Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 122: Shocked, Tens Of Millions Of People! [3 Updates, Please Subscribe! 】

Jiang Chen's deduction ended, and the live broadcast room fell into silence for an instant!

It's really Jiang Chen's brain hole is too big, it's hard to accept for a while!

However, when everyone savored Jiang Chen's reasoning carefully, they found that it seemed very reasonable!

The legendary Great Flood is combined with the late Ice Age, the timing and a series of disasters that may occur are all perfectly matched together, connecting two seemingly completely different events together, without the slightest Violation!

Moreover, according to Jiang Chen's explanation, the groups of mammoths and prehistoric creatures that appeared in the permafrost can be explained!

The point is, after Jiang Chen's reminder, if you look at the current permafrost, you can indeed find many wonderful places!

For example, the struggling prehistoric wolf!

The ice layer where the giant wolf lives is exactly the same as the ice layer where animals such as mammoths live.

However, the frozen position of the prehistoric giant wolf is much higher, and it still maintains a struggling posture to be frozen!

It looks like it was swept up by huge waves, and then the sea water quickly froze, freezing the prehistoric giant wolf in it!

In this way, many people feel that what Jiang Chen said seems to be really reasonable!

For a while, 503, the live broadcast room was buzzing!

【Anchor, there is something!】

【I don’t admire anything, but the anchor’s brains!】

[However, it seems that scientists are also speculating that the great flood 10,000 years ago may have something to do with the end of the Ice Age. The anchor is not just guessing, it has a basis

【In this way, is it really possible for the Great Flood to exist?】

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and added: "Of course, whether there was a great flood 10,000 years ago can only be determined after finding Noah's Ark. Now it's just some inferences and guesses."

As he spoke, Jiang Chen winked at Debi.

Debbie reacted, immediately put down her backpack, set up a tent with Jiang Chen, and set up camp!

Judging from the time, the two have been gone for a full day, and they really need to rest!

And here is undoubtedly the best camp, without being hit by a snowstorm, you can also enjoy the scenery of thousands of years before history!

As for this rift, in later generations, it is called "space-time rift" and "Jiang Chen tunnel", which has made great contributions to historical research and prehistoric biological research, allowing all (cfad) scientists, as well as prehistoric Biologists, rejoice!

After all, there are a wide variety of prehistoric creatures preserved here, and they are all in good condition. It can be called the most complete prehistoric ice age discovery in the world, none of them!

After a while, Jiang Chen and Debi finished setting up the camp and started a small fire with the little fuel left!

Since most of the equipment was discarded, the camp was built relatively crudely. Fortunately, Jiang Chen had stocked some supplies and warm sleeping bags in the mobile space.

Dong die!

The only pity is that there is not much food in reserve.

Jiang Chen collected all the food, and after calculation, it was only enough for one person for 20 days.

So, with a thought, he left all the food to Debi!

"Jiang, in your mind, is this all I can eat? Let's split it up, I'm too small!" Debi said hastily.

However, Jiang Chen said solemnly: "I still don't know how much you eat? After eating the hot pot, you even have to drink the soup, how much do you want?"

Hearing this, Debi glared, covered Jiang Chen's mouth, and said, "Jiang! How can you expose me? It's's just that the hot pot is so delicious, so I couldn't help it. ...I don't have a big appetite!"

Seeing this, the audience in the live broadcast room were happy!

[Fuck! Miss Debi is really cool!]

【The hot pot bottom material is not spared!】

【The fighting nation deserves to be a fighting nation!】

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "Okay, no kidding, to be serious, the colder the place, the more energy our body will consume to maintain the basic calories needed by our body, at 14 degrees , our basal metabolism will be increased by 30% to increase consumption, not to mention the environment we are currently in which is nearly 70 degrees below zero, so we need more food than usual to replenish energy."

"Originally, the best supplement is chocolate or meat, but now you can only use some compressed food to make up for it, you can eat it!" Jiang Chen said.

"What about you? Don't you need a supplement too?" Debbie asked.

Jiang Chen smiled lightly, in fact, he already had plans!

In the next second, he cast his eyes on the mammoth in the ice, stroked his chin, and asked, "You said...why did primitive people like to eat mammoth so much in the Stone Age? Could it be that mammoths are really Is it tasty?"

As soon as these words came out, the corners of Debi's mouth twitched, and the compressed biscuit in her hand fell to the ground, and endless fear appeared in her eyes!

Even the audience in the live broadcast room trembled in shock!

It really looks like Jiang Chen, and what he said has shocked everyone!

【Damn! It feels like the host is looking for a job again!】

【I suddenly have a very bad premonition!】

【Why do I feel that the host is going to die again?】

【Moreover, it's not just an ordinary death!】

" do you want to do?" Debi asked tremblingly.

The smile on Jiang Chen's face grew stronger, he took out his military shovel, walked towards the surface of the ice layer, and said, "Aren't you curious about what a mammoth feels like?"

Debi's mouth twitched, and she said, "But... But those mammoths are dead... Tens of thousands of years... I don't know how many bacteria and viruses there are... …you sure?"

"Tens of thousands of years of stockpiled meat? Bacteria and viruses?"

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up suddenly, thinking, isn't this exactly what he wants? There is absolutely no reason to refuse!

Henceforth, Jiang Chen began to shave ice and dig under the horrified eyes of everyone!

After an hour, I finally reached the mammoth's thigh!

Jiang Chen couldn't help but look at it with a military shovel, dug out a lump of meat, then peeled off the skin with a blade, and finally put it on the fuel for a brief roast, and then sprinkled with various seasonings necessary for exploration.

Don't say it, it's really delicious!


"Hint: 36 kinds of F-class viruses, 48 ​​kinds of E-class viruses [71 kinds of unknown viruses have been detected!"

At this time, the system sound suddenly sounded!

[F-level, E-level virus and bacteria identification] ability, demonstrated!

However, Jiang Chen's eyes lit up. In addition to the F and E grade viruses and bacteria that he was no longer infected with, he did not expect that there were more than 70 unknown viruses and bacteria in a small piece of meat. people excited!

So, Jiang Chen couldn't wait to bite down!

This mouthful shocked tens of millions of people!

ps: Please customize, please support! (A photo of the frozen mammoth is attached!).

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