Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 395: Water Ghost! [Please Subscribe! 】

And when everyone was extremely sad, and some even started crying and screaming, there was nothing they could do about Jiang Chen. Everyone had done everything they could, but whether it was Captain Jack or those present All the tourists and crew members are powerless. They have already used their best efforts. To be honest, they were able to quickly create a big picture under the organization of Captain Jack in such a short period of time when Jiang Chen fell into the elevator shaft. For all the tourists, crew members, and Captain Jack, the net is already the limit, and the rest is up to fate!

At this moment, the big net failed to save Jiang Chen, and framed him. The whole big net was directly shattered, whether it was for Captain Jack, Zhou Zhiyao, all the tourists and crew present, as well as the people in the live broadcast room. For the audience, it is the scene they least want to see, and it is also the situation they least want to happen!

However, after the incident happened, there was nothing anyone could do to help them. After all, they clearly knew that what they could do was very limited at this time, and it was already the limit to be able to create a large net. It is estimated that there will only be a dead end for the generals, not to mention all the tourists and crew present, they have already done what they can do, especially the audience in the live broadcast room, except for anxiously watching the live broadcast, they have nothing to do. They can't do it, that's a very real fact.

Of course, no one will blame all the tourists and crew present, as well as Captain Jack and Zhou Zhiyao, and the audience in the live broadcast room will not blame them, because they are very clear that all the tourists and crew present, as well as Jack The captain and Zhou Zhiyao, they have done everything they can do and tried their best. It is impossible for them all to jump down the elevator shaft to save Jiang Chen, right? This will not save Jiang Chen, and neither will everyone else. There is no doubt that it is suicide, and everyone will die tragically!

So, now everyone can only watch, no matter how sad and unbearable they are, they can only watch the situation happen, there is really nothing they can do!

At this moment, everyone present felt their insignificance, their helplessness and incompetence, and their hearts were aggrieved to the extreme. They really hated their incompetence. In their view, if they had the ability, things would be fine. It won't develop like this, and it won't be like this, watching Jiang Chen fall into the elevator and being swallowed by the sea, and he can't do anything.

At this moment, Jiang Chen's body had already fallen past the second floor, and he was about to fall into the seawater of the elevator shaft.

And at this time, Jiang Chen finally spoke, and he shouted loudly to Zhou Zhiyao: "Leave me alone, I believe I will never have anything to do, obviously the most important thing is to help everyone log into the third floor, don't worry about it because I stop, I will catch up with you!"

As soon as this remark came out, no matter it was all the tourists present, the crew, Captain Jack, Zhou Zhiyao, and the audience in the live broadcast room, they couldn't help being touched in their hearts.

After all, no one thought that Jiang Chen had already fallen into the elevator shaft and fell into a very dangerous situation, but at this time, Jiang Chen's first thought was not himself, but all the tourists and crew present .

How can everyone not be touched by this? Can you really not be moved by it? Such a person can no longer be described in a simple sentence of self-sacrifice and self-sacrifice!

Even, many emotional crew members and tourists present, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room, couldn't help but shed tears. It is really Jiang Chen's situation at this time, coupled with what he said, it is too shocking!

Of course, Jiang Chen didn't mean to directly move everyone, and his purpose of saying this was not to show his great love, etc. Jiang Chen himself is not that hypocritical.

His purpose of doing this is actually very simple, the only purpose is to find something for Zhou Zhiyao to do, and to give Zhou Zhiyao certain responsibilities, otherwise he knows clearly, don't look at Zhou Zhiyao as weak and weak, but deep in Zhou Zhiyao's character is actually Extremely staunch, when she fell into the elevator shaft and was swallowed by sea water, Zhou Zhiyao would definitely blame herself, thinking that it was her fault that caused her to fall into the elevator shaft and be swallowed by sea water, that is to say, she would definitely think it was her. I killed myself, so I will definitely try my best to save myself

Even if he couldn't save himself, he would choose to die with him.

These are all things that Jiang Chen has already expected, so Jiang Chen's actions are actually very simple. He is a Zhou Zhiyao with a responsibility on him, let her know his importance, and has his own tasks, which is equivalent to giving Zhou Zhiyao Zhou Zhiyao tied a rope so that Zhou Zhiyao could not easily take drastic actions. This was Jiang Chen's real purpose.

It's just that, although his purpose is obvious, in the eyes of most people, Jiang Chen's main purpose is still for the good of everyone, or a kind of great love.

For this, Jiang Chen didn't need to explain, and he didn't have the time or opportunity to explain, because the next second, he fell directly into the seawater of the elevator shaft.

In an instant, the overwhelming sea water rushed towards us!

The sea water in the elevator shaft, I don't know if it is related to the fusion with the metal hull, it looks extraordinarily cold.

Even before Jiang Chen had time to react, he was pulled by a huge vortex, and Jiang Chen was not given any chance to react. The pulling force became stronger and stronger, It was as if a hungry and thirsty beast saw a little lamb, constantly devouring Jiang Chen's body.

In the eyes of outsiders, the moment Jiang Chen fell into the water, he was directly swallowed by a vortex. He didn't even have a chance to struggle on the water surface. He disappeared into the sea water and disappeared from everyone's sight. !

In fact, the fact is true, the moment Jiang Chen fell into the sea, he was pulled by the huge eddy in the sea!

It should be known that the power of the vortex in the water is very strong, and Jiang Chen can barely support it. He competed with the vortex in the sea for a few seconds. It was swallowed to the bottom, and there was no chance to struggle to resist. It is conceivable how terrifying the power of the vortex is.

Whirlpools exist in both rivers and seas. Every year, people drown in rivers and seas, and a large part of them are sucked into the bottom of the river by eddies and drowned. The water ghost mentioned, one can imagine how terrifying it is!.

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