Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 387: Insurance! [Please Subscribe! 】

And the video of this analysis also became popular in an instant, and was frantically reposted!

Even in the live broadcast room where Jiang Chen was located, someone watched the video in an instant, and a series of exclamations began to flash on the screen, directly covering the entire screen!

At the same time, countless people are also admiring Jiang Chen's ability. After all, no one would have thought that Jiang Chen rushed to the edge of the elevator entrance seemingly by coincidence, but there are so many details hidden in it, which makes everyone who has seen it The audience who analyzed and understood it were all amazed at Jiang Chen's ability, and also had a new understanding of Jiang Chen's ability!

Of course, most of the female viewers in the live broadcast room don't care about the details of the analysis at all. What they care about is the picture they see in front of them. It is so beautiful and envious, especially Jiang Chen with his arms When Zhou Zhiyao stood at the elevator entrance, it was exactly the scene of the hero saving the beauty in their dreams, as if it could only appear in movies and TV dramas, but never expected that such a scene would actually appear in reality!

Moreover, the leading actor is Jiang Chen, the current global male god, and all the female viewers can't help but start to be fascinated by Jiang Chen again, fascinated by Jiang Chen again, fascinated by Jiang Chen's charm Knocked down!

Of course, for female viewers, being knocked down by Jiang Chen's charm is one thing, and more importantly, they are envious. They wish they could become Zhou Zhiyao now, and the one who is hugged by Jiang Chen is themselves, quietly Lay Jiang Chen's Huai Chen!

It should be known that when women become obsessed with 623, it can be described as crazy. If a man falls in love with a female celebrity, he may be able to maintain his sanity, but women are not born rational creatures, but emotional creatures, so when they When obsessed, it is completely uncontrollable.

This is like the female fans of some male stars, willing to do anything in order to get the favor of their idols.

Of course, Jiang Chen is not an existence that can be compared with any male star. It can be said that Jiang Chen's height has reached another level. In the eyes of many people, he is like a god. How can a male star compare with Jiang Chen? What about Chen?

Jiang Chen's words, deeds, and actions can attract huge attention, arouse huge popularity and traffic!

Of course, traffic and popularity are secondary, the key is that Jiang Chen is not short of money, just not to mention the value of his own organization, and his parents' family property is enough to use a so-called male star for several galaxies!

What is most important is that the value of Jiang Chen itself, the various relics and histories he discovered, and his various speeches provide new directions and new ideas not only for the country, but also for the world!

It is no exaggeration to say that Jiang Chen is like a forerunner in the history of human civilization. He is opening up the path of civilization for human beings, uncovering layers of veils in the world, and thoroughly showing the real world in front of everyone. !

Such achievements, such ease, and such value are immeasurable, will be recorded in the annals of history, and will be remembered by future generations for thousands of years. They are pioneering civilizations and unprecedented.

On the other hand, how can a small star be compared with Jiang Chen? Even if all the stars in the world are added together, they can’t compare with Jiang Chen!

Of course, this is also the case, so Jiang Chen's fans are bigger and more crazy, and they are willing to dedicate everything for Jiang Chen!

Of course, this kind of situation can only make female audiences think about it. After all, not everyone can be saved by Jiang Chen in this way.

After all, the relationship between Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao is not ordinary, this is something that everyone knows, if ordinary people want Jiang Chen to save it so seriously, I am afraid it will be impossible!

Moreover, another key point is that whether it is the female crew members on the cruise ship, the female tourists, or the female viewers in the live broadcast room, they all clearly know that they are not as good as Zhou Zhiyao, and even if Jiang Chen wants to save him, he will You have to reach the height of Zhou Zhiyao!

However, when they compared themselves with Zhou Zhiyao, they immediately showed a huge gap, so everyone is still self-aware!

Of course, it is precisely because Jiang Chen has so many fans, the value Jiang Chen brings is so huge, and the future that Jiang Chen represents is so dazzling, no matter it is any country or organization in the world, it is hoped that he can Safety, we are doing our best to protect him!

For example, from the moment the accident happened on the cruise ship, from the moment Jiang Chen was found on the cruise ship, the whole world was shocked!

Whether it's a private rescue team, an international rescue team, or rescue teams from various countries, as well as the rescue teams from the Dragon Kingdom, they all dispatched at the first time, eliminating all procedures at an extremely fast speed, no (cgcb) Regardless of whether they are in the north or south, they all rush to the scene of the accident!

It should be known that even if a cruise ship has an accident, it will not cause a shock to the world, and it will not cause all countries in the world to respond by chance, and all international rescue teams, as well as private rescue teams, will all rescue in the first time.

And there is no doubt that the reason for this phenomenon is entirely because of a person on the cruise ship, and this person is Jiang Chen!

Private organizations hope that Jiang Chen is alive, no doubt they hope to have a relationship with Jiang Chen, and seek benefits from it, even if there is no big benefit, as long as the world knows that Jiang Chen was rescued by them, or that they have something to do with Jiang Chen Frames are their glory and will bring them endless business opportunities in the future. Of course, there are some dead organizations under the big families, the purpose of which is to curry favor with Jiang Chen!

After all, in the previous contact with Jiang Chen by a big family, everyone has already seen it very clearly. You can't be hard on Jiang Chen. !

As for the International Rescue Team’s touch, I hope that international organizations can cooperate with Jiang Chen on the institutional level and research, so that international organizations can keep up with Jiang Chen’s pace!

As for the dispatch of various countries, and even some international countries who do not hesitate to touch warships for rescue, it can be seen that their purpose is also very clear. , and a series of future discoveries and researches will stay in their own country. Of course, if they can’t stay, it’s not a bad thing in the eyes of each country. It’s the same as what the big families think, as long as they can get along well with Jiang Chen relationship, to promote some cooperation, whether it is in the future or now, it is a business that is profitable and not losing money!

After all, judging from Jiang Chen's previous discoveries, Jiang Chen is very likely to unearth even more amazing discoveries in the future. By then, the whole world may change and completely subvert the human world view!

Of course, not to mention Jiang Chen’s future discoveries and remarks, even Jiang Chen’s previous discoveries and remarks have completely changed the pattern of the world, changed the way of thinking of mankind, changed the progress of history and civilization [and subverted the human race. subjective!

The whole world has begun to slowly change under the influence of Jiang Chen!

The whole world, let everyone know that the earth is not as simple as it appears on the surface, in fact the earth is very complicated!

And history is not as accurate and mediocre as what people are studying now, it may be extremely exciting!

So if you don't have a good relationship with Jiang Chen at this time, it means that you will be derailed from the future, completely left behind, and fallen from the forefront of the world. Just taking this opportunity, in order to win Jiang Chen's favor and build a good relationship with Jiang Chen, all countries have started to make urgent contact, show their friendly side, and leave a better image for Jiang Chen!

All these benefits and advantages are calculated in everyone's mind!

In the end, the result turned out to be surprisingly unified. Everyone knows that offending Jiang Chen does not have any benefits, but getting along with Jiang Chen has infinite benefits. Get an insurance!

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