Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 393: The Whole World Is Nervous! [Please Subscribe! 】

Therefore, at this moment, Jiang Chen chose to rescue Zhou Zhiyao ashore first, while he fell into the elevator shaft. For Jiang Chen, it didn't mean to show himself in front of hundreds of millions of viewers, let alone show off his ability .

From Jiang Chen's point of view, there is actually only one purpose for him to do this, that is, to save Zhou Zhiyao next time. There is no other reason. After all, according to Jiang Chen, he doesn't need to show off his ability in front of everyone. Because what he wants to show has already been shown, and what he has shown has already shocked everyone. He still needs to show off, what else does he need to show? There is no need for anything anymore!

Moreover, there is another crucial point for him to do this, that is, he is very confident and confident in his ability!

He believed that if Zhou Zhiyao fell into the elevator shaft, there would be a very dangerous situation, and he might face huge dangers, but if he fell into the elevator shaft, the result might be slightly different. Survive in the sea water under the elevator shaft, and have the power to rise alive* from the sea water under the elevator shaft!

Therefore, in Jiang Chen's view, the probability of surviving himself and Zhou Zhiyao falling down the elevator shaft is completely different. Zhou Zhiyao may have a 20 to 30% chance of surviving in the future, while himself has a 99.99% chance of surviving. The probability is infinitely close to 100%.

Therefore, Jiang Chen's purpose and idea of ​​doing this are very simple. Compared with Zhou Zhiyao, it is obviously safer for him to fall down the elevator shaft. It is much better than Zhou Zhiyao, and he can come back alive!

However, if Zhou Zhiyao fell directly into the elevator shaft, Zhou Zhiyao's life might be in danger!

So, at this time, without even thinking about it, I sent Zhiyao to the shore and fell down the elevator shaft

Of course, Jiang Chen didn't tell anyone what he thought, and he didn't have time to tell anyone, so no matter whether it was the tourists and crew present, the audience in the live broadcast room, or even Zhou Zhiyao, they didn't know what Jiang Chen thought. For a moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on Jiang Chen, and their hearts were sweating for Jiang Chen, and they became extremely nervous.

The tourists and crew who hadn't reached the third floor, including Captain Jack, were all startled when they saw Jiang Chen fall down the elevator shaft, and started to move in a hurry.

And their movements are very simple. Under the command of Captain Jack, they use various things to reach into the inside of the elevator shaft, and they want to rely on these things to catch the falling Jiang Chen!

However, it is obviously futile to do so. After all, the cruise ship is still shaking violently. Let alone whether the net made by Captain Jack and others is strong enough, and whether it can reach the place where Jiang Chen fell, Captain Jack and others are alone. Unable to hold the net firmly, because with the constant shaking of the cruise ship, it is very difficult for Captain Jack and others to stand firm, so they want to use Jiang Chen who has fallen, which is tantamount to nonsense !

Of course, another important point is that when Jiang Chen falls freely, even if the net of Captain Jack and others catches Jiang Chen, it is absolutely impossible for Jiang Chen to stay on the net.

Because, Jiang Chen fell very fast, and his own weight was also very huge, it was simply not something the net could bear!

Even if Jiang Chen finally landed on the net, he would definitely break the net, there is absolutely no doubt about it!

However, even so, Captain Jack and others still did everything they could. A glimmer of hope!

After all, now with the violent shaking of the cruise ship and the crazy influx of sea water, the sea water in the elevator shaft has become even crazier. There are countless vortices spinning on it, which looks very terrifying, like a picture Zhang Shenyuan has a huge mouth, and it is possible to swallow people at any time!

Moreover, there is no doubt that as long as a person falls, no matter how good the water quality is, it is absolutely impossible to float to the surface, and he will definitely be swallowed by the huge vortex!

And as long as it is swallowed by the sea water, there is no doubt that there is only one dead end!

After all, this is a natural defect of human beings who cannot survive in water for a long time!

However, what they don't know is, is Jiang Chen an ordinary person?

……… Ask for flowers…

At this time, Jiang Chen had already started to fall crazily. Under the eyes of all the tourists and crew members present, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room and Zhou Zhiyao, he quickly fell down the elevator shaft.

The next moment, Jiang Chen collided with the big net formed by Captain Jack and others.

Everyone was overjoyed, at least Jiang Chen fell within the range of the net!

After all, due to the rush of time, the nets of Captain Jack and others only covered one-fifth of the elevator shaft!

With such a small location, Captain Jack and others are very worried. When Jiang Chen falls, if he doesn’t land on the net, he will be in trouble, and everything he has done will be in vain!

After all, let alone whether the net is strong enough, if Jiang Chen does not fall within the range of the net, then everything is over, and whether the net is strong enough has become completely unimportant!

Therefore, falling within the scope of the net is a very important step. From the perspective of everyone, it is also the first step to saving Jiang Chen. As long as this step is successful, from the perspective of everyone, there is hope!

So, when everyone, whether it was the tourists or the crew, or Zhou Zhiyao and Captain Jack, or the audience in the live broadcast room, after seeing Jiang Chen falling within the range of the net, everyone became excited. Some people even began to cheer uncontrollably.

After all, Jiang Chen's fall into the range of the net, in the eyes of many people, is the first step to success!

As long as this step is taken, then everyone will see how the quality of the net is, whether it is tough enough, and whether it can successfully drag Jiang Chen from the net!

If Jiang Chen is really held back, in the eyes of everyone, it will be a complete success!

At this moment, whether it was the tourists present, the crew members, or the audience in the live broadcast room, as well as Zhou Zhiyao and Captain Jack, everyone's hearts were lifted up, and everyone's fists began to clenched unconsciously. The tense atmosphere spread to every corner of the third floor and the second floor!

Besides, due to the large audience, the whole world started to get nervous for Jiang Chen, give it a pinch!

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