Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 273: Pandora's Box! [4 Updates, Please Subscribe! 】

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and continued to explain patiently: "Actually, the 4 different units in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant are far away from each other. After the accident and explosion of Unit 4, and It did not affect several other units, so the Chernobyl nuclear power plant did not completely shut down due to the explosion accident. Due to the lack of energy, the officials at that time allowed the other three units to continue to operate normally!"

"It's just that when other units continued to operate, the authorities chose to use a 200-300-meter-long cement wall for protection to prevent the spread and intrusion of dust!

"Until 1991, there was a fire accident in the plant of Unit 2, and the authorities announced that Unit 2 could not be repaired, and its continued operation must be terminated, so in 1991, Unit 2 was also announced to be permanently out of service. !"

"Then, until November 1996, under the agreement of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Unit 1 also ceased operation one after another and put it into storage!"

"In November 2000, at an official ceremony, the President of the Administration announced the shutdown of Unit 3!"

"Since then, the entire Chernobyl nuclear power plant has truly been shut down, and all four units have stopped operating!"

After listening to Jiang Chen's explanation, Katyusha and others, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room, understood.

It turned out that after the Chernobyl explosion, the entire nuclear power plant did not stop operating. It was not until 2000 that the entire nuclear power plant completely stopped operating!

Prior to this, most people thought that the Chernobyl nuclear power plant stopped operating immediately after the accident, but they did not expect that it would continue to operate for more than ten years, which is really beyond people's expectations !

However, it is terrifying to think about it now. Those staff who continue to work here have to bear such huge psychological pressure and physical injuries!

At this time, Jiang Chen took Katyusha and tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, while visiting the interior of the nuclear power plant, he explained everything about the Chernobyl nuclear power plant to let everyone know more about it!

And not long after, the sharp-eyed Alice, who was taking photos everywhere, discovered that a factory building had collapsed, her complexion suddenly changed, and she exclaimed!

"Jiang, you see that the roof of a factory building has caved in. Will any harmful substances be released?"

Hearing this, Katyusha and the others looked in the direction Alice pointed.

The tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room were also attracted by Alice, and they all looked in the direction Alice pointed!

Look at this, this country!

I saw that the roof of a factory building inside the nuclear power plant was indeed different from the roofs of other locations, as if a piece had collapsed.

This immediately made everyone nervous, afraid that harmful substances would leak out and cause harm to the human body!

Only Jiang Chen still has a calm face!

Because, for him, nuclear radiation not only cannot harm him, but can also enhance his physique!

If it wasn't a live broadcast, and reality allowed, he would have wished to go straight into the plant of unit 4 to eat his fill!

Of course, the point is that the collapse of the roof of this factory building is not a problem at all.

Jiang Chen explained: "The roof of this factory collapsed. In fact, it collapsed in 2014 and was crushed by snow. It was not an accident!"

"At that time, the project team of a company in Faguo undertook the task of maintaining the Cherlobyl nuclear power plant, and came to maintain the storage devices such as major plants. During the maintenance process, the roof collapsed, and it was reported on the news. The measurement, as well as the judgment of the contents stored in it, will not release any harmful substances at all, nor will it aggravate nuclear pollution!"

"And, in the end, the company's project team also carried out a new reinforcement of the interior of the factory building. From the outside, it looks like the roof has collapsed, but if you look from the real inside, the inside is completely copper and iron, so there is no need to worry."

After listening to Jiang Chen's explanation, Alice and others, as well as tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, breathed a sigh of relief!

So, let's move on!

However, not long after, everyone was once again attracted by a behemoth!

I saw that this behemoth is extremely huge. From a distance, it looks like the legendary golden bell jar, and it also looks like an extremely huge coffin, lying quietly on the edge of the nuclear power plant!

This building looks very new, and it is completely different from other plant buildings in the nuclear power plant. It is refreshing and very attractive!

At the same time, this huge building can't help but make people wonder, what exactly is this thing!

Katyusha asked curiously: "Jiang, what is this building? It looks completely different from other things, and this is the first time I have seen it in Chernobyl!"

Jiang Chen has become a walking encyclopedia of human flesh, people subconsciously ask him whenever they have a question.

At the same time, when problems arise, Jiang Chen is also the focus of thousands of people!

Almost subconsciously, everyone turned their eyes to Jiang Chen, looking forward to Jiang Chen's answer!

Jiang Chen did not disappoint everyone, and said with a smile: "Actually, this is the No. 4 plant where the accident happened and exploded!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed dramatically!

Especially Katyusha and others, who would have thought that this huge and magnificent building in front of them was the center of the Chernobyl accident!

……… Ask for flowers……

And it was this place that shocked the whole world, and made everyone in Su even realize the horror of the nuclear leak!

Of course, it is also this place that makes the entire Chernobyl radius of 50 kilometers into a dead zone that no one dares to enter!

However, why is the No. 4 reactor like this? It makes everyone very puzzled!

Jiang Chen naturally understood everyone's confusion, so he explained with a smile: "After the accident occurred and the fire was extinguished, in order to prevent nuclear radiation afterwards, the authorities launched a "sarcophagus" project, planning to use a huge cement sarcophagus Seal the ruins of the exploded reactor permanently and completely isolate it from the outside world!

"However, the sarcophagus is too huge, and it needs to be assembled and spliced ​​in various ways, and then poured with cement to achieve the perfect effect!"

"As a result, the former Soviet Union mobilized a total of no less than 3,500 soldiers to participate in the work of cleaning the reactor and installing the sarcophagus!"


"Actually, at the beginning these tasks were entrusted to the robots, but due to the huge amount of nuclear radiation, the robot's remote control system failed instantly. As a last resort, the soldiers could only complete this task!"

"Finally, the sarcophagus was built after 7 months!"

"The construction of the sarcophagus cost a total of 18 billion rupees. The 18 billion rupees at that time was equivalent to 18 billion US dollars, which was 100 times the total cost of building a nuclear power plant!"

"And the total economic loss caused by this disaster is about 200 billion U.S. dollars!"

"Then, since the sarcophagus was made of cement and it was built urgently, it was not particularly resistant to corrosion. In 2014, it was discovered that the cement on the surface of the sarcophagus had cracks.

So I invited a company from Faguo to re-build a steel sarcophagus on the periphery, and it will be completed in 2016!"

"This is why the sarcophagus in front of us looks so new and unique!"

"Of course, this reactor is called a sarcophagus because it contains nearly 200 tons of radioactive materials, including nearly 30 tons of radioactive dust that is extremely threatening to humans!"

"Therefore, I feel that this sarcophagus should be called Pandora's Box!"

"Opening means destruction!"


After listening to Jiang Chen's explanation, everyone finally understood why the sarcophagus in front of them is so unique!

At the same time, after listening to Jiang Chen's last words, everyone couldn't help but gasped, and agreed with Jiang Chen's words very much!

This sarcophagus is a Pandora's box that can bring destruction!

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