Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 110: Think Carefully! [1 Update, Please Subscribe! 】

When they heard about the prehistoric flood, some viewers were stunned, while others became interested instantly!

Because, the legend about the prehistoric flood is so widespread that everyone knows it!

Of course, most people don't know much about the prehistoric flood.

For example, Debi said with a silly face: "I've heard of the prehistoric flood, that is, a long, long time ago, a great flood broke out, and then most of the human race was wiped out, right?"

"That's right, the Great Flood is such a story. When you mention Noah's Ark, you have to mention the Great Flood. To find Noah's Ark is to look for evidence of the Great Flood. After all, the two are indispensable!" Jiang Chen explained.

Everyone heard the words and nodded in agreement.

After all, if there was no great flood, there would be no Noah's ark, and if there was a Noah's ark, there must be a great flood!

Thinking about it this way, everyone became interested, did the Great Flood really exist?

Jiang Chen continued:

"The Great Flood is actually a very controversial topic. It is a myth that has been widely circulated. There are legends of the Great Flood among all nations and civilizations in the world. Landis, Lemuria, King Biao of Sumeria, the public anger crashed into Buzhou Mountain, Nuwa repaired the sky, etc., etc.!"

"Most of these myths happened 10,000 years ago, or even longer. At that time, the myths of the whole world were surprisingly unified. Do you think it is a coincidence? Or did it really happen?"

Hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room expressed their opinions enthusiastically in an instant.

[Ten thousand years ago, human beings probably couldn't even go out of the province, right? Information and transportation are extremely underdeveloped, so it is absolutely impossible to tell a story from one place and spread it to another place. Then there is only one possibility, It really happened once in history, a global flood!]

At this time, an audience member gave his own detailed analysis.

Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction, and continued: "In this case, we can roughly confirm that a great flood occurred more than 10,000 years ago, and we can redefine the description of Noah's Ark time in the Bible! "

"Oh? Why?" Debbie asked curiously.

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "It is described in the Bible that Noah's Ark was built more than 4,000 years ago. People often associate it with Dayu's flood control, but the great flood described by Noah's Ark is obviously a global flood. The whole world has been submerged, but Dayu's flood control is different. The construction of river channels is obviously a localized flood, so the two legends describe completely different things, and they cannot be linked together!"

"Then deduce that the timeline of Noah's Ark should be consistent with the timeline of legends such as Nuwa mending the sky!"

Hearing this, many experts in the field of mythology and legends in the live broadcast room were stunned, and they couldn't find any reason to refute it!

Because Jiang Chen's deduction is really well-founded!

"However, these are all legends. How can we conclude that the Great Flood really existed?" Debbie asked suspiciously.

She also asked the audience in the live broadcast room the questions in their hearts.

Jiang Chen patiently explained: "There is some controversy on this topic. There are two factions about whether the Great Flood existed or not. The faction that denies the existence of the Great Flood is archaeologists, because they have not found evidence of the Great Flood. , It is geologists who believe that the Great Flood existed. They study rock formations and generally believe that there have been great Floods around the world. The two parties have been arguing endlessly, and there has been no conclusion.

"Of course, the denial of the Great Flood only appeared in modern times. In order to establish science and deny theology in modern times, the existence of the Great Flood was denied. Darwin is a typical example, so he published the theory of evolution and denied creationism!"

"However, research in recent years has found that there may have been a major flood in the world before!"

"First of all, shell fossils were found on the top of Mount Everest in the Himalayas. Scientists said that they were formed by the movement of the earth's crust. However, some people objected that according to the records of Noah's Ark in the Bible, the great flood submerged the The highest mountain in the world, the highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest, and the discovery of shell fossils on it is evidence of the existence of a great flood!"

"Is this a bit far-fetched?" Debbie shook her head.

"You think it's far-fetched? Then there's something that's not far-fetched!" Jiang Chen said with a smile: "When all dinosaur fossils were excavated, they kept their heads bent backwards, which was very uniform. In recent years, scientists have discovered that , There is only one possibility to form this death posture, and that is to be drowned!"

"Could it be that the dinosaurs couldn't think about it and committed suicide by jumping into the sea? Absolutely impossible, then there is only one possibility, that is, all the dinosaurs were swept in by a large amount of water in an instant!"

"The same is true for marine life. It is extremely difficult for marine life to form fossils. According to Darwin's statement, molluscs in particular cannot form fossils at all. But now a large number of jellyfish fossils have been discovered. There is only one explanation, which is the Great Flood. It caused a large amount of sediment to roll back, wrapping these fish and molluscs in an instant, forming fossils!

"At the same time, geologists also found a large number of dinosaur footprints under the rock formations in the United States. It is worth mentioning that all the dinosaur footprints are facing in one direction, as if they are avoiding fields!"

"Then, the scientists came to the conclusion that it is very difficult to preserve the footprints, because of the wind and the sun, 210 unless there is a large amount of sediment, which is suddenly buried, so that such a complete and huge footprint can be formed.

"You savor! You savor carefully!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, whether it was Debi or the audience in the live broadcast room, their scalps went numb!

Could it be that the legend is true, that there was a great flood that submerged the whole world in history?

Of course, it is not impossible for a great flood to submerge the entire world. When the ice caps of the Arctic and Antarctic melt and the sea level rises, the entire world may indeed be submerged!

"Moreover, I have a bold guess!" Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and said mysteriously: "Now there are various evidences that can prove that the earth did have a great flood a long time ago. From the evidence just mentioned Judging by the fact that the Great Flood is likely to happen more than once!"

"For example, the mass extinction of dinosaurs, Atlantis, etc., are all related to the Great Flood!"

"Does this look like some kind of existence, or the self-cleaning of the earth? After cleaning up a group of creatures, after thousands of years, clean up the creatures again, and so on! We are now, maybe because of Noah Only the Ark and Nuwa Mending the Sky can survive, so when will the next big flood come?"

ps: Please customize, please support! (Attach photos of dinosaur fossils).

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