Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 389: Sudden Crisis! [Please Subscribe! 】

Therefore, at this time, almost everyone's focus is on Jiang Chen.

Of course, Jiang Chen himself knows this. For him, as long as he leaves the cruise ship and does not sink with the cruise ship, he can find a rescue boat or float on it, and he will definitely be rescued later!

And those who escaped with Jiang Chen will obviously be rescued with all their strength, there is absolutely no doubt about this.

After all, this time is a global live broadcast disaster, with billions of people watching, and no one wants to make a fool of himself.

At the same time, this is also an opportunity to gain fame and fortune, to be able to show yourself in front of everyone in the world, is this better than not advertising, or making something in the world to show yourself?

Therefore, for all the people present, as long as they escape from the cruise ship, they will be rescued, and there is no need to worry about the rescue team not coming, or the rescue ship not being able to sit on the seat!

At the same time, inside the cruise ship, neither tourists nor crew members, even Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao, know everything about the outside world, let alone all the analysis of the outside world. It actually caused such a huge sensation, and it made the major organizations all over the world pay more attention to themselves, which even Jiang Chen himself did not expect.

At this moment of "660", for Jiang Chen and others on the cruise ship, only a few tens of seconds have passed, not even a minute.

Even, Jiang Chen was still standing on the edge of the elevator entrance on the third floor, holding Zhou Zhiyao in his arms and hadn't started to leave yet!

As for all the tourists and crew members, they are still immersed in the picturesque scene in front of them, completely fascinated by Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao, completely forgetting everything, even more forgetting the analysis, and what Jiang Chen said before of various details.

For the tourists and crew members on the cruise ship, Jiang Chen is now holding Zhou Zhiyao in his arms with one arm, and it is shocking enough, amazing enough, and charming enough!

After all, in the doomsday cruise ship, the combination of Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao inexplicably showed a kind of desolate beauty, inexplicably gave people a feeling of hope, and made all the cold people present feel a little There is a trace of warmth, and I feel a trace of temperature.

However, such a beautiful picture did not last long.


The next moment, the entire cruise ship suddenly burst into deafening loud noises.

At the same time, as the deafening noise erupted from the entire cruise ship, the entire cruise ship also began to tremble violently.

This time the cruise ship trembled more violently than the previous few times, as if the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking, as if the whole world was about to collapse at this moment, the level of vibration was like a magnitude 12 super earthquake, it was beyond words It can only be described as shocking!

Because no one has ever experienced such a huge earthquake and mountain shaking. The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't really feel it. Exclaimed, feeling very surprised!

But all the tourists and crew members in the cruise ship can't feel anything at all, they can only feel their own insignificance, their brains go blank for a moment, their whole bodies are completely out of their control, swaying left and right, many people Because of this, he was directly shaken to the ground, unable to stand up for a long time.

Meanwhile, it was Jiang Chen standing on the edge of the elevator that made everyone's hearts tremble!

Although Jiang Chen was also standing on the edge of the elevator before, and although the whole cruise ship was shaking constantly, the vibration at that time was very small. For the tourists and crew members who often stay on the cruise ship, such a small vibration is already It can be completely ignored, even when the cruise ship is sailing normally, it will produce the same vibration. It is not difficult for adults to stand firm in such vibration, but they can easily just do it.

However, this time the shaking was different, the shaking was so large that it seemed like it was going to throw people out, and it was not at the same level as the previous shaking, so all the tourists, crew members, Captain Jack, and even the audience in the live broadcast room were present. All of them changed their complexions and began to worry about Jiang Chen.

Because, Jiang Chen was standing on the edge of the elevator entrance, facing such a huge shaking, Jiang Chen was likely to be thrown out directly.

After all, in the face of such a huge shaking, a person can't stand firm at all. Although Jiang Chen's ability is obvious to all, everyone is also very clear about the difficulties Jiang Chen is facing. He is not alone. Holding a Zhou Zhiyao!

It is difficult for a person to stand firm under such shaking, let alone Jiang Chen is holding Zhou Zhiyao in his arms. It is impossible for everyone to stand firm in such an environment!

Therefore, for a while, almost everyone let go of their hearts just now, and they raised them again in an instant, because Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao began to worry.

"Jiang! Zhou! Be careful!"

"Hold on! Is there something? Hold on tight and don't fall!"

All of a sudden, shouts of reminders soared into the sky in the cruise ship!

As for the audience in the live broadcast room, they couldn't help shouting.

However, after all, they are not on the scene following a screen. Even Jiang Chen and the crowd in the shouting cruise ship can’t hear them at all, and the audience in the live broadcast room can’t do anything. The heart-wrenching feeling brought by this moment, so no matter how anxious they are, they can only be anxious in the live broadcast room and can't do anything!

As for Jiang Chen, his pupils also shrank. He did not expect that the cruise ship would suddenly erupt with such a huge vibration, and the shaking force was beyond his expectation, which made him feel unexpected.

Even Zhou Zhiyao was taken aback, never expecting that such a huge shock would erupt at such a time!

And under such a sudden huge shock, both Zhou Zhiyao and Jiang Chen instantly considered their own safety, knowing clearly that they are now on the edge of the elevator entrance, and it is difficult to stabilize their body balance at all. It will be dangerous if you throw it out of the elevator, you will fall directly into the elevator shaft and be swallowed by the vortex in the elevator shaft!

At this moment, the seawater vortex under the elevator shaft has completely turned black, and the suction in it is extremely huge. Even Jiang Chen is not 100% sure that he can use his own ability to conquer such a huge vortex, so Jiang Chen can feel it. When he was in a little crisis, he knew that he must not fall into the elevator shaft, not to mention that he might survive, Zhou Zhiyao in his arms would definitely die!

Because that kind of vortex is the power of nature's anger, human beings will be extremely small in front of them, and there is no power to resist at all!

Zhou Zhiyao thought more. At this moment, she thought that she was being hugged by Jiang Chen. She knew that Jiang Chen was very capable and could deal with many emergencies, but hugging herself was not easy. Certainly, I have become a burden completely.

Hence, Zhou Zhiyao said softly at the first moment: "Let me go down, so that at least one of us can live...

However, almost at the same time, even though Jiang Chen was very shocked and surprised by the sudden shock, he still reacted instantly and said, "Hold me tight!"

Jiang Chen only said three words, as if he didn't hear what Zhou Zhiyao said at all, or he didn't pay attention to it on purpose.

However, the power of these three words is extraordinarily huge, at least like a giant hammer, it is resolute and firm, and it also stabilized Zhou Zhiyao's heart.

Zhou Zhiyao's heart warmed even more, and she didn't think about anything else. She chose to trust Jiang Chen completely, without any reason, and immediately hugged Jiang Chen tightly. According to what Jiang Chen said, everything was left to Jiang Chen. Responsible for holding Jiang Chen tight and responsible for solving everything.

Although it seems that what Zhou Zhiyao did is nothing, everyone knows how difficult it is to completely trust a person when life is at stake, no matter what actions are taken, such as when taking risks, when climbing rocks , or when skydiving, when these extreme sports, when danger comes, no matter who it is, they will always think about protecting themselves, and it is difficult to completely let go and trust another person!

This is equivalent to putting one's life in the hands of others and entrusting it to others. Perhaps in the army, the strong friendship between soldiers can cultivate such trust under certain circumstances.

However, this kind of trust is difficult to establish in a short period of time, especially if one completely entrusts one's life to the hands of others, it is simply unimaginable!

It can also be seen that Zhou Zhiyao's devotion and trust in Jiang Chen, especially at this time, Zhou Zhiyao chose Jiang Chen without any hesitation. It can be seen how much Zhou Zhiyao's decisiveness and her charm are. charming!

And all of this sounds like a long story, but in fact it just happened in an instant!

Zhou Zhiyao's choice was very decisive, and he didn't have the slightest time for Dange.

And Jiang Chen's reaction was also extremely fast. His surprise and shock hadn't disappeared in his eyes, and he was already searching for countermeasures in his mind. There was not even a second interval, at most 0.5 seconds, Jiang Chen Then I recovered from surprise to calmness, and started looking for countermeasures and 5.0 methods!

If someone could notice these psychological activities of Jiang Chen, it would definitely cause an uproar in the outside world and shock everyone.

Because, to put it bluntly, it is impossible for this level of reaction speed to be the reaction speed possessed by human beings. This is absolutely certain.

Of course, Jiang Chen showed more than that, because Jiang Chen quickly gave up stabilizing his body.

Because, he has already seen that it is impossible for him to hold Zhou Zhiyao and gain a firm foothold at the elevator entrance with such a huge shaking himself.

After all, no matter how powerful he is, no matter how fast his reaction is, he still only has two legs, not four legs to stabilize his body, and even if he chooses to lie down at this time, it will be too late in time!

Therefore, at this time, Jiang Chen also made a very decisive choice. Instead of wasting time and energy to stabilize his body and do useless work, it is better to just give up, do it at a loss, and choose other methods to prevent his own Fall into the elevator!

And at this moment, that is, the moment when Jiang Chen's body began to seriously deviate, a decisive look appeared in his eyes, he thought of a method he thought was feasible, and made his choice!.

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