Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 238: Should We Change Our Tune? [4 Updates, Please Subscribe! √】

Of course, Jiang Chen chose to use a powered paraglider to enter Pripyat for only two purposes!

First, it is exciting!

Second, it is for ratings!

He knows that only by being different can he attract the attention of more viewers!

However, what Jiang Chen didn't know was that his traffic was already against the sky, and then he used a powered paraglider to enter the venue, which attracted a large number of people!

Debi's live broadcast room can be described as extremely bleak, bleak, and the number of people has just exceeded 10,000.

As for Jiang Chen, just in the live broadcast rooms of the major live broadcast platforms around the world, the total number of people has exceeded 50 million!

This is just the beginning, one can imagine how huge the gap between the two is!

Debi naturally knows this too, so she chooses to solve everything with speed, make use of her strengths and avoid weaknesses, make quick decisions, and solve everything with speed!

And at this time, Debi and her teammates successfully reunited.

The teammates of the two groups will enter Pripyat ahead of schedule, wait for a rest at the camp prepared by the program group, and sign a non-responsibility guarantee!

The purpose of this guarantee letter is to allow amateur challengers to voluntarily sign and voluntarily undertake the challenge. If there is an accident or physical discomfort in the future, it has nothing to do with the program team!

This is equivalent to a state of life and death!

After Debi arrived, his team was all boys!

The four were laughing outside the camp.

Suddenly, a huge roar sounded, startling the three people who were laughing!

The next moment, Debi had already sprinted over on a motorcycle, and completed a beautiful flick in front of the four of them!


After Debi got off the car, she took off her motorcycle helmet, glanced at the four of them, and said with a stern expression, "Pack up your things and get ready to go!"

For a moment, Debi's actions really made the four of them so handsome!

However, after the four people reacted, they complained one after another.

"Going so soon? Can't we take a break?"

"Yeah, don't be so anxious, right?"

"We just arrived too, sit down and take a breath!"

"Miss, do you want to drink some water?"

Hearing this, Debi frowned, looked at the four people who seemed to be on an outing, and said dissatisfiedly: "Do you think this is an outing?"

"What's the matter? Isn't Jiang very relaxed when he was exploring? Aren't you guys eating hot pot together? Why can't we relax?"

said one of the men.

Hearing this, Debi laughed, as if hearing a big joke, and said: "If you want to enjoy the same enjoyment as Jiang, you must first have the same ability as Jiang, do you have it?"

With that said, Debbie took out her nuclear radiation detector!

I saw that the nuclear radiation detector had already turned on the red light and issued a "beep beep" alarm sound.

"The nuclear radiation here has obviously exceeded the standard. According to the reality of the instrument, the nuclear radiation concentration in the air here has exceeded 0.5 microsieverts. We are not disturbed by nuclear radiation all the time!"

"You have to know that the natural radiation that ordinary people can receive in a year is 1000 microsieverts. If it is less than this amount, it will not cause harm to the human body. If it is more than this amount, it may not be certain!"

"The hazards of nuclear radiation, you should understand that the damage to the human body is irreversible, and it is aggressive to genes and chromosomes. If you still want to have normal children, don't want to get any sudden disease, don't want organ failure, then Hurry up and go!"

"Of course, if you want to rest, I won't stop you!"

After Debi finished speaking, she ignored the four of them and walked straight towards the mangrove forest.

The four people who were still laughing a moment ago, after listening to Debi's warning, their faces became pale and bloodless, and fear suddenly appeared in their hearts!

At this moment, they no longer dared to stay where they were, and hurriedly put on their backpacks and chased after Bi.

This scene was seen by the audience in the live broadcast room, and instantly made the audience excited!

【Fuck! Sister Debi is so handsome today!】

【Miss Debi used to be very caring and cute? Why is she so cold today? She looks very powerful!】

[Hehe, Miss Debi has been following the protagonist before, under the aura of the protagonist, that's why she looks a little cute, in fact, Miss Debi is also very good!]

[That's right, it's like playing games with the masters led by the king. Even if they are very powerful, the master rank will appear a little clumsy under the operation of the king's boss, but let the master lead a group of bronze and gold scumbags , that is more than enough!]

[The great god upstairs, described it very aptly! 】

【To put it more simply and clearly, only in front of Jiang Chen will Ms. Debi show her weak and cute side, please appreciate it carefully!】


【Then, should we change our tune? Mrs. Jiang?】


buzz buzz

At this moment, Jiang Chen is still galloping in the sky.

Perhaps because of Chernobyl, the air in the entire Pripyat is very bad, and the sky seems to be covered with a thick layer of smog all year round!

At the same time, there is an inexplicable smell in the air!

It is conceivable that the air here contains a lot of nuclear radiation!

The point is that the accident has happened for more than 30 years, and the nuclear radiation and nuclear pollution here have not been weakened!

Experts estimate that around Chernobyl, it will take at least hundreds of years to recover!

Of course, some experts refuted it, saying that there may be no way to restore it to its original state forever!


At this time, Jiang Chen had already seen the landing site in the sky, with the obvious mark of the program group!

So, Jiang Chen began to control the energy of the engine, and controlled the direction of the paraglider to land!

But Jiang Chen's teammates are still waiting for Jiang Chen's arrival.

However, unexpectedly, all the team members led by Debbie were men, and all the team members led by Jiang Chen were girls!

Moreover, each body is hot and beautiful, it seems that Ukraine and Russia are rich in beauties, it is not bragging!

After they knew that their captain was Jiang Chen, they all jumped up excitedly, and finally had a chance to get along with Jiang Chen!

buzz buzz

And at this moment, the roar of the motor came to the ears of the four.

They frowned slightly, looked for the sound, and looked up to the sky.

I saw that Jiang Chen was controlling the paraglider, roaring from a distance, his speed was getting slower and slower, and he was getting closer to the ground!

After a while, in front of the camp of the program team, Jiang Chen successfully landed with a huge engine on his back!

The four beauties present were stunned, they never expected that Jiang Chen would come in such a cool way, it made them feel like they were filming a movie!

Simply, too handsome!

When Jiang Chen took off his paraglider and came forward, he waited for them to see his true face.

The four beauties were already dead, their eyes were full of confusion, and they turned into four fans.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and at the same time, the familiar system sound sounded in his mind!

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