Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 396: Calm Down! [Please Support! 】

At this moment, Jiang Chen was sucked into the water by the huge vortex, and there was a huge pulling feeling, which was constantly pulling him to the depths of the sea.

This feeling was as if there were countless hands wrapping around his body, constantly pulling him down.

It is extremely difficult to struggle. After all, even if you are a normal person, on the ground, your body is entangled with countless thick tapes. It is simply impossible to break free from these tapes and move freely.

I can only be at the mercy of others, and after being sucked by the whirlpool in the water, I have the same feeling, but this is a hundred times more uncomfortable than being entangled by tape on the ground!

Because if you're just wrapped in tape on the ground, at least you won't feel weightless, you can at least feel the ground, you can at least stabilize yourself, and you can even at least breathe as much as you need!

However, it is completely different if it is absorbed by the vortex underwater and produces such a huge sense of entanglement.

Not only can you not move your body at all, but you can't feel the existence of anything. Your body can only be at the mercy of the whirlpool. Because you are in the water and are still sinking, the huge sense of weightlessness will also erode you. There are no cells in the whole body.

The point is that you can't breathe yet, and you can't see anything even if you open your eyes, it's completely dark around you.

This kind of complete loss of mobility, accompanied by this huge sense of weightlessness, and the fear caused by the complete darkness around, and the anxiety caused by not being able to breathe, how terrifying and desperate!

Moreover, if the vortex is big enough and the suction is fast enough, your sinking speed will continue to increase.

And the result of this is also obvious, he will make you feel the horror of water pressure, and your lungs and various organs of the body will be under huge pressure.

The pain caused by this is also extremely huge, it is simply a kind of torture, even if he is not drowned by water, he will be tortured to death alive!

All of these are the difficulties Jiang Chen is facing now, but fortunately, Jiang Chen is not an ordinary person after all.

He has the gene of the megalodon shark, he can withstand the water pressure that ordinary people can't bear at all, and he can also stay in the water for a long time without breathing.

The key is that he also has the power of the megalodon shark, the swimming ability of the megalodon shark, and the terrifyingly huge power, and he also has the eyes of fish, and he can see clearly even in the dark environment of the water several times. Everything around him, so even in the face of these predicaments, Jiang Chen still maintained his composure, without the slightest panic, let alone any despair!

Even, at this time, Jiang Chen still had the leisure to observe everything around him, quietly watching everything around him, and he didn't show the slightest rush!

And if this scene is seen by outsiders, they will definitely be stunned and call Jiang Chen a lunatic again, because who can be as calm as Jiang Chen after being caught in the vortex underwater?

No one can do this, this is a completely certain thing, no matter how good the water quality is, it is impossible for someone like Jiang Chen to remain so calm even after being sucked down by the whirlpool mentality.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, after being sucked down by the vortex, the time to survive is very limited, and every second is very precious. At this time, one should strive for help.

But Jiang Chen was looking around, not asking for help at all. Isn't this a lunatic?

In fact, it is no wonder that everyone thinks Jiang Chen is a lunatic. After all, if a normal person falls into the water, he will immediately slap the water surface and ask for help, wanting to get back to the water surface. This is absolutely certain.

Just like the middle-aged woman before, even though the middle-aged woman is very good at swimming, the first thing she does after falling into the water is to ask for help, so Jiang Chen's reaction is completely different from what a normal person should have. Therefore, it is inevitable that people will mistake him for a lunatic.

However, what everyone doesn't know at all is that the reason why Jiang Chen was able to do these things, why he was different from everyone else, and why he was considered crazy by everyone, was because Jiang Chen was indeed completely different from everyone else.

The ability that Jiang Chen possesses is beyond the imagination of everyone, so Jiang Chen dared to show a look of recklessness, and was calm and composed at all times, because he had enough confidence to think that he could do well. face everything.

That's why he dared to be so calm and composed, and made some actions that ordinary people would look extremely crazy, extremely incredible, and extremely deadly!

After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, these actions are very crazy, and they are completely desperate, but in Jiang Chen's view, they are very ordinary, they can be done by themselves, and there is no need to make a fuss at all.

So this is the reason why Jiang Chen often makes some laughing moves that will be infinitely magnified by everyone.

In fact, Jiang Chen doesn't want to show himself deliberately, it seems to Jiang Chen that he is just doing very normal and insignificant things.

But in the eyes of ordinary people, these small and normal things are not small and very abnormal, so Jiang Chen often makes some small movements, which can surprise everyone and make the whole world Everyone was shocked by it, and everyone was crazy about it. This is what everyone likes about Jiang Chen.

After all, no one knows what Jiang Chen will do in the next second, no one knows what crazy things Jiang Chen has not done, no one knows what Jiang Chen will do, no one knows What kind of superpower Jiang Chen will show, no one knows how Jiang Chen will solve the troubles in the end, and no one knows whether Jiang Chen will create a miracle in the end.

Everything Jiang Chen does is completely unknown to everyone, so everyone likes Jiang Chen very much, and also likes watching Jiang Chen’s live broadcast very much. Jiang Chen’s live broadcast has no script, and everything is so out of date People expected, everything is beyond people's imagination.

No one knows what Jiang Chen will do next, everything is unknown, so people go back and like it, and want to watch it until the end, knowing that everything is over, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief and sigh That's the solution!

As for Jiang Chen, he didn't do anything deliberate about it at all, and he didn't care about it at all.

After all, in his view, all things are just things that he wants to do and is willing to do. In Jiang Chen's view, some things are completely simple things, and there is no need for any stretching, but these For normal people, it is something that can shock them and suppress them!

Of course, Jiang Chen didn't care at all about the deadly and crazy actions.

After all, since the beginning of his exploration, he has done all kinds of crazy and deadly actions countless times. In his opinion, these crazy and deadly actions are obviously completely accustomed to him, and he doesn't care at all.

It's just that every time Jiang Chen commits suicide, he can bring completely different excitement and enjoyment to the audience.

That's why the audience in the live broadcast room are still constantly surprised and find it very exciting.

But for Jiang Chen himself, he has already felt very immune to these things.

After all, any crazy and desperate move is actually very dangerous even for Jiang Chen, it is tantamount to dancing on the edge of a cliff.

However, it is precisely because of these things that Jiang Chen no longer feels the slightest fear of the threat of death. He already feels that these terrifying feelings are very common, and his life seems to have acquired some kind of biochemistry. This is Jiang Chen's most intuitive feeling.

Is this deterrence? No matter what Jiang Chen encounters, no matter what emergencies, no matter what dangers he encounters, the reason why he can deal with it very calmly, as if there is no problem at all. Don't care about your own life the same way.

In fact, it’s not. It’s not that Jiang Chen doesn’t care, it’s just that Jiang Chen is used to it. After all, if a person has experienced death many times, what are they afraid of? Are they still afraid of some dangers and difficulties?

Of course not, Jiang Chen is like this, he is not even afraid of death, he has even done all kinds of extreme crazy moves countless times, what else is he afraid of?

What else can surprise and frighten him, it is estimated that there is no body in this world.

As for the surprising things, there are naturally, that is, the explorations, the discoveries, and the lifting of the mysterious veil of the earth. (one of)

Only this estimate can make Jiang Chen slightly surprised. As for other things, it is probably a luxury to make Jiang Chen feel a little bit surprised, and it is completely impossible!

This is why, even if Jiang Chen fell into the elevator shaft, even if he was constantly sucked by the vortex, he could still be so calm.

Because he has experienced countless deaths and felt danger countless times, but how is the danger this time different from before?

He was able to live before, and this time he will definitely be able to live, and perfectly solve all the current problems, not to mention the danger this time is still very easy to deal with, at least compared to when he was chased by a dinosaur in the North Pole. , the feeling of being chased by a megalodon is much better!

This is why, Jiang Chen obviously looks very relaxed.

In his opinion, there is no need to be nervous at all, because apart from the whirlpool, there is nothing else around that can threaten him.

As long as he gets rid of the vortex, he will be able to get out of it and return to the surface of the water smoothly, so he is not in a hurry.

At least compared to the dangers experienced during the previous expeditions, this time was much easier, so he would naturally appear extremely leisurely, extremely comfortable, and not in a hurry. .

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