Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 200: Hope Under Terror! [1 Update, Please Order In Full! 】

Achill's exclamation startled Jiang Chen and the others, and hurriedly looked in the direction Achill pointed!

Seeing this, John and Debi also trembled, and took a few steps back in fright before settling down, their complexions instantly turning pale and bloodless!

I saw, under the light of the flashlight, in the dark room, a figure in black robe stood motionless by the wall!

But, what is frightening is that "he" wears a round-brimmed hat, has a bird-like face, has huge pupils, and a long and pointed mouth!

The appearance is extremely terrifying!

However, Jiang Chen laughed and said: "You guys are making too much fuss, this is just a suit of clothes!"

As he spoke, Jiang Chen stepped forward, bent down, grabbed the clothes rail protruding from the robe, and lifted it up.

Seeing this, Debi and the others breathed a sigh of relief!

However, their complexions are still not good-looking.

After all, who would wear such horrible clothes!

Even the audience in the live broadcast room were still in shock!

[Fuck! It turned out to be clothes! It’s scary!]

【I thought it was a ghost! It scared me to death!】

【It's over, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night!】

【The anchor is not afraid at all, even if it is just a piece of clothing, it looks scary, okay!】

【Damn it, I have to look behind me too, because it's scary!】25 At this moment, in the castle room, Jiang Chen put the clothes among the crowd and studied them carefully.

However, Debi and the others obviously have a shadow on the clothes, even if they know it is not a ghost, they still hide far away!

Jiang Chen smiled helplessly and said, "Why are you running so far?"

"This thing looks strange, but it is ominous... Altaïr said decisively.

John and Debbie nodded vigorously in agreement!

Jiang Chen smiled wryly, and said: "You really don't know what this dress represents? This dress actually has a meaning, it doesn't represent unknown, but represents hope!"

Hearing this, everyone present, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room, were stunned!

Such a terrifying piece of clothing, no matter how you look at it, feels like a god of death, but it still represents hope? How is it possible!

For a moment, everyone was quickly aroused by Jiang Chen's curiosity, and their fear weakened a lot.

The same is true for the audience in the live broadcast room, all staring at Jiang Chen, waiting for Jiang Chen's answer.

Jiang Chen didn't keep it secret, and said softly: "During the Middle Ages, a major disaster occurred in Europe. At that time, this disaster plunged the whole of Europe into panic and darkness. It was also the biggest disaster in human history. Epidemic disaster, called in the Middle Ages, the Black Death!"

"The disaster arrived in Messina, the first stop in Europe in September 1347, and continued to spread to Genoa and Marseilles through water in November, broke Venice and Pisa in January 1348, occupied Florence in March, and fell to Paris in August Wait, it continued to spread to Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, and Russia in 1352!"

It is described in "Ten Days Talk": Pedestrians walking on the street suddenly fell to the ground and died, and those who stayed at home died alone. Outside the city, the cows are wandering in the streets of the city, but there is no sign of people!"

"At that time, due to limited medical conditions, the Black Death finally caused the death toll in Europe to reach between 25 million and 50 million, and the death toll in the world reached about 75 million!"

"Actually, the Black Death is a kind of plague. It's just that the medical conditions at that time were so poor that there was no way to treat it!"

"Of course, it also has something to do with the livelihood in Europe at that time!"

"Health? Isn't the environment in Europe always good?" John asked curiously.

"It's always been good? You're still a European, why don't you know anything about your hometown?" Jiang Chen said with a smile: "In medieval Europe, sanitation was extremely poor. Every household didn't even have a toilet. You know How convenient were people back then?"

"No toilet?" John frowned, then shook his head. He couldn't imagine how convenient it would be without a toilet at home.

Jiang Chen explained with a smile: "Actually, the solution is very simple, which is to solve it indoors and catch it in a basin, but do you know how to deal with the excrement in the basin?"

John shook his head, eyes full of curiosity!

Even Achill couldn't help pricking up his ears and listening.

Debi also blinked her beautiful eyes, full of anticipation.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't wait any longer, and began to raise their prices.

【Anchor, don't be a snob, hurry up and listen to us!】

【Yeah, hurry up and tell me how to deal with it, haha!】

【Tens of millions of people talk about excrement... The style of painting is amazing!】

Jiang Chen smiled and didn't continue to play tricks, explaining: "The way people dealt with excrement at that time was very simple and rude, that is, they took the plate to the window, and then directly poured it on the street!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present, including the audience in the live broadcast room, all gasped!

No one expected that the Europeans in the Middle Ages were so rude!

"OMG! No way? It must be fake!" John said with a look of disbelief.

Achill and Debi are also full of doubts, after all, this way of handling, in their opinion, is simply too dirty!

"If it's true, isn't the whole city full of shit? The smell is so bad that people can't live in it?" Archer said.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and continued to explain: "That's right, at that time most cities in medieval Europe were stinky because they didn't have a feces disposal system, nor did they have such a job that was specifically responsible for the disposal of excrement like in ancient my country. and people, so in the end the people in the city could not live, so they invented something!"

"What? The processing system?" Debbie asked curiously.

Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "They invented the perfume. In fact, the original intention of the perfume invention was to cover the stink in the streets!"

Hearing this, Debi and the others opened their mouths wide in shock!

Even the audience in the live broadcast room showed disbelief!

【Increased knowledge, it turns out that this is how perfumes come from!】

[Haha, I have an excuse not to buy perfume for my girlfriend. This thing is used to get rid of the smell of shit. If my girlfriend wants to buy it, I will tell her and tell her that only people who smell like shit Use! Let’s see if she still buys it, haha! Smart!]

【Come on, everyone help, lift the coffin upstairs, and carry it away! 127】

【Suona team keep up!】

And Jiang Chen continued: "It is conceivable how bad the environment was at that time, which led to the rapid spread of the disease. At that time, the medical staff had to do some protection for themselves in order to take care of the patients and dispose of the corpses. Strange clothes were born!"

"This kind of clothes, also known as 'Birdman's clothing', was considered by the medical staff at that time to be able to isolate the spread of disease!"

"And the production of this suit is also very particular. In addition to processing a lot of fabrics to ensure the thickness of the clothes, the gown is also coated with wax to prevent the patient's saliva and blood from splashing on the clothes and leaving them on the clothes. , infect the doctor."

"The main function of the hat is to prevent the head from coming into contact with the air, and it also symbolized the identity of a doctor at that time!"

"The most distinctive feature is the mask. The mask is made in the shape of a bird's beak, and the middle is hollow. Apart from preventing direct contact with the air and being splashed by the patient's saliva, it also has another main function, that is, Add some spices to it, and volatilize the fragrance in it, so that when doctors contact patients, they will not be affected by the smell on the road and affect work efficiency!"

"That's why I said that the clothes looked scary, but for the people at that time, they symbolized hope!"

ps: The grades are getting worse and worse recently. I hope everyone will support subscriptions and vote more monthly. The author's fungus has never stopped updating 5 times a day. It is also very hard to check the information and think about the plot every time. Your support is the greatest support for the author's fungus Thank you! (A picture of the bird suit is attached!).

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