Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 361: Hurry Up! [Please Subscribe! 】

At the same time, Zhou Zhiyao and Jiang Chen didn't think too much about anything, they didn't care about the shocked expressions of the tourists and crew members present, and they didn't even pay attention to the huge inner activities of the tourists and crew members.

After all, what Zhou Zhiyao just showed was very basic in the eyes of Zhou Zhiyao and Jiang Chen, and there was nothing to be shocked at all.

Zhou Zhiyao has witnessed Jiang Chen's truly crazy side, so everything that Jiang Chen showed before, in Zhou Zhiyao's view, is just a basic operation, and it is not worth making a fuss at all. In the end, even though I was still a little worried, I didn't feel how shocking and shocking it was!

After all, if these crazy actions are done by others, they may be crazy and desperate.

However, if Jiang Chen were to do it instead, it would only be regarded as a pediatric and nothing more than normal thing.

The same is true for the viewers who know Jiang Chen in the live broadcast room, so some old viewers are basically not shocked, and feel that it is very normal. Everything Jiang Chen does is just basic operations, but the shocked expressions of the crew and tourists , A look that has never seen the world has become a highlight in the eyes of the audience.

Of course, the same is true of Jiang Chen and the audience watching Zhou Zhiyao in the live broadcast room. They have also seen Zhou Zhiyao's more amazing side, such as the strength he showed when he was fighting with the savages in the dragon frame, and when he was chased by wolves. , The lightness kung fu displayed, these are all more shocking and huge than Zhou Zhiyao's current ability.

Therefore, Jiang Chen and the audience in the live broadcast room, as well as having seen Zhou Zhiyao's more powerful side, saw what Zhou Zhiyao showed now, and felt nothing to be shocked about.

However, the tourists and the crew were different. They were really shocked by Zhou Zhiyao's courage and ability. Ability, at first glance, is just a practicing family.

This time, the people of the Dragon Kingdom know the secret of martial arts, and I am afraid that they cannot hide it abroad. At this moment, no matter whether it is the foreigners watching the live broadcast, or the tourists and crew members on the scene, they all firmly believe that the people of the Dragon Country, no matter if it is a woman As a child, he knows martial arts, it must be like this, otherwise, how could Zhou Zhiyao do this!

It is conceivable that foreign audiences, tourists and crew members were stunned when they saw Zhou Zhiyao's ability displayed at this moment. And if you show the video of Qinggong, you can't be scared to death by Zhou Caiyao!

And at this time, the fact that everyone in the Dragon Kingdom knows martial arts will probably become a stone hammer abroad.

However, as two people at the time, Zhou Zhiyao and Jiang Chen didn't think much about it.

They didn't even know that the things they showed would shock foreigners, as well as the tourists and crew present.

If there is anyone among the tourists and crew who can maintain a certain degree of sobriety at this moment, then this person must be Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao.

At this moment, there are no questions or thoughts in their minds, and the only thought is to run away quickly.

After Zhou Zhiyao successfully passed through the elevator shaft, she immediately shouted to the tourists and crew members who were in a daze outside the elevator: "What are you all doing in a daze? Take action quickly, before the cruise ship has a large-scale vibration and is not submerged, We must quickly escape to the third floor, if we drag on, we will run out of time々[!"

Hearing this, Captain Jack, as an experienced captain, reacted first, woke up suddenly, and said: "Zhou is right, we must act quickly, according to what we said before, let the children take priority pass!"

As he said that, Captain Jack organized the children to line up outside the elevator, one by one to enter the elevator, pass the simple bridge built by the sofa, walk to the place where Zhou Zhiyao was, and then with Zhou Zhiyao's help, climb up the elevator wall , and finally was directly pulled up by Jiang Chen who was on the negative third floor.

This plan seems to be seamless, as long as the standard is carried out according to the plan, it should go very smoothly.

At this time, the first child was arranged. It was a seven or eight-year-old boy who looked very aggressive and lively.

However, maybe it was frightened by this ship capsizing incident, the whole person's small face was pale, and his petite body trembled even more.

However, he seemed to be a child with a stronger personality, clenching his teeth and clenching his fists. Even though he was very scared, he still followed Captain Jack to the edge of the elevator shaft.

The little boy took a deep breath, and with Captain Jack's encouragement, he took his first step, second step and third step.

The little boy looked very brave, but when he just walked to the middle position, the little boy's trembling legs suddenly slipped, and he fell directly on the sofa.

The entire sofa also "violently trembled" following the little boy's fall.

Originally, the center of the sofa was the scariest place, and the little boy fell down in this place, looking at the turbulent sea vortex below, like a monster trying to devour him.

In an instant, the little boy's face became even paler with fright, his body trembled violently, and a huge fear swept over him, occupying every cell and position in his body.

The little boy is only seven or eight years old, no matter how strong his character is, no matter how brave he is, he can't resist the fear brought about by such a disaster, Nian!

You need to know, let alone a boy who is only seven or eight years old, even an adult, if he walks on the simple (Nuo Wang Zhao) bridge built by the sofa and looks at the turbulent sea below, he will still die if he stumbles Under the circumstances, it is estimated that they will be scared to cry.

Therefore, no one laughed at the little boy's timidity, but everyone's heart tightened. Seeing the little boy stopped in the middle of the sofa, they couldn't help worrying about the little boy.

There are two main reasons to worry about the little boy. The first is that the little boy is in the middle of the sofa. If he doesn’t understand, he may be exhausted and his body may be unbalanced.

If this happens, the little boy is likely to fall down the elevator shaft and be instantly swallowed by the vortex in the elevator shaft. Even if Jiang Chen wanted to save him, it would probably be too late

The second point is that if the little boy stays in the middle of the sofa, it will block the way, causing the people behind to be unable to come up, wasting precious escape time.

So, whether it's for the little boy or for themselves, everyone is starting to worry!.

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