Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 201: They're Here! [2 Updates, Please Order In Full! 】

After listening to Jiang Chen's narration, everyone present and the audience in the live broadcast room had a general understanding of "Birdman Clothes"!

No one could have imagined that such a terrifying dress represented such a dark past!

Of course, what is even more surprising is that, as Jiang Chen said, under the horrible clothes, there is hope for life!

"No matter what treatment methods the doctors used at that time, their purpose was always the same, to save people, so this dress is not terrible, what is terrible is the pain caused by the disease!" Jiang Chen continued to explain : "Actually, it was precisely because of this disease that great changes took place in the Middle Ages. People began to pay attention to the environment and hygiene, and began to pay attention to development, etc. This also indirectly promoted the rapid development of Europe, making Europe gradually lead the world! "

Hearing this, Debi and the others nodded their heads and understood!

Whether it's Debi and the others, or the audience in the live broadcast room, after listening to Jiang Chen's narration, they all feel like they've been in a history lecture, which is extremely vivid!

【I said this is a science and education live broadcast, no one objected, right?】

【Humph! My mother also said that I only know how to watch the live broadcast all day, and I am obviously doing online classes! Hee hee!】

[The anchor is very correct. In medieval Europe, the development was extremely backward, especially in terms of sanitation and environment. The countryside was fine, but the environment in the cities was recorded in history as extremely poor. The streets smelled so bad that everyone had to cover their faces It is true that perfume was invented to cover up the stench emitted by human and animal excrement!]

[The plague that broke out in Europe at that time was indeed a serious blow to Europe, and it also made Europeans wake up! 】

But at this moment, Jiang Chen's eyes suddenly lit up, and he suddenly had an idea, and said, "I may know why there is an ancient castle here!"

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately attracted the attention of Debi and others, and the audience in the live broadcast room also cast their eyes on Jiang Chen with great interest!

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "I didn't know it at first, but after seeing the 'Birdman's Clothes', I think it should be pretty much the same. The castle was built from 1066 to 1400 AD, and the Black Death broke out three times. , the first outbreak was in the 6th century AD, the second outbreak was in the 14th century, and the third outbreak was in the 18th century, and the Black Death outbreak in the 14th century coincided with the time when the castle was built, which was 1300 -1399 々々!"

"At that time, the Black Death broke out in Europe, killing nearly 30% of the population in Europe!"

"And in the castle, there is a 'bird suit'. Can we infer from this that the owner of the castle was a doctor from somewhere in Europe at that time!"

"From this, we continue to infer that because the outbreak of the Black Death was too serious, he took his family and people in his territory to escape to a place where the virus could not reach, so as to avoid the virus!"

"So they found the Weeping Island and built the castle on it, because that was the period when the castle was being built. If it hadn't been beyond this time, there would be no need to build the castle at all!"

"From this, we can also conclude that the year the castle was built should be between 1300-1399 AD!"

"At the same time, it can also explain why the castle only built defensive facilities and did not add some offensive facilities, and completely sealed the windows on the first and second floors. They should be defending against viruses!"

"Because the medical treatment was not lacking at that time, and the thinking was not advanced, so it is completely reasonable to think that building a thicker wall and not repairing windows can resist the virus!"

After hearing Jiang Chen's reasoning, everyone present was stunned, including the audience in the live broadcast room!

Who would have thought that Jiang Chen could guess so many things in a 'bird suit', including the occupation of the owner, the time when the castle was built, why the castle was built on Wailing Island, why only defensive facilities were added, not a little bit Attacking equipment, all of these were speculated by Jiang Chen!

The point is, Jiang Chen's conjecture is very well-founded, and anyone who hears it will nod in agreement!

Of course, Jiang Chen smiled and said: "I'm just speculating, and it may be wrong. Only by finding relevant evidence can we learn more."

Ever since, Jiang Chen began to look around!

At this time, Jiang Chen discovered that the three walls of the room were actually full of tall bookshelves, and the bookshelves were filled with various ancient books!

At the same time, there is a desk in the very center of the room!

There were yellowed paper, dried ink, etc. on the desk, and several books were also placed.

"This should be the study of the owner of the castle." Jiang Chen murmured with a smile on his lips.

The study is often the place that contains the most clues!

Hence, Jiang Chen came to the desk and searched carefully.

He flipped through the basic books on the table first!

It turns out that these books are all medical books!

However, after understanding the contents of the book, Jiang Chen frowned.

The things recorded in the books are almost all means of curing the Black Death!

These methods, from the present point of view, are very cruel, such as bloodletting to treat the disease, etc., it will not have any effect at all, and it will aggravate the condition.

However, Jiang Chen thought about it again. In the undeveloped Middle Ages at that time, medical knowledge and methods were very backward, and it was completely normal for people to think that this kind of treatment was effective.

Hence, Jiang Chen put the books aside, opened the drawer on the desk, and continued to search.

After a while, Jiang Chen rummaged through another drawer for an exquisite sheepskin notebook!

The book is wrapped very delicately [the owner of the ten books loves it very much!

Jiang Chen carefully took out the book, then gently opened the quilt, and flipped through the contents!

When he saw the content, his eyes lit up immediately, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "I'll just say, I'll find some valuable clues!"

Hearing this, Debi, Achill and John all gathered around!

"Diary?" Debbie exclaimed.

Jiang Chen nodded with a smile, and said, "That's right, this is the diary of the owner of the castle, and we should be able to learn a lot of useful information from it!"

As he spoke, Jiang Chen opened the diary.

Among them, at the beginning of the diary, the owner of the castle introduces his identity. He is a doctor and a duke. He has aristocratic status and has his own fiefdom and subjects!

And the first half of the diary did record the harm caused by the outbreak of the Black Death!

It is worth noting that the owner of the diary will record the number of deaths every day.

Seeing the death toll doubling every day, Jiang Chen and others felt a little terrified!

The scary thing is that the death toll recorded by the doctor is only the death toll of his subjects, not the whole of Europe!

At this moment, everyone really (Wang Dezhao) felt the harm and horror brought by the medieval disease!

The audience in the live broadcast room, as well as the scholars who have studied history, also fell silent.

Then, it was mentioned in the diary that in order to protect his family and people, the doctor searched for a secluded island, moved his family to the island, and began to build castles and towns!

In the follow-up, the doctor also specially focused on the construction of the castle, and carried out special modifications to increase the defense of the castle and prevent "it"!

This "it", according to Jiang Chen and others, should refer to disease!

From the current point of view, the content recorded in the diary is basically the same as what Jiang Chen speculated before!

The general origin of this castle, as well as its history, etc., are all clear!

However, they still haven't figured out where the various weird phenomena in the castle come from, and what are the ghosts on the island!

bang bang bang

But at this moment, the sound of knocking on the door suddenly sounded!

Here they are!

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