Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 162: The Beginning And End Of Super Civilization! [3 Updates, Please Subscribe! 】

Even the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but gasp!

They have been paying attention to the front of the figurines before, and never thought that there is another world behind the figurines!

I saw that the back of each figurine was carved and printed with extremely complicated patterns!

Moreover, these engraved imprints are still very clearly visible, with sharp edges and corners, and some tiny gaps are carved extremely delicately, just like a piece of modern industrial art!

It should be known that these figurines are made of rocks, and it is very difficult to carve this kind of carving on rocks to such an extent that even a tiny gap is cut perfectly!

Even, even if it is operated with a machine tool in modern industry, it needs extremely precise instruments for measurement and fine grinding, so it is possible to do it!

However, these carvings appeared on the back of the figurines, and the figurines were discovered on Noah's Ark, so it can be confirmed that Noah brought the figurines to the ark before Noah's Ark set sail!

However, in the prehistoric period tens of thousands of years ago, human beings were still in the stone age, and could only make some rough stone tools, let alone precise carvings, even if a human figurine was made out of rocks, it would be impossible. Possible things!

So, no matter how you judge, it can only explain one thing, there was a super technological civilization in prehistoric times, and the figurines and sculptures were made by super technological civilization, and they were treasured by Noah and kept in the ark!

This point coincides with the light bulb in the storage room!

Of course, there is only this possibility, which can explain everything!

In this way, 747, there is one more evidence of the existence of super-technical civilization, and Jiang Chen's previous magnificent description of the prehistoric 10,000 years has been further confirmed!

But, is that all?

Jiang Chen looked at the carvings on the back of the figurines, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more intense, and said: "I'm afraid, these carvings are not a kind of art, but I guess they are also a way of recording!"

Hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room were stunned for a moment, and then became interested!

After all, Jiang Chen's ideas and direction of thinking can often lead people to look at things from different angles and make different progress. Is it the same this time?

Finally, after Jiang Chen walked around all the figurines, he had a solid idea in his heart, and said firmly: "I'm sure, these figurines are recording a super technological civilization from the glory period to the fall period! "

Hearing this, the viewers in the live broadcast room were curious and wanted to see what kind of evidence Jiang Chen could produce!

Jiang Chen was straightforward, shining the light on the back of a figurine, and said, "Do you feel familiar when you look at the outline of the sculpture?"

The audience in the live broadcast room observed carefully, and many of them raised their brows and found something wrong!

【It looks familiar, but I can't remember it for a while!】

【I remember, the murals on the ruins of prehistoric human civilization, the last one, the murals of five kinds of humans appearing on the continent, isn’t it very similar to this carving pattern?】

[Fuck! The master upstairs! I can see it when you say that! It really looks like it! 】

Even, many netizens (cfbi) found some blurry screenshots on the Internet at that time and compared them. Through the outline, they are indeed very similar!

Human beings of five colors were born on the earth.

However, the only difference is that the carvings seem to be sorted according to time, the red person is at the top, the brown is at the bottom, the black is next to the brown, and the white is next to the red, with the exception of yellow, which is not attached to anyone, making people Can't figure it out.

However, this also coincides with Jiang Chen's previous conjecture that Noah was attached to Atlantis in his early years!

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and explained: "Regardless of other things, what we fairies can be sure of is that this prehistoric super-technical civilization really existed. Otherwise, why would the two patterns separated by millions of years be surprisingly similar? Human figurines? Why are there such exquisite carvings? So, according to my inference, they are the last batch of humans, and according to the color of the figurines, we will define them as Atlanteans for the time being!"

In front of the evidence, the audience in the live broadcast room did not refute, but just wanted to continue watching quickly.

Jiang Chen walked towards the second figurine, and saw only a huge circle pattern on the second figurine, with a dot in the middle of the circle and many thin lines around it

Looks like a special badge.

However, Jiang Chen had a different idea, and said: "Atlantis is a rare super-high-tech civilization in prehistoric times. According to people's legends, their city was built on the sea, presenting a circle around it. , I think the sculpture of the second figurine should be depicting the formation of Atlantis!"

The audience in the live broadcast room nodded repeatedly, thinking it made sense, and no one refuted it.

Jiang Chen walked towards the third figurine.

On the third figurine, a sphere is carved on the upper part of the back, and countless square-shaped carvings are placed on the lower part.

Jiang Chen said: "I think this sculpture is intended to express that the technology of Atlantis at that time has completely separated from the resources of the earth and started to use the resources of the sun. The sphere above can be regarded as the sun, and the square below can be seen. Do is the city!"

"Of course, I'm not just guessing. I have my own basis. I've always said that I can't think that all the legends are groundless. The legendary Atlantis is a city that is so huge that it can use the resources of the universe. Combining with the engravings, it is entirely possible that Atlantis used solar energy to develop civilization. It is not just a legend, it may be a fact, and it indirectly shows that it is a real super existence. Technological civilization!"

After speaking, Jiang Chen continued to walk towards the back of the fourth figurine.

On the back of this figurine, the missing patterns are scattered, if there is no previous foreshadowing, it is difficult to see anything.

However, with the previous foreshadowing, it can be easily seen that the things carved on the back of the figurines are completely spaceships!

The audience in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded!

Now, even some people who think that Jiang Chen’s previous explanation is far-fetched can’t refute it!

If you talk about the previous sculptures, you can think that Jiang Chen is over-interpreting them. After all, the amount of information carried in them is very small. How can you judge that Atlantis is a super high-tech civilization from the ball and square patterns? ?

But now, when they saw the carvings of spaceships, their world view was completely overturned, and they completely shut their mouths!

Because these spaceships are really too similar to some modern fifth-generation or even sixth-generation fighters in the virtual world, or fighters in science fiction movies!

If Atlantis hadn't developed a super-high-tech civilization, would the fighter planes being carved be carved out of imagination?

Absolutely impossible!

Although the ancients also imagined that people fly in the sky like birds, there is a huge gap between the imagined appearance and the real appearance!

However, the fighter planes carved on the figurines are basically very similar to the fighter planes developed by modern people, so it is absolutely impossible to imagine them out of thin air!

Then there is only one possibility, that is, as Jiang Chen said, Atlantis is a super technological civilization!

Moreover, according to the time calculation, 4 million years can completely allow a super technological civilization to be born.

After all, it took less than 10,000 years for human beings to develop from the Stone Age to today's technological achievements. It is hard to imagine how high the Atlanteans could develop in 4 million years!

In this way, it just confirms Jiang Chen’s previous inference, and he will discuss the prehistoric electric lamps found on Noah’s Ark, how the figurines were made, how to make such fine carvings, and even how Noah made them 10,000 years ago. The mysteries of the Ark are explained one by one!

Because, at that time, there was a super prehistoric technological civilization, and Noah's Ark was successfully built only with the support of this advanced civilization!

And the next engraving made people frown!

I saw that the square carved on it was broken, the sun disappeared, and even the fighter planes plunged into the ground one after another!

All of this seems to describe the decline of a civilization!

Could this be the reason for the destruction of Atlantis?

Looking back on the prehistoric human sites, as well as the murals and carvings, everyone including Jiang Chen can't help feeling shocked!

Because, they excavated the birth of prehistoric civilization 4 million years ago in Kuruber Yala Cave, and now in Noah's Ark in the Arctic Ocean, they witnessed the fall of prehistoric civilization more than 1 play years ago!

The beginning and the end of an ultra-civilization have been brought into people's eyes!

What a great discovery, what a shocking discovery!

Whether it is the progress of human science and technology, or the research of prehistoric humans, it is a breakthrough!

At the same time, Jiang Chen’s previous shocking discovery, coupled with the confirmation of the existence of Atlantis in Noah’s Ark this time, directly pushed his theory of prehistoric human civilization to a new peak, and became an academic theory. Top attainments and research directions!

Even Atlantis will be included in the history books, opening a new page in human history, a chapter of prehistoric super civilization!

And this page is also a reminder to human beings all the time!

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