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Chapter 202: Escape! [3 Updates, Please Order In Full! 】

bang bang

The violent banging on the door is still going on!

Debi, John, and Achill couldn't help becoming nervous, and their complexions gradually turned pale!

I saw that the wooden door locked by wooden bolts was trembling with every loud noise, as if the door was about to be smashed open at any time!

It is estimated that within half an hour, something outside will be able to break through the door and rush into the room!

what to do?

Debi, John, and Achill looked at each other, all trembling with fright, unable to think at all, and then cast their eyes on Jiang Chen!

Now, the only person they can trust is Jiang Chen!

And Jiang Chen is the only one who can think rationally!

He glanced at the trembling gate, and then locked his eyes on the diary of the owner of the castle.

Jiang Chen said: "I remember reading an article in the diary. The owner of the castle said that he likes to enjoy the sunshine in the study. The study is the whole castle, and the only room with sunshine!"

Hearing this, Debi and the others looked happy, they are in the study now, that means there are windows?

As long as they find the window, they can go out!

"Everyone, look around and see if there are any windows behind the bookshelves!" Jiang Chen ordered.

Hearing this, Achill and the others immediately became excited. After learning that there was a hope of jumping out of the castle, they immediately started looking for it without any hesitation.

It has to be said that 493, Achill is big and strong. With his own strength, he emptied the bookshelves in the entire room, exposing the three walls that were originally covered by the bookshelves.

It's just that none of the three walls has windows, just like the other walls, all of them are made of stone bricks!

This made Aqier and others frown, showing puzzled expressions!

"Where's the window? Where's the promised window?" Achill roared.

"It's not a lie to us, is it? There are no windows at all!" John questioned.

"The owner of the house died hundreds of years ago, so it is necessary to write a diary to lie to you? What is the purpose?"

Only Debbie was quite sensible, and couldn't help but roll her eyes at John.

The corner of John's mouth twitched, thinking about it, the owner died hundreds of years ago, and he still wrote his own diary, there is really no need to lie to himself!

"However, if the owner of the castle didn't lie to us, where is the window?" John asked still puzzled.

Jiang Chen signaled everyone to calm down, and said, "Actually, in the Middle Ages, when wars broke out frequently, and when castles were being built, everyone liked to transform some mechanism secret rooms. Let's find out if there are similar mechanisms or secret rooms!"

Hearing this, the eyes of Achill and the others, who were already in despair, lit up again, and began to shine on the walls on three sides.

Jiang Chen glanced at the door, which had been cracked (cfef), frowned slightly, and began to think.

This is like an escape room in a race against death!

However, after a while, Archer and the others returned to Jiang Chen with ashen faces!

They searched all around the walls, and Archer fired at the walls angrily, but they didn't find any mechanism or hidden door at all!

Could it be that the owner of the castle really just deliberately wrote a diary on a whim?

bang bang․

And at this moment, the sound of banging on the door became more frequent!

I saw that most of the door locked by the wooden bolt had been cracked, and the wooden bolt was completely complete. It seemed that it would not take long before it would be completely broken!

All of a sudden, the crisis has reached its peak!

Jiang Chen locked his eyes on the method above his head!

"As I remember, there are only two floors in the castle, but there are three floors at the four corners, right? The third floor is the spire of the castle!" Jiang Chen guessed: "You say, the castle Could it be that the Master said to enjoy the Sun Pass at the top of the tower? The very top of the castle!"

"According to theory, the spire is the highest, the most sunny, and the most secret place in the entire castle. From the perspective of the owner of the castle, it is definitely the safest place!"

The more Jiang Chen said, the more he felt that his guess was correct.

Archer and the others also looked happy. According to Jiang Chen, they began to push the three bookshelves to the center of the study, then climbed up and groped on the roof!



Sure enough, on the ceiling, the blue bricks in a certain area are movable, as long as one pushes up hard, it can be opened to allow a person to go up!

"Jiang! You are simply a genius!" Aqier laughed excitedly, and climbed up with hands and feet.

"Jiang, my idol, you are so amazing!" John said with a look of admiration.

Jiang Chen looked indifferent, and said to Debi, who was already in a nympho beside him, "What do you mean by looking at me? Hurry up and throw it away!"

Hearing this, Debi came back to her senses, agreed, and followed Achill to the third floor.

Immediately afterwards, John also climbed up, and Jiang Chen walked at the end!

However, Jiang Chen was not in a hurry. He glanced at the gate behind him that was about to be breached, and frowned slightly. He always felt a little strange, and was very curious about what those chasing people and shadows were!

However, before Jiang Chen could think about it, Debbie pulled him up to the third floor!

At the same time, with a loud bang [the door was finally knocked open!

However, Achill reacted very quickly, and immediately closed the secret passage leading to the third floor, and he was relieved!

At this time, everyone began to look around, and was surprised to find that it was exactly the same as Jiang Chen's guess!

The third floor is really the spire of the castle!

At the same time, everyone present had to admire Jiang Chen's thinking ability!

If it wasn't for Jiang Chen, they would never have imagined that the secret room would be on top of their heads, and it would be so beautiful!

I saw that the spire of the third floor presents a circular site, surrounded by curved glass, with excellent sightlines!

If the weather is better, basking in the sun on it is indeed a very enjoyable choice!

However, Jiang Chen and the others have no time to enjoy it now. They suddenly noticed that there are a lot of lights shaking on the plain not far from the castle!

Jiang Chen's eyesight has been improved, and he has a third-level [dark eye], so he can see farther and more clearly!

"Small town! It's actually a small town!" Jiang Chen couldn't help exclaiming.

Hearing this, Achill and the others were stunned for a moment, but then they became excited!

Meeting a small town at this time, for them, is simply a timely help, giving them hope in life amidst despair!

"Great, it's saved!" Achill said excitedly.

"It's just why there is a small town here?" Debbie asked curiously.

"Who knows?" John said indifferently: "Anyway, it's right to be able to see living people!"

Jiang Chen guessed: "Didn't the owner of the castle record it in his diary? In addition to a family of three who came to Crying Island, they also brought the people from his original territory with them. It is probably a small town built by the people." !"

"Why is the town still alive, but the castle is deserted?" Debi asked curiously again.

"Who knows? It's also possible that the owner of the castle returned to Europe after the disease disappeared, and the people chose to stay, not necessarily." Jiang Chen guessed.

Hearing this, Archer nodded with John and Debi, feeling that Jiang Chen's guess is very possible!

As a result, Achill and the others couldn't wait any longer, and immediately began to make a rappelling device with ropes, preparing to rappel down directly from the third floor. They didn't want to stay in the castle for a moment, they just wanted to go to town!

Because, in their view, the small town is the hope, and maybe the previous expedition members are in the small town!

Only Jiang Chen has always felt that everything is a bit strange, including the town!

However, for a while, he couldn't tell what was strange, so he had to go to the small town for a walk!

However, compared to the airtight and terrifying old castle, they escaped!

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