Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 231: Goodbye, Crying Island! [2 Updates, Please Subscribe! 】

However, Wilson also recovered quickly, and after forcibly calming down, he started the auction.

The first item in the auction made the guests excited, it turned out to be a luminous pearl!

This luminous pearl is no stranger to the guests present, it is one of the two luminous pearls that Jiang Chen inlaid in the tunnel wall after entering the underwater palace tunnel!

At that time, there were many wealthy people who were attracted by the beauty of the Ye Mingzhu, took a fancy to the value of the Ye Ming Pearl, and offered prices one after another!

At this time, after the Ye Mingzhu was taken out, it once again attracted everyone's attention!

With a wave of his hand, Wilson motioned for security to dim the lights.

The next moment, the originally seemingly crystal-clear luminous pearl emitted a blue gleam in the dark space, which was extremely gorgeous!

"This luminous pearl is currently the largest, purest, and brightest luminous pearl in the world. In the mermaid palace, it is used as an ever-burning lamp in the treasure house. The starting price is one million, and each increase must not be less than one hundred thousand!"

As soon as Wilson finished speaking, the scene was full of noise!

After all, everyone thought that precious and rare objects such as Ye Mingzhu would not be displayed until at least halfway through the auction, or at the end of the auction!

I never thought that the first item in the auction would be the Ye Mingzhu!

This directly pushed this auction to the peak of the atmosphere, which aroused everyone's interest. Some wondered how Jiang Chen wanted to hold this auction. He didn't follow the routine at all!

"Add five hundred thousand!"

Appropriate, someone has already raised a sign and started bidding!

Someone starts and someone follows.

"Half a million? Brother Zhang, you are so stingy, ten million!"

"Brother Li, why are you arguing with my younger brother, my family is 1.5 million!"

"Adding five hundred and fifty thousand is meaningless, add three million!"

"Add five million dollars!"

Originally, it was two oriental men who were bidding. Unexpectedly, in the end, a blond foreign girl suddenly raised the sign in her hand and offered an astonishing price!

Five million US dollars is equivalent to more than 40 million soft sister coins, which can be regarded as an astronomical sum!

"Five million dollars a time!"

"Five million dollars twice!"

"Five million dollars three times!"


Wilson knocked down with a hammer, and said: "Congratulations to Miss No. 65, the first night pearl, sold at a price of five million US dollars!"


There was an uproar!

Who would have thought that the first lot would fetch an astonishing price of five million dollars as soon as the auction started!

This can be said to be something that countless auctions cannot do!

After all, such a sky-high priced item is considered the finale in other auctions, and Jiang Chen was the first to put it up for auction. Everyone is very curious [Jiang most plans to


Immediately afterwards, the second lot was the second night pearl!

This time, Wilson did not introduce too much, but just signaled to dim the lights to show everyone the beauty of the night pearl!

Immediately, the second round of bidding for Ye Mingzhu began!

"Half a million `||!"

"one million!"

"1.3 million!"


"I offer eight million!"

"I offer fifteen million!"

For a time, the bidding became more and more intense.

Obviously, with the first luminous pearl setting the tone, the competition for the second luminous pearl has also become more intense!

And, everyone knows that the price of the second luminous pearl cannot be lower than the price of the first luminous pearl!

Therefore, at the beginning, everyone's bids were random, and they became more cautious as they went to the end.

Sure enough, in the end, the second Ye Mingzhu was bought by a domestic old man at a price of 45 million soft sister coins.

In this way, the two night pearls were bought, and the rest were other items.

Everyone was also very curious, after Ye Mingzhu was bought, what else did Jiang Chen have, which deserved everyone's attention and supported the entire auction.

After a while, five or six waiters walked in, carefully holding a huge frame covered by a red cloth.

Everyone was curious as to what was in it!

Wilson smiled slightly, and introduced: "Everyone has heard of Edward Teach? One of the most notorious pirates in the history of world navigation, with the blackest beard!"

"Blackbeard was originally a subordinate of the great pirate Captain Gott, and later broke away from Gott to set up his own family!"

"During his total victory, he owned a pirate fleet composed of four sailing ships, among which his flagship was called "Queen Anne's Revenge"!"

"On November 22, 1718, Blackbeard was killed by the Eagle Navy in battle. The Queen Anne's Revenge has also sunk for more than 300 years, and her whereabouts are still unknown. His ships and treasures are all missing. Countless treasure-hunting explorers are crazy about it!"

"Before he died, Blackbeard declared that only the devil and himself could find out where his treasure was hidden. It has been a mystery for many years where his treasure is!"

"However, just today, our great explorer has completely solved this mystery!"

"Blackbeard didn't deceive everyone. His treasure is indeed hidden in the lair of the demonic sea monster. It is difficult for outsiders to find it, but our great explorer, Jiang Chen, explored everything!"

"Today, the third item we are going to auction is the flag of 'Queen Anne's Revenge' and Blackbeard's self-portrait!"

As soon as Wilson's words fell, everyone below showed strong expressions of shock!

Especially Europeans and Americans, they are all too familiar with Blackbeard Pirates!

However, they never expected that the treasure of the Blackbeard pirate was actually hidden in Haimei Palace!

No wonder hundreds of years have passed, countless people have searched for treasures in the sea, but they have not found any clues!

Until now, it was discovered by Jiang Chen, so that his treasure can be seen again!

At this time, under Wilson's signal, the waiters lifted the framed red cloth, revealing the true face of Mount Lu!

All I saw was a complete and huge pirate flag that was generally red and half black, and a portrait about one meter long and half a meter wide was displayed in front of everyone!

"The starting bid is one million, and each increase must not be less than fifty!"

Wilson continued.


"Two million!"

"three million!"

"five million!"

"I offer twelve million!"

"Thirty-four million! I offer thirty-four million!"

"Sixty million!"

"Sixty million times!"

"Sixty million twice!"

"Sixty million three times!"


Wilson hammered the table and said, "Deal!"

"The next lot is Blackbeard's silver foil skull. Everyone should have heard the story. Because of Blackbeard's crimes, after his death, his head was cut off and wrapped in silver foil. The skull cup, but the skull cup also disappeared in the end, it turned out to be in Blackbeard's treasure, and was hidden together on the bottom of the sea!"

After Wilson finished speaking, he continued: "The starting price of the skull cup is 5 million, and each increase must not be less than 1 million!"

All of a sudden, the rich and powerful began to scramble to raise prices again!

In the end, the transaction price was 100 million!

And the next auction is still the treasure series of Captain Blackbeard, as well as some world-famous treasures that were once snatched by pirates!

The auction is full of energy, from the first lot to the end of the last lot, making everyone breathless!

Now, everyone has seen why Jiang Chen said that this is an auction like no other in the world!

In this world, it is indeed difficult to find such a continuous high-energy auction!

And after the auction ended, the sky finally shone brightly.

The cruise ship didn't go very far, Jiang Chen came to the deck and could clearly see the crying island in the distance!

I saw that the dark clouds on the Crying Island had dissipated at some point, revealing the original appearance of the Crying Island (Zhao De's)!

A smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth, and he said, "Goodbye, Crying Island!"

At the same time, the live broadcast room was also closed by Jiang Chen, only the replay can continue to watch!

Many viewers who were too late to watch the live broadcast could only choose to watch the replay.

However, when the audience saw that Jiang Chen and others had just entered the castle, and the gate was automatically closed, a strange scene appeared!

I saw that everything in the replay was exactly the same as what Jiang Chen and others saw!

A trace of blood slowly oozes from the crack in the door!

At that time, the blood oozing from the crack of the door gathered and formed four words, which were "I'm still alive"!

However, in the replay, the blood on the huge wooden door only gathered into one word...


Many viewers, because of the choice!

The point is, isn't everything an illusion?


If it was a hallucination, how could it be recorded in the live broadcast room? How could it be saved? How could it be seen by the audience behind?

Is everything an illusion or reality?

Think carefully!

ps: Ask for customization, ask for monthly tickets, ask for support, the expedition to Crying Island is over, and the next adventure will start immediately. Where do you think we should go to explore?

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