Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 392: Jiang Chen's Ambition! [Please Subscribe! 】

At this moment, following Jiang Chen's fall, no matter the crew members or tourists present, the audience in the live broadcast room, or even Zhou Zhiyao were stunned, everyone's hearts were raised!

Even, the billions of people in the world all hold their breath, and everyone's eyes are fixed on Jiang Chen's body, as if the world is completely frozen at this moment, and everyone is worried about Jiang Chen , everyone's hearts are touched by Jiang Chen, every move of Jiang Chen, and the situation he encounters next, also become the center of the world!

Even Jiang Chen himself did not expect that when he had to go down the elevator shaft, he would cause such a big commotion and attract so much attention, so that so many people began to pay attention to him, and everyone's eyes were on him. Freezing on himself, he unexpectedly became the center of the world without knowing it.

Of course, all of this seemed to be a matter of course, Jiang Chen didn't deliberately create anything at all, he just did what he should do, and things that seemed very simple to him.

However, what he didn't know was that the things he did, and the things he thought were simple, were so difficult and shocking to others, and the achievements he brought made the entire human world wonder. The shock is not only that 820 excavated the past of mankind, let people know the existence of human civilization in ancient times, but also has a feeling of embarking on the future of mankind, as if he has become the future of mankind, what he represents Far from being just an explorer, the meaning of his existence has been closely connected with the entire human civilization, so that people all over the world have to pay attention to his existence!

However, Jiang Chen didn't particularly care about this. In his opinion, as long as everything goes with the flow, he doesn't need to deliberately create his own image and create an atmosphere, otherwise it will appear fake.

Of course, if Jiang Chen is willing, he only needs to create his own image and create the atmosphere he wants, then everyone in the world will definitely buy it, and his fans will only grow more and more crazy, Even worshiping him as a god, as a belief is a sure thing.

However, in Jiang Chen's opinion, all this is completely unnecessary and too much, so Jiang Chen's choice is still very low-key!

If it were a very ambitious person, then (cgda) at this time, with so many achievements, fans and power, would definitely expand his power crazily and form a new The religion of the century is not too difficult to accomplish some crazier things.

However, Jiang Chen would not do this. It does not mean that Jiang Chen has no ambitions, but his ambition is different from that of ordinary people. The ambition of ordinary people is nothing more than wealth, power and lust.

However, Jiang Chen's ambition is even bigger. His ambition is the future of the whole world, the past of the whole world, and the truth of human civilization.

He wants to discover the complete past of the entire world, and guide the future of this human civilization, understand the truth of human existence, and the true life experience of human beings, unlock all the secrets of this mysterious earth, and lift the mysterious veil of the world!

It can be said that Jiang Chen's ambition is more difficult to realize and more unrealistic. If most people know about it, they will think that Jiang Chen is very crazy, crazy to the point of shocking!

After all, the whole world has a history of at least six thousand years from ancient times to the present, but there is no one who can truly unravel the mystery of the earth.

It is conceivable that Jiang Chen wants to accomplish what no one has achieved for more than six thousand years. It is conceivable how huge, how crazy, how unrealistic and unrealistic Jiang Chen's ambition is. Unbelievable, so that all people have to sigh and exclaim.

Of course, if ordinary people think this way and have such ambitions, it will definitely be unrealistic, and they will be called crazy by people.

However, Jiang Chen is different. Jiang Chen believes that he has such power. With his exploration, with his understanding of the earth bit by bit, and guessing, and discovering, as long as Jiang Chen does not stop , All the truths about the earth and the mysterious veils of the world will be completely unraveled by Jiang Chen one day.

And when the time comes, when the true appearance of the whole world is displayed in front of everyone, the future of human civilization will be clearly visible, and Jiang Chen will complete the road leading mankind to the future, giving human civilization a very clear direction.

Therefore, in Jiang Chen's view, this is not impossible, as long as you do it yourself, you can definitely accomplish it.

Of course, the most important thing is that, in Jiang Chen's opinion, if he hadn't done it himself, no one would have done it!

After all, this matter is so crazy that there is no one before or after, and no one has ever done it. Not only that, but no one even thinks about it this way.

After all, who can imagine that this earth and this world are not what our eyes look like at all, and it is not as simple as what our eyes look like?

Moreover, the most important thing is that in the six thousand years of human history, there has never been a character like Jiang Chen, so it is impossible to touch the level of the truth of the earth.

Only Jiang Chen has done it, so if Jiang Chen doesn't do it, no one will be able to do it at all. Perhaps in another six thousand years, after mankind starts a new civilization, the mystery of the earth will still remain. It's not necessarily unraveled, human beings are also caught in a closed loop, and they can't get out completely, and the future is still fixed!

Therefore, unraveling the mystery of the earth and leading mankind to the future is not only Jiang Chen's ambition, but also a thing that Jiang Chen must do. If he does not do it, no one will be able to do it!

However, having such ambition will only make people more excited and motivate human beings. After all, some ambitions may be driven by desires and will do many bad things, but some ambitions are positive incentives. It can make people more motivated to accomplish something that is completely impossible to achieve a positive effect.

And Jiang Chen's ambition is like this, it is a completely positive ambition, it will only bring good results and will not produce any negative effects!

This is why Jiang Chen does not shy away from his ambition at all. He is not afraid of being driven by his own ambition. In his opinion, only being driven by his own ambition will make him appear more motivated, and he will never forget his own ambition. Missions and tasks!.

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