Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 237: Go, Pripyat! [3 Updates, Please Subscribe! 】

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, took out his mobile phone and looked at everyone's enthusiastic barrage, and continued: "Think this is the end? Of course not, everything is not over. Even though the residents escaped from the Devil's City, they did not escape The attack of the disease!"

"Because, even though the residents of Pripyat carried out a large-scale evacuation in a very short period of time, many people have already been poisoned by radioactive substances."

"At this time, we have to mention the harm caused by radioactive substances, that is, nuclear radiation and pollution!"

"A TV series in the United States is based on Chernobyl, and the name is also called "Chernobyl". It tells the story of firefighters entering the Chernobyl nuclear power plant after the explosion to put out the fire, and still dealing with the follow-up."

"At the beginning of the story, it was described that the firefighters did not take any protective measures. After entering, the air they breathed was full of metallic smell. One of the firefighters used firefighting gloves to pick up the debris after the explosion, and the gloves were burnt instantly. , His hands are also rapidly decomposing at a speed visible to the naked eye!"

"The first batch of firefighters who evacuated were still jumping around alive one day, and their organs failed the next day, their skin began to rot, and finally died tragically."

"It is conceivable how terrifying the harm caused by radioactive substances is, not only the harm that people can see, but also the harm that many people cannot see. Aberrations will implicate one generation or even several generations, and lead to various diseases!"

"Even if the film and television series have made some modifications to the incident, it is undeniable how terrifying the harm caused by nuclear radiation is!"

"In mild cases, symptoms such as fatigue, malaise, and loss of appetite may occur."

"Moderate patients may cause dizziness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and a decrease in the number of white blood cells.

"Severe patients, even with treatment, have a half chance of dying within a month.

"In extreme patients, the death rate will rise rapidly, and complications such as cancer will be caused!"

"Moreover, the damage caused by radiation is permanent and irreversible damage, which is more terrifying and terrible than any disease!"

"In the end, even if all the residents of Pripyat were evacuated, tens of thousands of people still died or became seriously ill due to the long-term effects of radioactive substances.

"And, with Chernobyl as the center, the area within a radius of 50 kilometers is listed as a dead zone, which cannot be lived or entered!"

"This is the largest accident in human history, and it has also become a catastrophic accident rated as a level 7 event by the International Nuclear Event Scale!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the audience in the studio and in front of the TV all felt their hearts shake!

Ordinary people, where do they know anything about these things!

The key is that everyone will not go to understand these knowledge in daily life!

And Jiang Chen, through his own traffic, popularized the dangers of nuclear radiation to ordinary audiences all over the world, so listen to it for family reasons!

The point is, what Jiang Chen speaks is in plain language, without using any technical terms, but very concise and bright, so that everyone can understand it!

This time, many viewers became terrified.

[I thought that Jiang Chen's expedition this time would be relatively easy, but I didn't expect it to be so scary!]

【The key point is that it will also affect genes and chromosomes. If you are accidentally contaminated with radioactive substances, wouldn't you be unable to have children in the future?】

【It’s too scary, no wonder it’s called the death zone, it’s indeed a forbidden place for human beings!】

【Going in means walking with death!】

【Jiang Chen, this time you must pay attention to safety!】

【Anchor be careful, don't get infected!】

[The fighting nation is worthy of being a fighting nation. Other TV stations are just pretending to use the title of adventure to deceive the traffic. I didn't expect the fighting nation to come to the truth!】

【The fighting nation is Biao!】

【No wonder the anchor will participate, I guess the anchor also feels that there is a certain challenge, so he will choose to participate!】

【In other words, the amateurs who accepted the challenge are also awesome, they dared to enter Chernobyl!】

【Otherwise, why are they a fighting nation? Just do it!】

【Hehe, this is why there are so few foreigners. Isn’t it good to be alive? Watching live TV at home, isn’t it good?】

[You know a woolen thread, people have pursuits, okay!]


After Jiang Chen introduced Pripyat, the car stopped when it was about to reach the town!

At this time, the staff and vehicles will not enter, and they (cgde) are also afraid of being harmed by radioactive elements!

So, the next road, I can only let Jiang Chen go on his own!

However, they also provide certain means of transportation, and the distance on foot is too far and the risk factor is too great.

And they provide a total of three modes of transportation!

The first is the car.

However, since Pripyat has been deserted for decades, no one has ever visited it, and there are no roads. It will be very troublesome to drive in the wilderness.

The second is to ride a motorcycle!

Mountain bike, this is the best choice, small and flexible, and fast, the only disadvantage is that it does not block the wind, in areas full of radioactive substances, if there is an accident, such as falling, etc. There is a possibility of a deadly crisis erupting!

The third type is a powered paraglider!

This kind of paraglider has a huge fan at the back. People sit in the front section of the big fan, turn the fan by starting the motor, take off directly on the spot, and then land at the destination.

Undoubtedly, the powered paraglider is the one with the greatest risk factor among the three options. Not to mention whether it is safe or not, the experience of the pilot will be tested when landing. If there is an accident, the consequences will be disastrous!

Obviously, among these three methods, mountain bikes are the best choice even if they are risky, because they are fast and conducive to completing the challenge!

The first car way is the safest way!

The third type of powered paragliding is the most adventurous way!

All in all, the motorcycle is obviously better!

On the other side, Debi has already chosen her own tool, which is a mountain bike!

For a moment, Debi transformed into a motorcycle woman, twisted the accelerator, and roared towards Pripyat!

Her graceful figure, even though she was wearing protective clothing, was forcibly drawn out on the motorcycle, making countless audiences scream!

And the next moment, the audience watching Jiang Chen's live broadcast let out bursts of exclamation!

I saw that Jiang Chen actually put on a powered paraglider and said with a smile: "That's it!"

As soon as this statement came out, not only the audience, but even the staff present were stunned!

There are cars and motorcycles in front of it. The original intention of the program group was to let the guests choose to use cars and motorcycles to enter.

And equipped with one more powered paraglider, but it only plays a certain program effect!

In the program group, no one would choose Power Glide Mountain, a tool with such a high risk factor to enter Pripyat!

But who knows, Jiang Chen did not follow the usual path. Among the three tools, he chose the most dangerous tool to increase the difficulty for himself!

【Crazy! Crazy!】

【The anchor is really crazy!】

【He actually chose a powered paraglider, is he looking for death?】

【This is the anchor, just get used to it, I am his old fan, I am used to it, when the anchor stops being dead, I feel strange!】

And because Jiang Chen chose a powered paraglider, his ratings also continued to skyrocket, directly crushing Debbie!

Even if the program team tried to persuade, it was useless, so they had no choice but to agree with Jiang Chen's choice.

buzz buzz

The next moment, the motor of the powered paraglider starts, and the big fan starts to run!

There was a smile on the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth, his eyes were full of excitement, and he said, "Let's go, Pripyat!"

ps: Please customize, please support!.

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