Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 109: Prehistoric Flood! [5 Updates, Please Subscribe! 】

After a while, sharp-eyed viewers saw that the name of the live broadcast room was changed!

In an instant, there was an uproar in the live broadcast room!

No one thought that Jiang Chen's expedition this time was to find the legendary Noah's Ark!

"Looking for Noah's Ark?" Debi was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said, "I must be dreaming, how could I find Noah's Ark? It's something that exists in legends!"

"No, we're just going to find Noah's Ark!" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

The corner of Debi's mouth twitched, her mind exploded!

The audience in the live broadcast room burst into joy after seeing it!

【Haha, Miss Debi is back!】

【Finally I saw Miss Debi!】

【Miss Debi is still as usual!】

[Just started the live broadcast, but the host made me feel like I was blown away, the host begs you to please point to our 487 "Miss Debi! 】

【By the way, anchor, tell us the story of Noah's Ark!】

Anyway, Jiang Chen is fine on the plane, and he has just gone through a lot of materials, so he introduced: "Noah's Ark, the big ship made for Noah in the Bible, is the "Hebrew Bible Genesis" s story."

"Chapter 6 to Chapter 9 of "Genesis" records the story of Noah's Ark. Jehovah, the God who created all things in the world, saw the evil deeds full of corruption on the earth, so he planned to use floods to destroy the wicked. At the same time, he also discovered that there is a A nice guy named Noah."

"Then, Jehovah God instructed Noah to build an ark, and bring his wife, son and daughter-in-law, and animals such as livestock and birds to the ark [Shen must include males and females.

"In the records, it took 120 years for Noah's Ark to be built into a square shape with three floors. This not only stabilized the hull, but also increased the total area to almost 8,900 square meters. The ark was built with waterproof high-fat trees such as cypress , the ark was tarred inside and out.”

"The length of Noah's Ark is 6 times the width and 10 times the height. If it is built, the length of the ark is about half the length of Queen Elizabeth II, and its size and displacement are about three-fifths of the famous Titanic. The volume is up to 40,000 cubic meters, and the bottom warehouse area is 8,900 square meters.

"And when the ark was built, God launched a great flood, which caused the world to be submerged by the great flood. Noah, his family, and 1 animal on the earth survived, and the rest of the people were all destroyed in the great flood!"

As Jiang Chen said, all the audience in the live broadcast room listened with gusto!

Although everyone is familiar with Noah's Ark, they don't know much about the story described in the Bible!

After listening to Jiang Chen's explanation, everyone has a general understanding of this mythical story!

"But, that's just a myth!" Debbie added on the sidelines.

Similarly, it is also a topic that all viewers want to add.

Jiang Chen, however, smiled lightly and said: "Why can't myths become history? Our Shennong was also a myth and legend at the beginning, isn't it still confirmed by me? The so-called myth is just a piece of history. We can make the "Shan Hai Jing" ” as a map, why can’t the Bible be regarded as a historical record?”

As soon as this statement came out, both Debbie and the audience were stunned!

It is really Jiang Chen's idea, too bold, and it cannot be completely refuted!

This, perhaps, is the charm of Jiang Chen, who dares to look at everything with different thinking!

【Anchor, keep talking, we want to listen!】

【Come on, anchor, our curiosity has been aroused by you!】

Jiang Chen smiled lightly and continued: "Actually, I am not the only one who wanted to find Noah's Ark in history. They were all looking for it according to the address in the Bible!"

According to the "Bible", after 220 days, the ark stopped near Mount Ararat, and the flood began to subside, and after another 40 days, the top of Mount Ararat was exposed.

"At this time Noah released a dove, but it did not find any land to live in, and it came back again."

"After seven days, Noah sent out the dove again, and this time it immediately brought back the branches of the olive tree. Only then did Noah know that the flood had dispersed."

"So, after waiting another 7 days, Noah released the dove for the last time, and this time it did not return to the ark. "Noah's ten family members and various animals walked out of the ark."

"Thus, the world began to search for Noah's Ark based on Mount Ararat in the Bible. Until 1949, a Russian pilot, Roskowski, took a photo of Mount Ararat. Under the snow, there was a vague rectangular object, so everyone guessed that Noah's Ark was on the top of Mount Ararat!"

"Then, in 1957 and 1966, the scientific expedition team went to Mount Ararat, hoping to find Noah's Ark, but they all ended in failure...

"Finally, there were reports and rumors that in 2010, a scientific research team composed of Xianggang and Turkey found Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat, but it was not recognized by the outside world because there was no evidence to prove their They really found it, even the real location of Noah's Ark, they said it vaguely, and in the end they chose not to announce it!"

"So, until now, Nuoyuan's Ark is still an unsolved mystery!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, everyone took a deep breath and became more and more interested in Noah's Ark!

【Anchor, are you going to Mount Ararat now?】

At this time, someone asked.

Jiang Chen shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm going to the depths of Siberia now!"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was immediately puzzled!

Didn’t it mean that Noah’s Ark was on Mount Ararat? Why did it go deep into Siberia again?

Jiang Chen knew everyone's doubts, and patiently explained: "Who said that Noah's Ark can only be on Mount Ararat? But it's just a guess for later generations. What if this guess is wrong? After all, it's been so long in the past For a long time, apart from speculation, there is no conclusive evidence at all, so I don’t think that Noah’s 5.7 Ark is in Mount Ararat, if it is, it will be seen again long ago!”

"As for why it is Siberia, the reason is that Siberia is connected to Central Asia and has mountains that are consistent with the description in the Bible, followed by large glaciers and accumulative

"Of course, the most important thing is that there was a report in 1967 that there was a pair of Russian father and son who were very interested in Noah's Ark, so they started looking for Noah's Ark. They had a strange idea and chose to search in Siberia. I found a piece of wood with a history of at least 8,000 years. This discovery is the main reason why I came to Siberia to find Noah's Ark!"

"Of course, in addition to this, there are many legends accompanying Noah's Ark, such as the prehistoric flood!"

ps: 5 more, please customize! Please support! (Attach a picture of Noah's Ark!).

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