Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 319: Huge Waves, Wrath Of The Sea God! [Please Subscribe! 】

The cockpit of the cruise ship is also located on the top floor of the cruise ship, almost in the same direction as the imperial suite.

At this moment, in the cockpit, three assistants, as well as five or six sailors, are adjusting the cruise ship to the automatic posture mode, and sailing on the prescribed route according to the previously planned route.

The deputy and sailors, on the other hand, ate the food delivered by the waiter, played cards, chatted and listened to the radio, and were extremely leisurely.

This is the sea life of the crew. Compared with the ordinary crew and waiters, the sailors and assistants in the market enjoy a higher level of treatment. Life is fine.

It's just that the assistants and sailors present are also veterans, and they have long been used to the boring life on board.

Moreover, in addition to this, as the assistant of the cruise ship, he also has quite generous treatment. Every time he sails, he can get ten or more romantic encounters on the ship!

That's why "2000", the reason why the deputy position is popular, high salary, good treatment, and romantic encounters, who wouldn't want to be it? It's almost the dream of all sailors!

However, at this moment, one of the assistants sitting by the window suddenly felt that something was wrong, there was a very noisy but very subtle voice, faintly visible!

He frowned slightly, turned off the radio next to him, put down what he was doing, slowly got up, and looked out the window.

He first glanced at the deck and found that there were almost no people on the deck.

At this point in time, almost everyone is playing in the cabin, or eating in the restaurant, etc., playing.

After all, it was already dark, there was not enough light on the deck, and there was no scenery to speak of. In addition, the air was extremely cold tonight, and there was a drizzle of rain, which made it even less likely that there would be anyone on the deck.

At first, the deputy thought that someone was doing something on the deck, which made the noise.

However, after looking around, he found nothing, so he became even more puzzled.

He is now basically sure that he heard correctly, the sound has always been there, and it is getting louder!

And just when he raised his head and was about to go to the opposite window to take a look again, he was suddenly attracted by the sea in the distance!

He can see the nearby sea, the waves are rough and turbulent!

This kind of waves is very easy to encounter during the voyage. It may be a disaster for small boats, but for the Neptune cruise ship, it is nothing more than some small waves, so ignore it!

However, what makes him frown is the distant sea, he always feels that there is some huge monster surging on the sea!

For a moment, the deputy's heart skipped a beat. No one knew the deep sea better than the cashiers who had been sailing at sea all year round!

Therefore, no one is more afraid of the deep sea than the crew!

They, more than anyone, know the horrors and unknowns of the deep sea!

So, the deputy opened the window of the driver's cab in doubt, wanting to see more clearly!


And the moment he just opened the window, the overwhelming sound of water flow and the sound of waves beating against the hull swept over!

The deputy has sailed at sea for ten years and has rich experience. He clearly knows that there is something wrong with this voice!

He has experienced many big waves and bad weather, but there has never been a louder battle than this time!

At this moment, the deputy already had a bad premonition in his heart, knowing that something was going to happen!

Sure enough, the next moment, when he raised his head and was about to return to the cab, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he finally saw clearly what that huge surging monster in the far sea was!

That's a wave!

However, this wave is surprisingly big, at first glance, it seems to cover the sky, like a monstrous monster, attacking from a distance, opening its bloody mouth, "It looks like it wants to swallow the cruise ship!

The deputy swears that he has never seen such a huge wave in his life, no, it should be called the world-destroying wave!

Usually, when people think of cruise ships, they think that cruise ships are very safe and no waves will do anything to them!

This is because the tonnage of the cruise ship is large enough and the volume is also large enough, it is difficult for a huge wave bigger than the cruise ship to appear!

However, if there is a huge wave bigger than a cruise ship, then no matter how huge the cruise ship is, it will become unsafe in front of the huge wave, and there is a possibility of being swallowed by the huge ship!

In history, there are many such examples, such as the Poseidon and so on!

And the huge wave in front of the deputy is obviously much bigger than the Neptune, it goes up to cover the sky, and there is no end in sight!

In front of such a colossal monster, even the huge Neptune cruise ship seems extremely small, extremely weak!

And, crucially, the big waves hit from the side of the Neptune cruise ship!

If it is positive, the Sea King is still expected to break through the waves!

However, if the side of the Neptune cruise ship is hit by huge waves, then there is no doubt at all, Neptune will definitely be overturned!

For a moment, the deputy's eyes were wide open, and he was so scared that he backed away again and again to feel comfortable, and directly knocked over the card tables of several other deputy and sailors!

This caused other people to be very dissatisfied, and they glared at the deputy...

"What are you doing?"

"Brother, don't you open your eyes?"

"Didn't you see we were playing cards? Still hitting us?"

"I have a good hand, tell me what to do!"

However, the deputy listened to everyone's voices, but didn't have the mind to pay attention to them at all, staring at the huge waves coming from a distance, dumbfounded.

Everyone also noticed the strangeness and looked out of the window one after another.

Seeing this, everyone's complexion changed drastically, revealing a look of horror!

At this time, the deputy had already reacted, slapped the crew members around him, and exclaimed: "Quick! Quick! Take action! Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up! Go forward at full speed!"

The rest of the people came to their senses one after another, returned to their positions in a hurry, canceled the automatic driving, switched to manual driving, and drove forward at full speed, trying to avoid the huge waves.

However, the Neptune is a large cruise ship after all, even at full speed, the speed is not much faster.

"No! Our speed can't keep up with the speed of the huge waves. Sooner or later, the huge waves will catch up. We must turn the rudder and try to let the penetrating rush out against the huge waves. We can't let the side of the hull be impacted! Quick!" the deputy exclaimed.

All of a sudden, the cab was in chaos!

The deputy is the calmest person. After making a decision, he immediately called Captain Jack through the walkie-talkie and explained the situation in the simplest terms!

At this moment, the complexion of Captain Jack in the casino changed drastically. After listening to the deputy's description, he immediately took the elevator dedicated to the crew and rushed to the pilothouse, and ordered 1.6: "Slow down, turn the bow, our cruise ship no matter what No matter how fast you can’t cross the huge waves, you can only use the bow of the boat to meet the impact, so as to have a chance of survival!”

At the same time, Captain Jack gave the order and sounded the emergency alarm on the cruise ship!

beep beep beep—

All of a sudden, loud alarms sounded in all the rooms and corridors of the cruise ship, and the red emergency lights flashed continuously!

The tourists and waiters, on the other hand, were stunned and didn't know what happened.

On the other hand, Jiang Chen frowned slightly, suddenly having an ominous premonition in his heart!

But at this moment, before the big wave arrived, the small waves before the big wave had already roared in, and were about to hit the side of the Neptune cruise ship!

Although it is just a small wave before the big wave, it is also extremely huge, and it can hit the deck of the Neptune cruise ship!

ps: Please customize, please ask for a monthly ticket, please support! (A picture of the cruise ship being overturned by the waves is attached.

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