Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 121: Evidence Of The Prehistoric Flood! [2 Updates, Please Subscribe! 】

And as Jiang Chen and Debi went down, fewer and fewer creatures emerged from the permafrost.

It wasn't until after walking two or three hundred meters that a giant head attracted the attention of Jiang Chen, Debi and the audience!

I saw, in the permafrost layer, a ferocious wolf seemed to be struggling for something, but unfortunately it still failed and was permanently sealed in the ice layer!

It is worth mentioning that through the light, it can be clearly seen that the wolf is extremely large, at least three or four times the size of the gray wolf!

According to the depth of the ice layer, the history of the existence of giant wolves can be traced back to 10,000 years ago!

However, even with a difference of 10,000 years in history, the giant wolf is still extremely well preserved in the ice, as if it is still alive, with long brown hair growing on its body, which is very different from modern wolves !

"I remember that if it is correct, Russian scientists once discovered a prehistoric wolf head in the permafrost of Siberia. The head was several times the size of an ordinary gray wolf. It has a history of more than 40,000 years. Judging from the bones and genetics, it is a prehistoric giant wolf about two years old." Jiang Chen explained: "The one we found is obviously more complete.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Chen continued to look to the side with the flashlight, and found that there was a huge black shadow in the ice layer not far in front of them!

The black shadow seems to exist in another time and space, floating in the ice layer, which makes people feel a little scared.

If you were an ordinary person, you might already be thinking of quitting now!

However, Jiang Chen and Debi have already come to the ice layer, sticking the lights on the ice layer, thinking that {!

Seeing this, everyone was shocked!

I saw that the huge black shadow in the ice layer was actually a mammoth!

Mammoth, also known as mammoth, is an animal adapted to cold climates.

It used to be one of the largest elephants in the world and one of the largest mammals that ever lived on land, among which the grassland mammoth weighed up to 12 tons.

It is also a behemoth of the Ice Age.

A mature mammoth is 5 meters long, about 3 meters high, and has incisors about 1.5 meters long.

Its body is covered with black fine and long hair, its skin is very thick, and it has an extremely thick fat layer, the thickness of which can reach up to 9 centimeters.

Sadly, the woolly mammoth is extinct!

"Aren't mammoths all animals adapted to severe cold weather? With long hair, how could they be frozen to death? Until they become extinct~"?" Debi asked puzzled.

At the same time, it also asked the doubts in many people's minds.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and explained in his heart: "Actually, some studies have shown that the earth has experienced many ice ages, referred to as ice ages. The last ice age occurred 18,000 years ago. It is also known as the "Great Ice Age". At that time, two-thirds of the earth was almost covered by more than 300 meters of ice, and the climate was extremely cold. Only suitable creatures could survive, and the mammoth was one of them."

"In fact, most creatures like mammoths have adapted to the severe cold, and they were not frozen to death during the Ice Age. It should be known that mammoths have existed on the earth for at least 4 million years. More than 10,000 years ago, humans entered the Stone Age and hunted mammoths as their main food, and many murals of hunting mammoths were found in human caves in the Stone Age such as America!"

"And according to records and research, the last woolly mammoth died 4,000 years ago!"

"Human beings are the chief culprits for the extinction of mammoths!"

Jiang Chen explained.

Debi and the audience nodded in relief after hearing the words.

At this moment, the frozen mammoth in front of Jiang Chen and Debi is still walking, as if it is still alive, it is so shocking for people to see!

Of course, what Jiang Chen and Debi never expected was that when they continued to look down, extending to the ice layer under their feet, there were rows of mammoths frozen in groups!

Whether it was Jiang Chen, Debbie or the audience in the live broadcast room, they were all shocked by this scene!

In addition, there is also a saber-toothed tiger maintaining a galloping posture, which is also frozen in it!

This scene is extremely majestic and shocking!

Jiang Chen and others couldn't believe what happened more than 10,000 years ago that caused groups of these prehistoric animals to be frozen in the permafrost.

However, there are also many doubts floating in my heart!

If in the permafrost layer, it is reasonable to find one or two animals that keep walking and galloping postures frozen.

After all, it is likely that the animal was suddenly frozen in an extremely cold state due to death or an accident.

However, there are groups of prehistoric animals of different species, all keeping walking and running postures and being suddenly frozen, which is a bit strange!

Is it because of the sudden extreme cold?

However, how fast the temperature must drop, and how low the level must be, can the prehistoric creatures be frozen in a flash without even having time to react!

"Jiang, have you noticed? These prehistoric animals seem to be heading towards the same place!" Debi frowned and said, "They seem to be avoiding something!"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen's eyes lit up immediately, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "I have a bold idea, do you want to hear it?"

Debi nodded vigorously, and the audience in the live broadcast room urged her even more.

【Anchor, please tell me quickly, don’t be impatient!】

【Is the anchor going to start to think big again?】

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and said, "What are they hiding from? Could it be the great flood that they are hiding from?"

As soon as this remark came out, both Debi and the audience in the live broadcast room were all stunned, wondering what this had to do with the Great Flood?

Jiang Chen continued to explain: "If the legendary flood really broke out more than 10,000 years ago, and the flood hit the Arctic Circle, the prehistoric creatures that lived in the extremely cold area at that time, when the flood came, they rushed to It is a pity that most of them still failed to escape the baptism of the great flood and were finally swept into the water!"

"At that time, in the extremely cold state, during the sweeping process of the flood, a large amount of ice was frozen, so the water flow was less. Even if the prehistoric creatures were not completely drowned, they would freeze quickly and freeze the prehistoric animals, causing the temperature to continue. Lower it, and freeze them to death as quickly as possible!"

"(Okay) This is not nonsense. A mammoth corpse was once found in the permafrost of Siberia. At that time, it was found that the mammoth still had grass in its mouth, indicating that the mammoth was suddenly killed while grazing. Frozen to death, under what circumstances can a mammoth that has adapted to the severe cold suddenly freeze to death while grazing? Only sudden floods and severe cold weather are indispensable!"

"In this way, everything you see can be explained, and there is no better explanation than that!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he let out a long sigh of relief.

"However, the Great Flood is a legend. Wouldn't it be too far-fetched to use the Great Flood to explain it?" Debbie asked questioningly.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said: "Don't forget, more than 10,000 years ago, at the end of the Ice Age, the ice cap covering the world with a depth of 300 meters began to melt, which was completely enough to form a world-ending flood. Not only is this not far-fetched, but calculated from the time, it becomes a piece of evidence that the prehistoric flood existed!"

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