Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 272: Development, Process, Results! [3 Updates, Please Subscribe! 】

After a while, a steel mesh gate that was damaged but was fixed with iron chains was erected in front of Jiang Chen and others!

This should be the gate to the nuclear power plant!

"Next, we will take everyone to the inside of the nuclear power plant to find out!" Jiang Chen introduced while opening the iron gate.


With a loud noise, the iron gate of the nuclear power plant was finally opened by Jiang Chen, and several people quickly entered it!

Here, there are huge factories, all the equipment in the factories have been evacuated, and the steel materials of the factory buildings have been completely rusted!

The surrounding area is barren, exactly the same as the doomsday scenario everyone imagined!

Whether it's Katyusha and the others, the tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, and the audience in front of the TV, they are all full of curiosity about this mysterious dead zone nuclear power plant!

Of course, Jiang Chen will not let everyone down, he continued to popularize science for the audience and Katyusha and others, saying: "The Chernobyl nuclear power plant is the largest nuclear power plant in the former Soviet Union, which was built in 1973 and started in 1977. 4 units, divided into 4 reactors!"

"It can be said that it was an extremely important project at the time, and a project that crossed the era. At that time, the former Soviet Union believed that they could use nuclear weapons for peace, and they were proud of it!"

"But on April 26, 1986, the world's worst nuclear accident occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant."

"At that time, the No. 4 reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant near the town of Pripyat in Kiev Oblast, about 130 kilometers north of Kiev, exploded, polluting most of Europe, and the international community widely criticized the former Soviet Union. The blockade of nuclear accident news and the delay in emergency response,

The accident was only exposed to the world after it was found that the radioactive material content was too high in Sweden. "

"In fact, the Swedes detected the nuclear radiation on April 28th, while the US reconnaissance satellites obtained the relevant information later!"

"The former Soviet Union actually decided to evacuate the residents on April 26, and mobilized more than 1,000 vehicles and three trains for this purpose. It took only one day, that is, the evacuation began at 2 pm on the 27th."

"In addition, Legasov also mentioned in the tape recording left by him that (cgea) issued an order to evacuate the residents after the working group of Boris Shell's room reported on the nuclear accident on the morning of April 27. "

"In April, when the fourth unit was shut down for inspection as planned, the power of the reactor increased due to repeated violations of operating procedures by the personnel of the nuclear power plant."

"In the early morning of the 26th, the reactor melted and burned, causing an explosion, breaking through the protective shell, the plant caught fire, and radioactive substances leaked out."

"The fire was extinguished with water and chemicals, which evaporated instantly, and the firefighters' boots were sunk in the molten asphalt."

"Units 1, 2, and 3 were suspended, and the 30 kilometers around the power station was declared a dangerous area, and the residents were evacuated. When the accident happened, 2 people died on the spot and 204 people were injured by radiation.

"On May 8, the reactor stopped burning, and the temperature still reached 300°C; the local radiation intensity was as high as 15 milli-roentgens per hour, and the city of Kiev was 0.2 milli-roentgens, while the normal allowable amount was 0.01 milli-roentgens. Radioactive dust was detected in Sweden, More than 100 times the normal number."

"In the end, the incident was announced, and at least 7,000 people died in the nuclear pollution of this accident."

"Of course, these are not the scariest thing yet. The most terrifying thing is that the concentration of nuclear fuel leaked during the explosion was as high as 60%, and the reactor was sealed up until 10 days and nights after the accident, and the radioactive elements were released in excess. Three days after the accident, nearby Residents were evacuated in a hurry, but these three days have caused many people to suffer from radioactive contamination!"

"The radioactive pollution caused by this accident spread over an area of ​​150,000 square kilometers in the former Soviet Union, where 6.945 million people lived. The 30-kilometer area around the nuclear power plant was designated as an isolation zone. The nearby residents were evacuated, and all crops were buried. The trees in Mine are dying."

"For half a century in the future, farming and grazing will not be allowed within 10 kilometers; milk production will be prohibited within 100 kilometers within 10 years."

"Not only that, due to the spread of radioactive dust, the whole of Europe is also shrouded in the haze of nuclear pollution. Neighboring countries have detected abnormal radioactive dust that has caused food damage.

Vegetables, dairy production have all suffered arrogant losses. Nuclear pollution brings even more spiritual and psychological uneasiness and fear to people. "

"According to statistics, in the 7 years after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, 7,000 liquidation personnel died, and 1/3 of them committed suicide. Among the staff who participated in medical rescue, 40% suffered from mental illness or permanent illness. Loss of sexual memory. To date, among the 834,000 people who participated in the rescue work, 55,000 people have lost their lives, and more than 300,000 people have died from radiation injuries.”

"It is estimated that there are a total of 180 to 190 tons of uranium dioxide and nuclear waste produced by the nuclear reaction in the No. 4 reactor of Chernobyl. They also estimate that about 5%-30% of these substances flow outside."

"But the fact is that when the No. 4 nuclear power plant was finally cleaned up, it was found that the inside was already empty, and almost all the materials inside exploded into the air!"

"And the radioactive pollution produced after the nuclear leakage accident is equivalent to 100 times the radioactive pollution produced by the atomic bomb explosion on Guangdao, Niuguo."

"Affected almost half of Europe, in the panic of radiation!"

"This kind of panic will last for more than a hundred years!"

"Then, the media and organizations around the world also made their own criticisms at this time!"

"According to Eagle Country's "Independent News", in April 2006, when the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear leakage accident was approaching, the "Greenpeace" organization disclosed that the cause of the world's most serious nuclear leakage accident The degree of harm is 10 times higher than the assessment at that time, and the leakage will cause about 100,000 deaths in the future.

"The final figures show that 5 million people were exposed to nuclear radiation in the worst nuclear accident in history, and 21 people died on the spot. Hundreds of thousands of people."


After Jiang Chen finished speaking, everyone couldn't help but gasp!

Jiang Chen used the most indirect language to tell everyone about the development, process, and results of the incident, so that everyone can truly feel the harm and horror effects of the Chernobyl explosion!

"Reactor No. 4 exploded, what about the remaining reactors No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3?"

At this time, Katyusha asked curiously.

At the same time, her question also revealed the doubts in the hearts of everyone present, making tens of millions of people in the live broadcast room also curious.

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