Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 163: East And West, Different Choices! [4 Updates, Please Subscribe! 】

A majestic, mind-shocking ultra-technical civilization, one-person figurine sculpture, and Jiang Chen's way of explanation, are displayed in front of everyone!

Countless experts and scholars have already watched the live broadcast and entered a state of madness!

The two discoveries made by Jiang Chen first produced iron-like evidence for the existence of the prehistoric civilization Atlantis!

Now, his conjecture has been confirmed again, Atlantis is a super technological civilization, turning the myth into history!

The meaning contained in it is unprecedented!

And these two epic-level discoveries can also be called the greatest discovery in human history, or the fifth greatest discovery in human history, and they will lead mankind to a better direction!

【It’s amazing, Atlantis is just like the legend!】

[The anchor is so awesome, first discovered the ruins of prehistoric civilization more than 4 million years ago, and then found evidence of the existence of super-technical civilization more than 10,000 years ago!]

【These two discoveries are enough to keep the anchor's name forever in the chapters of human beings!】

【The anchor is the greatest explorer in human history. No other explorer can compare with him. He didn’t discover a new continent, he discovered a brand new civilization, a brand new history!】

【However, judging from the last figurine, was Atlantis finally destroyed by the war?】

At this time, Jiang Chen explained: "Indeed, in some legends and records, Atlantis did experience wars. It is said that Atlantis experienced five extinction wars, and these five wars lasted successfully. For tens of thousands of years, the entire earth has been riddled with holes by them, causing a great change in the earth's ecological environment, making it no longer suitable for survival!"

"I remember that there was a legend that described that when the fifth war of extinction began, the sky collapsed and the earth fell apart, the sun and the moon dimmed, and everything disappeared. Countless fireballs exploded in the sky, which finally led to today's The flood and tsunami engulfed the entire city!"

"The meaning of this legend is that because of the Atlantis war, the earth's environment has changed and various natural disasters have been triggered, the most famous of which is the flood. After the flood broke out, most people flee, and the city of Atlantis is drowned!"

"As for the authenticity of this legend, we don't know, but I believe that any legend is not groundless, since it exists, it has its reason, so as long as we follow this direction to pursue, we will be able to find the real answer!"

Hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room nodded in agreement with Jiang Chen's statement.

But the carving of figurines is not over yet. After the decaying figurines, there are still figurines, and there are still many patterns carved on the back of the figurines!

These patterns are so interesting!

On the back of the sixth figurine, a brand new city was re-established.

Jiang Chen speculated: "It can be seen that these figurines are arranged according to time, from front to back, so the brand-new city on the sixth figurine should express the meaning that after the war, the city will recover. After peace, Yinyang came out again."

After speaking, Jiang Chen looked directly at the seventh figurine!

The pattern carved on the back of this figurine, if astronomers and astronomy enthusiasts see it, will definitely be shocked!

Because, the content engraved in this pattern is exactly the arrangement order of the solar system and the eight planets!

Even ordinary viewers can easily recognize it!

However, everyone is wondering, what is the meaning of carving out?

【The sun, the universe, what do you want to express?】

[This picture is very simple, we can all understand it, but we can't understand what it wants to express. 】

【Could it be that Atlantis wants to go to space to search for some kind of resource?】

But at this time, Jiang Chen frowned, and said: "I have a different opinion. They carve space patterns. Could it be that they want to go to space? Or, they want to escape from the earth!"

As soon as this statement came out, all the audience in the live broadcast room were attracted by Jiang Chen's thoughts.

Jiang Chen continued: "After the war, they already knew the harm caused by the war and the trauma it caused to the earth, and they also understood that more and more natural disasters will come soon, when Atlantis It is unstoppable, so they are preparing to escape from the earth and look for another habitat in space, and this unstoppable natural disaster is the Great Flood!"

Hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room had goose bumps all over their bodies!

It's really Jiang Chen's idea, it's so reasonable!

If this is the case, the people of Atlantis disappeared, Atlantis was submerged, everything can be explained!

Jiang Chen then walked to the next figurine, which is also the last figurine!

Behind this figurine, what is engraved is a map, a prehistoric map!

……… Ask for flowers…

The strange thing is that the depth of the engraving on the map is completely different!

For example, Atlantis in the Pacific Ocean is completely recessed, with a giant ship carved on it, and a small white man holding tools.

Looking at other places, the Indian Ocean region where the Lemurian continent is located, the Lemurian continent is also sunken in, there are no signs on it, and the tan that represents their skin has also disappeared!

However, on the plate at the height of Africa, some brown villains and a large number of patterns of black villains were found!

Only the east, a continent headed by country Z, always protrudes high!

The meaning of this uneven prehistoric map gave Jiang Chen a new guess.

He said: "I think this sculpture can be seen as the impact of the flood on a global scale. Atlantis was sunken in, indicating that it will be submerged by the flood. The pattern represents that no Atlanteans died, the little white man represents Noah, and the giant ship represents Noah's Ark. It is completely consistent with my previous speculation. The person who made Noah build the ship is Atlantis People, Atlantis is, is God in the eyes of Noah at that time!"

Hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room nodded one after another, waiting for Jiang Chen to continue.

Jiang Chen pointed to the Lemuria area and said: "We don't know much about the Lemurian continent, but we can analyze from the picture that most of the Lemurians died, and only a small number fled to the rest of Africa today. It can also explain why there are many brown-skinned tribes in Africa and North America, and they may all be descendants of the Lemurians!"

The audience in the live broadcast room were all shocked. After hearing Jiang Chen's conjecture, it seemed as if a whole new door had opened!

Then, Jiang Chen set his sights on the east, which is also the area that domestic audiences pay the most attention to!

Jiang Chen was silent for a while, and said: "The east is the most mysterious area. From the evidence found so far, the white people are attached to the red people, the black people are attached to the brown people, and the yellow people are not attached to anyone. , but it is the most complete existence!"

"Because there is no basis, we can only make judgments based on myths and legends. Perhaps in the prehistoric East and West, when faced with such a catastrophic disaster as the Great Flood, they made completely different choices!"

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