the headlights.

Accompanied by "Uh--" a violent sound of propellers breaking through the water was heard.

A burst of water bubbled into lines, continuously appearing on both sides of the live broadcast screen.

Right in front of the plane's nose, a beam of headlights pierced the darkness and headed quickly towards the city-state.

The radiation range of the headlights is about one meter.

Of course, this is the spotlight.

As we all know, lights have condensation and astigmatism.

The centermost distance of about one meter of the drone headlight is the brightest.

Beyond this meter is the astigmatism range of the headlights.

Although it is also illuminated here.

But it's not just the center that's bright.

To see this city-state clearly, Su Ze must rely on the central light spot.

While controlling the speed of the drone, Su Ze did not stop.

Constantly flapping his legs, under the interaction of the water flow, Su Ze's figure gradually moved closer to the city-state.

Wait until you reach the vicinity of this city-state.

And the drone's light also shone down.

That center of light.

But within a range of about one meter.

A huge gatehouse appeared in front of everyone.

The gatehouse here is different from those in previous capital cities.

Normally, the gatehouses of the capital have stones piled up on both sides of the gate.

A wall is built up from stones one on top of another.

In the center of the two walls, a wooden gate is erected.

Some with higher specifications will cover the surface of the door with copper sheet.

Increase the door's ability to withstand hits.

Or they may decorate the door with copper nails to symbolize the owner's status.

In the former Qin Shihuang Mausoleum.

That's what the casino's gatehouse looks like.

And there are many copper nails on the door.

There are nine copper nails horizontally and vertically, symbolizing the emperor's status.

But the gate tower in front of me is different.

There is no gate at all.

It's also possible that the wooden door didn't exist because it was corroded.

On both sides of the gatehouse, there are no holes for wooden doors.

It shows that there is no door left open at all.

A gatehouse, but not even a door.

Doesn't this feel strange?

Just like your home is decorated.

From hard decoration to soft decoration, it costs hundreds of thousands.

In the end, there was not even a door installed.

What is this doing?

Doing charity?

But this is the gatehouse in front of you.

You may say that he does charity work or that he is pure at heart.

But that's what it is.

I looked up along both sides of the gatehouse.

At the top of this gatehouse.

A strange word appeared in front of Su Ze's eyes.

This is a strangely shaped character.

I have translated so many strange texts.

From Oracle to Source Text.

Su Ze is very familiar with this kind of translation work.

Just with a glance, Su Ze figured out what the word was.

" a word on it?"

"What word? I don't quite understand. The left side looks like a river..."

"By the water at three o'clock?"

“But what’s that on the right??”

Netizens’ heads hurt when they guess this word.

After guessing for a long time, I guessed nothing.

Netizens didn't guess it, but they knew how to ask for help.

"Call Lao Su, call Lao Su!"

"Lao Su is a royal translator. He can even translate the source text...what a big deal!"

"Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan!"

"Are you still watching the live broadcast?"

"Shout out and ask me what kind of study this is!"

At the call of netizens.

It was Zhang Yuanyuan who wanted to have a video connection with Su Ze and called Lao Su.

Let him talk about it.

But before Zhang Yuanyuan shouted out.

Su Ze seems to know what netizens are thinking.

Go directly to the depths of the water.

There is a lot of mud and sand here, making it a good writing board.

Without saying anything, Su Ze started writing with his fingers in the sand.

Under Su Ze's handwriting.

A 'three points of water' appeared on the left side of the word.

If nothing else, netizens still guessed half of it right.

And after ‘Three Points of Water’.

Su Ze wrote the word "true" directly on the right side.

Add three points of water to make it real.


As soon as this word came out.

Netizens were confused.

“What the hell is Dian?”

"Dian City?"

"Who's heard of this stuff?"

"I do not know!"

Netizens are confused.

Zhang Yuanyuan and other experts on the shore were stunned when they saw the word "Dian".

“This ‘Dian’ can’t be the Yunnan we think of!”

"I don't know, let's keep looking."

When everyone is confused.

Su Ze directly wrote a word on both sides of the word "Dian".

On the left is the word "ancient".

On the right is the word "国".


It’s the ‘Ancient Dian Kingdom!’


The ruins in front of you are that country of the past.

Ancient Dian Kingdom!

Su Ze was stunned for a moment after seeing the system prompt.

Later I figured out the hurdles.

During the Warring States Period, Zhuang Qiao, a general of the Chu State, was ordered to expand territory near Dianchi Lake.

When Zhuang Qiao set out for Dian Lake, he quickly conquered some local barbarians.

and put him

It turned into the territory of Chu State.

But not long after, Qin Shi Huang, our brother Zheng, destroyed the Chu State.

And I also learned about such a place.

However, Dianchi Lake at that time was a place that was easy to defend but difficult to attack.

It's really hard to beat down.

Plus the nearby mountains.

All Qin Shihuang did not spend too much effort here.

I just cut off the connection line between Dianchi Lake and the surrounding areas and left it alone.

After going back and forth.

The Dian Kingdom was established here by the army led by Youzhuang Qiao.

With prayer, the Qin Dynasty was destroyed and the Chu Kingdom was restored.

As for how the Dian Kingdom disappeared in the end?

Su Ze remembers it very clearly.

During the period of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent troops to conquer Nanyun

Directly defeat the Dian Kingdom.

So the King of Dian surrendered and came under the jurisdiction of the Han Dynasty

For this reason, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty also gave the King of Dian the seal of the King of Dian.

To prove your identity

So far

Dian Kingdom disappeared

Became the King of Dian

What Su Ze knows is the history recorded in history books.

But what happened after that?

no way of knowing

This Dian king later belonged to the Han Dynasty, so why did he disappear?

Why does it appear now at a depth of 890 meters underground?

All this is an unsolved mystery!

And when Su Ze was thinking about this

On the shore, Liu Zhengde had just made a video call through Zhang Yuanyuan.

The situation of the ancient Dian Kingdom was told to the netizens in the live broadcast room

Because Su Ze is underwater now

So I can’t let everyone know what this place is through words.

But he has already achieved the most critical step

Point out the precise name of such a place

With place names, we can analyze the specific conditions of this place based on history.

After Liu Zhengde finished speaking,

Only then did everyone come back to their senses

"."It turns out to be this country that once existed. ’

“And it doesn’t look like it’s been around for long.

"Probably from the Warring States Period to the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty."

"But this ancient Dian country...why did it appear in the water?"

Everyone present also felt strange

Such an ancient country

Since he submitted to the Han Dynasty, why did he disappear in the end?

And it sank in front of some small solitary mountain?

Too many problems here

People have a lot of doubts

Although Liu Zhengde is an expert, he still cannot analyze it

Netizens in the live broadcast room began to speculate.

"Is there such a possibility?"

"Although the King of Dian surrendered, he rebelled in the later period and was completely destroyed by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty?"

"If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. The problem now is not the disappearance of the country, but the problem of why the ancient Dian Kingdom sank into the water!"

"No matter how powerful Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was, he could shatter mountains and rivers with his fists, and directly trigger a tsunami that flooded the ancient Dian Kingdom?"

Netizens have many speculations

But these are all unrealistic guesses

It can't be true

Netizens make wild guesses

But Su Ze was not very interested in the history of the ancient Dian Kingdom.

He knew one thing now.

This is the ancient Dian Kingdom with its long history.

(Zhao? Zhao) So the treasures unearthed here are all from a long time ago.

There is a very famous saying in the archaeological community.

The older something is, the more valuable it is.

Maybe by the Warring States Period, a broken bowl could be worth millions!

In the Qing Dynasty, an ordinary bowl was worthless.

Only that kind of official kiln can have collection value.

And this ruins in front of us?

Western Han Dynasty!

What concept?

Just a little closer than Qin Shihuang

Isn’t this worth the money?

Thinking of this, Su Ze laughed

He just spent tens of billions to improve his physical fitness. How can he earn back this?

Immediately, Su Ze took the cyclone shovel and walked into the ancient Dian Kingdom.

Following the golden light, Su Ze ran... No, it should be said that he swam very fast.

It only takes a few minutes.

Su Ze arrived at the golden light.

This is an ordinary bungalow inside.

Entering along the door of the room, the room was in ruins.

Endless green algae drifts along the river.

The location of the golden light is also near the green algae.

Walked forward.

Su Ze pushed away the green algae in front of her eyes.

Suddenly, a dagger appeared in front of Li Suze.

This is a short sword with an overall length of sixty centimeters, a handle of more than ten centimeters, and a blade of more than thirty centimeters.

At the handle, Su Ze can clearly see that this is a crouching monkey.

[Monkey Head Dagger] Attribute: Western Han Dynasty, value: 2.398 billion.

This dagger costs 2.3 billion?

Su Ze was a little happy.

Got some blood back.

That's it.

Su Ze thought and continued to look at the radar chart.

This look.

The remaining golden light seems to be separated by a wall?

Without thinking, Su Ze climbed over the wall and passed.

Just when he turned over, the dagger in his hand hit something.

There was a crisp knocking sound of "dang".

The sound echoed in this small space.

Su Ze was also frightened by the sound.

Turn around and take a look.

This is actually a set of chimes???

[Chimes of the King of Dian] Era: Western Han Dynasty, value: 8.898 billion.


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