Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 232: I Admit, Jiang Chen Is Number One In The World! [3 Updates, Please Subscribe! 】

The progress of the cruise ship auction was also reported by major media!

Jiang Chen's name once again occupied the front pages of major media newspapers!

"Eagle Country Daily": "Jiang, successfully uncovered the mystery of Weeping Island and discovered the Siren!"

"Eagle Country Weekly": "Jiang's discovery is also a milestone record for the Royal Expedition. The Royal Expedition will follow Jiang Chen's light and live forever

BBC: "The last performance of the Royal Expedition made the world see the ugliness of the expedition. It will last forever? It doesn't exist! It will only be infamous for thousands of years! Wilson saved the only trace of dignity of the expedition!"

"Daily Weekly": "It is reported that Weiner showed his true side in front of the whole world, and did not achieve what he wanted. Instead, he escorted Jiang Chen and became the biggest joke of this century. Jiang Chen became the biggest joke of this century. He became the biggest winner of this century, and he showed the wisdom of the Orientals!"

CNN: "Jiang, every one of his expeditions has touched the hearts of people all over the world. This time he did not disappoint, and he succeeded again!"

CBC: "Give me a reason not to love Jiang Chen! How can I not love Jiang Chen like this?"

Even, "National Geographic" once again used the picture of Jiang Chen and 173 still fighting as the cover, and published it on the front page of this week, saying: "He is a miracle, he is omnipotent, if one day, he really discovers We should not be surprised if we find aliens, because he can do it, he is the strongest and greatest explorer on earth, no one, and no one can deny his contribution to mankind!"

At the same time, "National Geographic" also translated this article in Chinese and published it on Twitter, which shows its good intentions!

Moreover, the United Nations (UN) also held a meeting and issued a document at the same time, saying that it attaches great importance to Jiang Chen's discovery. This is the first time that humans have discovered that an intelligent body similar to human intelligence exists on the earth. They hope to get in touch with Jiang Chen and continue to follow up , investigate the whereabouts of the mermaid as soon as possible, and find more evidence!

At the same time, UN also issued an article saying: "Jiang Chen's discovery has made indelible achievements. All human beings in the world should remember Jiang Chen's name and truly understand his achievements!"

Even, because Jiang Chen discovered the siren this time, he also discovered three types of mermaids that are similar in intelligence to humans!

This is more able to subvert people's three views than previous discoveries, and it is exactly related to human development! (cgcc)

No one knows how far the mermaid has developed, even where the mermaid is!

Curiosity, sense of crisis, etc. are all erupting in people's hearts!

All countries have also responded one after another, attaching great importance to the discoveries made by Jiang Chen, and once again realizing the value brought by Jiang Chen, hoping to cooperate with Jiang Chen, and throwing an olive branch again!

Unfortunately, all these olive branches were rejected by Jiang Chen!

Of course, even so, the reports on Jiang Chen still haven't stopped!

In addition to major media reports, there are also individuals who develop their own opinions on Twitter!

The head of the International Adventure Club spoke again, saying: "If Jiang Chen is not the number one explorer in the world, who is the number one explorer in the world? Whose discovery, courage, and spirit of exploration can be compared with Jiang Chen ?No one, including me! So I insist that Jiang Chen is my future successor, the best candidate!"

Immediately afterwards, he posted again: "Jiang Chen, did you hear me? I am old, you are still young, and you are more powerful. You can definitely lead everyone!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was another storm in the adventure world.

The media, which is a good thing, immediately found Maguire, who had been spying on the chairman of the International Adventure Club for a long time, for an interview.

"Maguire, you have always said that Jiang Chen is too young to be the president. Do you still think so?" the reporter asked.

Maguire's complexion was obviously not very good, and he reluctantly said: "Of course, I'm telling the truth. Compared with me, he is indeed too young!"

"At such a young age, he has achieved what he is today, and he has become a hot baby in the world. Doesn't this just prove his worth? At least it shows that he is very capable, right? Before he was twenty-five, he was done. What other people can't accomplish at thirty-five or forty-five years old, right? Excuse me, did you have such an achievement when you were twenty-five?" The reporter asked sharply.

The corner of Maguire's mouth twitched, his complexion turned extremely ugly, and he said: "You can't say that, I'm twenty-five years old..."

"I'm sorry, I forgot, you are almost forty-five years old now, and you still haven't achieved Jiang Chen's achievements. I'm taking the liberty of asking." The reporter said again.

Slap in the face, Chi Guoguo's face slap!

The corner of Maguire's mouth twitched, his chest hurt, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood. He forced an embarrassed smile and said, "He still has a lot to explore, and he still has more room for improvement!"

"I remember, you said before that he still has many places to conquer, but now, he has conquered the underground, the sea, the primitive jungle, and the deserted island. He still needs to conquer those places? Outer space?" The reporter asked sharply.

"Uh..." Maguire didn't know how to answer.

At this time, the reporter asked again: "You said that he still has a lot of room for improvement, but his current achievements have reached the top of the world, and he has already left you far behind, leaving you far behind. If you are promoted, it doesn’t mean that there are no opportunities for you to look up to? Is this what you mean by this sentence?”

Maguire was about to vomit blood, and his complexion turned red and white at times!

In the beginning, he actually didn't take Jiang Chen seriously.

However, as Jiang Chen explored more and more times, and Jiang Chen's discoveries became more and more amazing, he finally felt threatened!

However, he was able to use his age every time before, and Jiang Chen has not explored more places to show his advantages!

However, this time, his age advantage has completely turned into a disadvantage, and Jiang Chen has also conquered all the regions he has conquered!

In this way, he no longer has any objections, no excuses and reasons!

He knows that Jiang Chen is very strong, but he just doesn't want to admit it!

But, until now, he knew that he had to admit it!

"Okay..." Maguire sighed helplessly, and said, "I admit, Jiang Chen is number one in the world!"

As soon as this remark came out, it was once again widely reported by the media.

At the same time, there are countless domestic reports!

After Wilson and others followed Jiang Chen back, they were also interviewed by the media.

Wilson said: "Jiang is the explorer I admire the most in my life. He is the number one in the world!"

The president of the Adventure Association also said in an interview: "Jiang Chen has created another miracle? Just get used to it, and this will become the norm!"

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