Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 320: Devour! [Please Subscribe! 】

"no! no!"

The deputy in the bridge, while instructing the crew to control the speed, turn the bow, and sound the alarm, was observing the situation outside the window!

The huge waves are getting closer and closer to the Neptune cruise ship!

The scary thing is that the small wave before the huge wave has already hit the side of the cruise ship!

This small wave is only relatively small compared to the giant wave.

However, if you look at it alone, the small wave can already be regarded as a huge wave, and it can even be called a tsunami!

For a moment, the assistant's pupils shrank suddenly, and he roared, "Everyone, grab the handrails and prepare for the impact!"

Hearing this, the expressions of all the crew members in the cab changed drastically, and they all grabbed the things around them and used them as fixations!

But the people in the cabin had no idea what happened!

However, the alarm sounded and the red light flashed, which made everyone uneasy.

"what happened?"

"Why did the alarm sound all of a sudden?"

"What's going on?"

"Is something wrong? Is it something wrong?"

"My God! You must protect us, and nothing will happen!"

At this moment, no matter what tourists are doing, they are extremely frightened!

The tourists on the upper three floors of the deck and the service crew saw the terrifying scene outside through the windows!

Everyone, after seeing everything outside the ship, all showed shock, and their eyes were full of horror!

"OMG! What's going on!"

"It's over! It's over!"

"My God! My God! I must be dreaming!"

"A huge wave, a huge wave!"

"It's over! We're all over!"

The tourists on the upper three floors suddenly fell into a panic and were in a mess.

The crew on the ship began to appease the tourists.

"Don't worry, everyone, we will be fine, the Neptune is the largest and safest cruise ship in the world!

"We've had a lot of big waves and the captain can definitely handle it!"

However, his name was at stake, even if the crew comforted him, it would not be of any use.

Among them, a tourist yelled: "Historically, all the cruise ships claiming to be the safest cruise ships in the world are silent, Elizabeth, Titanic, Poseidon, aren't they!"

As soon as this remark came out, the crew were speechless.

The tourists, on the other hand, became even more frightened.

As for the tourists on the lower three floors, they were completely in a state of confusion and had no idea what happened.

Because there are no windows on the lower three floors, tourists can't see the outside world at all.

Especially the bar on the second floor, where singing and dancing are going on, the red lights and sirens are completely covered up, and all the tourists are still having fun!

Jiang Chen on the negative floor realized something was wrong and wanted to find Zhou Zhiyao.


However, at this moment, the cruise ship was hit by the first round of small waves!

If you stand in the sky, you can see with the naked eye that the entire cruise ship has shifted by nearly 40 degrees after the impact of the small waves!

All of a sudden, everyone on the cruise ship, no matter whether they were tourists or crew members on the upper three floors or the lower three floors, were thrown out one after another, and they were hit hard on the wall or the floor.

Especially in the upper three floors, some passengers who were near the window and who walked out of the room were directly knocked out after the violent impact and fell into the deep sea!

Captain Jack, just stepped into the elevator, the hull suffered a violent impact, and the elevator stopped working immediately!

This is how the nightmare began!

The deputy and others in the driver's cab were also thrown out violently, and all of them were bloodied.

However, they didn't have time to care about their injuries and hurriedly got up and continued to control the cruise ship.

However, at this moment, the deputy looked at the huge waves that were getting closer and closer outside the window, and knew that no matter what he did now, it was already too late!

The cruise ship is too big, it takes time to turn around, and the huge waves will not give the cruise ship any time to turn, let alone stop there!

Moreover, after the first impact, the previous direction was reversed, and it was knocked back again, and it had to start all over again, so there was no time at all!

"Evacuate the tourists and get into the escape boat! Quick!"

Although Captain Jack didn't know everything outside, but with his rich experience, he had foreseen it and issued an order immediately!

The deputy didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately ran to the broadcasting position, connected the speakers at various locations on the cruise ship, and broadcasted.

At this moment, the scene in the cruise ship is extremely miserable!

Regardless of whether it was the upper three floors or the lower three floors, everyone's heads were bloody, and the wailing continued. A strong atmosphere of fear spread in the cabin, impacting everyone's hearts.


But at this time, the broadcast sounded, attracting everyone's attention, and the voice of the deputy came from it:

"Just now, the Neptune was hit by a huge wave. Tourists and crew members, please check if those around you are injured. If you are injured, please give some help. We are working hard to ensure the safety of every tourist and crew member!"

"It's just that, unfortunately, it was just the smallest wave in the first round, and there was another huge wave covering the sky. According to our speculation, the Neptune will not be able to withstand the impact and roll over. So now I want to let all the crew , lead the tourists to evacuate in an orderly manner, and all take the escape boat to escape!"

"Remember, all crew members, you must do your due diligence to ensure the safety of every tourist. After all the tourists board the ship, you will board the ship and evacuate separately. Remember to ensure the safety of tourists!"

"At the same time, tourists are also requested to cooperate. The crew members have undergone professional training and have extremely high professionalism and professional ability. They will follow the arrangement of rumors and ensure their own safety."

The deputy tried his best to regain his composure, but it was still not difficult to hear panic and panic from his tone!

And after these words were finished, all the tourists on the entire ship were completely panicked!

They all ran outside in a swarm, wanting 033 to board the escape boat!

It is worth mentioning that the quality of the crew is indeed very high, even if they are very scared, they are still trying their best to evacuate the crowd.

Only by evacuating in an orderly manner can we evacuate faster!"

"Don't Crowd! Don't Crowd!"

"The exit is blocked! Everyone can't get out!"

The crew commanded.

However, under the extreme panic, the tourists would not care about the command of the crew, and rushed out in a swarm.

As a result, a serious stampede occurred, and the exits on the lower three floors were directly blocked by people!

As for the people on the upper three floors, because they did not listen to the advice and rushed to the deck, many people could not find where the lifeboats were at all, and some people were directly thrown into the sea by the swaying cruise ship!

For a time, the entire cruise ship was completely in chaos!

As for the deputy and others in the cab, they did not evacuate, they were still desperately controlling the direction!

They, as crew members, control the lives of everyone on board.

When they learned that they were hopeless, they could quietly take the escape boat and go away.

However, they did not do this, they are still insisting, even if it is to buy a little time for the evacuation of all tourists!


However, time is running out, the huge waves are ruthless, and the next moment, it seems like the sky is falling, completely engulfing the Neptune cruise ship!

ps: Ask for customization, ask for monthly tickets, ask for support! [Attach a picture of a huge wave overturning a cruise ship].

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