Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 388: He, Let All Mankind Evolve!

But this time, the details shown by Jiang Chen are even more extraordinary, attracting everyone's attention and amazed by everyone.

As for Jiang Chen's live broadcast room, it is naturally a gathering place for experts and scholars from all walks of life in addition to ordinary viewers. Of course, in addition to experts and scholars, many international organizations, national families, international capital groups, and The high attention of experts and consultants from various countries.

It is no exaggeration to say that Jiang Chen's live broadcast room is definitely a hidden dragon and crouching tiger, gathering all the top talents from all over the world, and all forces are in it!

If there is an organization, or a person, or an event in the world that can gather so many organizations and countries, before Jiang Chen appeared, everyone must have thought it was impossible~!

After all, the international situation is complicated. How can all capital groups, all big families, all countries, and all organizations in the world gather together because of one thing or one person? This is not the United Nations, and even if it is the United Nations There are many capital groups and organizations, big families and small countries, and they are not qualified to join in!

Even, even in a world war, there are many capital groups, big families, and countries that stay out of the matter, are in a neutral position, and will not be shaken by it!

Therefore, if you say this before Jiang Chen appeared, then the answer will be very certain. There is no one person, or thing, or an organization that can do this and make all the forces in the world All gathered together, and all human beings in the world will think so too!

But now, it's different. Jiang Chen didn't even intentionally organize or publicize. He didn't even say hello. He just opened his own live broadcast room and let all the power of the world gather in the In his own live broadcast room, one can imagine how huge his power is!

Obviously, if Jiang Chen wants to, he only needs to release a little news and send out a little invitation, and it is not difficult for him to invite and gather the forces of the world in reality. It can be seen that Jiang Chen What a powerful force and influence!

Of course, the consultants of the major forces lurking in the live broadcast room also saw the so-called analysis of Jiang Chen. They also have their own technical team, and immediately re-analyzed this analysis to confirm.

And the conclusion from the re-analysis is also very obvious, that is, there is no slight deviation from the previous analysis, and the horror of Jiang Chen is fully reflected in the details.

His quality, his strength and reaction ability can be said to have completely surpassed the limits of human beings. Many organizations have asked professional special forces to conduct tests to simulate Jiang Chen's previous predictive ability. Now, all the tests failed 100%. It is conceivable how terrifying Jiang Chen is and how powerful the power he displayed is. As if a blockbuster had been dropped, waves were set off, and all forces and people were stunned. Organizations of major powers and countries even began to wonder whether Jiang Chen is a human being, or is he an alien? ?He shouldn't have appeared on this earth at all, because there is no such thing as him on earth, with such power, such reaction speed, etc., or is he a mutant?

Various speculations and analyzes also began to erupt within the various organizations at this moment!

Of course, no matter how the major organizations guess, they will never change Jiang Chen's policy, and they will definitely treat Jiang Chen well. In their opinion, this is the long-term solution!

In fact, why there is such a policy is actually very simple!

Because, even if major international organizations want to use strong ones, they will never be able to. For example, international research organizations, they want to use strong ones, but how do they use strong ones? The more Chen refused to give them the opportunity to study together, the less capital they had in their hands to negotiate with Jiang Chen.

As for the major families and capital groups, it is impossible to impress Jiang Chen with money, because Jiang Chen is not short of money at all. His research and family background are even stronger than some capital groups and big families. How could they use money to impress Jiang Chen? They also don't have the capital to negotiate with Jiang Chen!

As for the major countries and organizations, it is impossible to use force or promises in exchange for Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen is not only himself, he has the support of the entire Dragon Kingdom behind him, and he wants to use force to solve Jiang Chen or give Jiang Chen something It is impossible for Chen to exchange some promises for Jiang Chen's trust. First of all, the powerless Dragon Kingdom is not afraid of you. As a nuclear power and a forbidden place for mercenaries, who would dare to provoke it? As for the promises, which countries' promises are comparable to the Dragon Kingdom? What about the promise?

This is also a very smart point of Jiang Chen. He asked the academicians of the Academy of Sciences to participate in the research, just to express his position, and let Long Guo support him, become his strong backing, and made it clear that he would always stand with Long Guo Together, it is obvious that Long Guo is also very clear about it, so he will intensify research with Jiang Chen, and all procedures will be specially approved.

It is no exaggeration to say that the reason why major countries and major organizations want to establish a good relationship with Jiang Chen is simply because they have no cards in their hands that can impress Jiang Chen. Compared with Jiang Chen, their advantages It's not an advantage at all. Jiang Chen and the Dragon Kingdom can be said to have occupied all the advantages. This is a headache for other countries and forces. They can only be gentle with Jiang Chen and dare not use strong methods. .

Jiang Chen is also very clear, he really knows the reason why even if he has become the center of the global storm and the promoter of the whole world, he will still be very safe

Because the interests and relationships involved are too complicated.

The reason why Jiang Chen is so confident is because he is in the center of the storm, and he needs to know that in the entire storm, only the center of the storm is the most static and safest existence.

For example, when Jiang Chen went to a country, he didn't have to worry about his own safety. First of all, the country would definitely welcome him very friendly, and if he wanted to build a good relationship with Jiang Chen, he didn't dare to neglect him in the slightest.

As for the danger brought by the outside world, there is no need to consider it at all. This should be a problem that should be considered by the country he is going to, because if something happens to Jiang Chen in his country, even if Jiang Chen does not take action, the major international forces will also take action. , In addition to protecting Jiang Chen, the country where he is located will be excluded or sanctioned!

……ask for flowers……

Not only for countries, but also for major international organizations!

Wherever Jiang Chen has an accident, he will suffer!

Moreover, whether it is the country or the major blockers, whether to anger Jiang Chen, let Jiang Chen have an accident, and make himself a sinner for all mankind, or do his best to protect Jiang Chen, gain a good image in front of Jiang Chen, and protect the future Buy an insurance policy.

This choice, I believe anyone with a little IQ can easily make it, let alone the leaders of the major forces. They all have think tanks to assist them and can make very accurate judgments.

This is why, after the accident on the cruise ship, all major organizations and countries in the world have dispatched rescue teams one after another!

Just because Jiang Chen is a treasure of human beings, no one wants him to have an accident, no one wants to bear this man!

As for this incident, the company that mobilized the fastest was nothing more than the company to which the cruise ship belongs. It activated the emergency plan immediately, and mobilized all nearby ships and cruise ships to the scene of the incident for search and rescue. Make up for everything and save Jiang Chen.


Of course, it is precisely because of this that Jiang Chen can finally travel all over the world without fear, even if he has a lot of wealth, even if he has a high reputation, even if he knows that countless pairs of eyes in the world are staring at him and observing him , Following him, he doesn't care.

He knows that his own safety is the safety of the whole world. Even if he enters the war zone now, the two warring parties will be forced to stop fighting for various reasons and cooperate for a short time to protect Jiang Chen's safety. He absolutely dare not Let Jiang Chen have an accident on his own turf, or it will all be over!

Jiang Chen himself knows this, but he won't bring it up on purpose, it's just that everything is in his heart. When the time comes, who should take revenge, who should be excluded, or who is friendly to him, who is hypocritical to him, he will Record everything in your heart.

And this time the cruise ship incident, in fact, just made Jiang Chen's conjecture come true, and it just happened to let Jiang Chen see some things, and let his deep-seated conjectures get some applications!

Of course, Jiang Chen never imagined that the disaster he encountered this time would cause the whole world to unite and launch a large-scale, all-round rescue operation that was only once in the world, and the whole world dispatched together!

In fact, this action alone is enough to explain the value and significance of Jiang Chen's existence!

Before again, there has never been such a large-scale joint rescue operation in the world, and even the joint operation of the World War seems a little inferior compared to this time

Get the world's attention!

And this time, it was also the first time for Jiang Chen to gather the power of the whole world together, showing the so-called unity of human beings, laying a foundation for the evolution of human civilization history, and erasing a new chapter in the history of human civilization. A new beginning!

Many years later, Jiang Chen was described in textbooks like this!

"He, represents everything, he is the center, he is the whole world, he made the whole world, the whole human being, unite for the first time, without any ambiguity, without any noise, making the chapter of the initial evolution of human civilization, stepping forward The first step to advance!".

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