Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 360: People From The Dragon Country, Don't Provoke Them! [Please Subscribe! 】

At the same time, after Zhou Zhiyao got the information from Jiang Chen, he started to organize with Captain Jack, so that all the crew members and tourists lined up and passed through the elevator shaft one by one.

Climbing up to the third floor, Jiang Chen is ready to meet everyone at the elevator entrance of the third floor.

And with Jiang Chen's previous climbing experience, as well as the long sticks and chairs that Jiang Chen put down, if subsequent people climb again, it will obviously not be as dangerous as Jiang Chen's before, and it will become easier Many, even a child, can easily climb over with their own strength as long as they maintain their balance.

In the eyes of Zhou Zhiyao and Captain Jack, children are also the ones who need the most care.

It should be known that there are more than a dozen children in their escaping team, half of them, their parents have died in the shipwreck, and they have become orphans, without the care of their parents, so they are the most deserving children. The existence of being taken care of is like Laura.

After all, if they are not given special care, their survival rate will be very low and they will become very vulnerable in the dangerous escape route.

26 So, after the discussion between Zhou Zhiyao and Captain Jack, he said to the tourists and the crew: "The old, the weak, women and children board the ship first, the children first, then the elderly, then the women, then the men, and finally It's the crew!"

Captain Jack added: "All crew members, you are part of the cruise ship. When you received training, you promised that if there is a shipwreck, if there is the last person to leave the cruise ship, then it will definitely be us. Don't worry, I will do the same." I will be with you and stay at the end before leaving!"

It was said that basically everyone present had no complaints, after all, the distribution between Zhou Zhiyao and Captain Jack was very reasonable.

At this time, Zhou Zhiyao took the lead and walked into the elevator shaft.

Because some old and weak women and children want to climb up to the third floor with their own strength, even if there are tools such as chairs as a starting point, it will be very difficult, and someone must help

And the person who helped was undoubtedly Zhou Zhiyao.

Zhou Zhiyao has practiced martial arts and practiced martial arts. His body balance can be said to be comparable to that of everyone present, only Jiang Chen.

Even Jiang Chen's balance was not much better than Zhou Zhiyao, so Zhou Zhiyao was the first to pass through the elevator shaft, and as the responder in the elevator shaft, it was obviously the best choice.

And all the people present, whether they were crew members or tourists, had seen Zhou Zhiyao's power, so they didn't have any complaints about it, and they believed in Zhou Zhiyao very much in their hearts.

And Zhou Zhiyao did not disappoint everyone present, let alone the audience in front of the live broadcast room.

Even the audience in the live broadcast room believed in Zhou Zhiyao more than the crew and tourists present, because the audience in the live broadcast room had watched Jiang Chen's previous live broadcasts, knew Zhou Zhiyao, and even appreciated Zhou Zhiyao's light work Performing, they really know where Zhou Zhiyao's strength lies, so in their view, it is just a small elevator shaft, and it is just a coordinator. For Zhou Zhiyao, it is not difficult at all, and it does not constitute any threatened.

Therefore, the audience in the live broadcast room felt very relaxed when they saw Zhou Zhiyao passing through the elevator shaft.

However, there are still many newcomers in the live broadcast room, cheering excitedly for this.

"Damn it! Sister Zhou is awesome!"

"Sister Zhou is invincible!"

"Sister Zhou is indeed a hero among girls!"

"Sister Zhou is too powerful. If it were me, I would never dare to go there!"

"Thousands of words can no longer describe the admiration I have for Sister Zhou!"

"Sister Zhou is not only beautiful, but also courageous and powerful. Don't say anything, I love it!"

"Sister Zhou 6666!"

"You all be quiet, sit down, this is just a basic operation!"

"That's right, this is just Sister Zhou's basic operation. You guys haven't seen the power of lightness kung fu shown by Sister Zhou when she faced the pack of wolves. That's the real power!"

"Fuck! Sister Zhou can still do light work?"

"Nonsense, your elder sister Zhou has practiced martial arts with Wudang Daoist Chen for many years, and is proficient in eighteen kinds of martial arts, what do you think?"

"Fuck! Fuck! Sister Zhou is invincible!"


Sure enough, in the overturned cruise ship, the small elevator shaft was not difficult at all for Zhou Zhiyao, and he walked over it easily.

Even, Zhou Zhiyao didn't have the slightest emotional fluctuation in his heart, even if he looked at the place hanging below, Zhou Zhiyao didn't feel the slightest fear.

After all, she has been practicing martial arts for many years, and the basics of practicing martial arts are to overcome inner fear and heights. These have basically been overcome for her. As the audience in the live broadcast room said, everything is just basic operations. There will be no mood swings, and she will not feel that she is very powerful. In her opinion, she just did a very ordinary thing, and there is nothing to make a fuss about.

However, from the perspective of some newcomers in the live broadcast room, as well as the tourists and crew members present, Zhou Zhiyao was completely stunned. Seeing Zhou Zhiyao's wide-eyed eyes, he was astonished!

After all, what they saw was completely different from the ordinary things that Zhou Zhiyao thought in his heart!

In the eyes of the crew and tourists, Zhou Zhiyao walked like flying, no different from running 450, just like running on flat ground.

For Zhou Zhiyao, this may be a very easy thing, something that can no longer be normal, but for the tourists and crew members present, it is a very difficult and fearful thing.

Not to mention letting all the tourists and crew members do this, even if only the males in the tourists and crew members were allowed to do this, they would probably be afraid and would not dare to run like Zhou Zhiyao.

This frightened the crew and tourists present, their minds were buzzing, and it was really hard to imagine how Zhou Zhiyao did it.

Jiang Chen took off the safety rope and climbed in the elevator shaft. In the eyes of everyone, it was already a very crazy move. "In everyone's eyes, Jiang Zui is already a very desperate person.

However, they never imagined that Zhou Zhiyao, who was by Jiang Chen's side, was also like Jiang Chen, a completely reckless existence. He didn't take his own life seriously at all, and ran directly in the elevator shaft. Crazy and incredible!

Could it be that the people of the Dragon Kingdom are all so crazy, are they all so unbelievable?

A question echoed in everyone's minds!

At the same time, a thought was born in everyone's minds, that is...

The people of the Dragon Kingdom must not be provoked, no matter they are men or women, they are all lunatics!

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