Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 399: Prophet Of The Whole People?

What is really frightening to think about is that Jiang Chen is still able to carry out the process under the crisis like before, when he is about to die, and when he is in an absolute life-and-death crisis. Thinking calmly, this point is really terrifying, completely beyond everyone's expectations, and completely beyond everyone's imagination!

After all, under the circumstances at that time, even the audience in the live broadcast room, the tourists and crew members on the scene, and Captain Jack and others, everyone was completely flustered, and they didn't even have the heart to think about other things. think of something else!

But under such circumstances, Jiang Chen still has time to think about other things, it is really amazing!

After all, what everyone needs to know is whether it is the audience in the live broadcast room, or the tourists and crew members on the scene, as well as Captain Jack and others!

None of them were actually in a life-threatening situation at the time, but they had already started to panic under such circumstances!" "607"

On the other hand, Jiang Chen himself, when his life was facing an absolute threat, he didn't panic yet, and he was able to think calmly. This alone greatly exceeded everyone's expectations, and completely exceeded everyone's expectations. imagine!

No one knows how Jiang Chen did it, it's just incredible!

Because according to their thoughts and guesses, even they themselves are absolutely incapable of thinking calmly, imagining calmly, and making their own judgments under such circumstances. This is absolutely certain a bit!

Before, whether it was the audience in the live broadcast room, the tourists and crew members on the scene, as well as Captain Jack and others, due to other things, they didn't notice this at all.

Haven't even thought about it in that direction!

But now it's different, now they think about it carefully, and then they realized that Jiang Chen had predicted the situation of this scene from the very beginning, it's simply amazing!

Under such circumstances, it is possible to make such a calm judgment and feel that, in everyone's mind, there is probably no one else who can complete it except Jiang Chen. These ten points are absolutely certain!

After all, in everyone's mind, Jiang Chen is probably the only one who can still think calmly under such a crisis situation!

After all, everyone has questioned their own hearts, and they really know that if they are facing the same thing and the same situation, they will never be able to think calmly like Jiang Chen. This is absolutely true. I can be sure, and the point is, not only think calmly like Jiang Chen, but also think so well and comprehensively, not only predicting what will happen in advance, but also giving Call yourself the perfect solution!

How can everyone compare this? How can everyone describe it? How can we see Jiang Chen?

A person whose life is extremely threatened, not only saved others when he was on the verge of life and death, but also thought about something that would happen next, and at the same time came up with a plan for this matter. I found a solution and told everyone directly!

May I ask, is this really something that humans can do? It is completely impossible, and even specially trained special personnel probably cannot do it without any preparation.

Under the premise of no drill, make such a quick response.

After all, Jiang Chen's quick response and state of resolving things cannot be achieved by training alone, and probably cannot be obtained by other things. It can only be innate, so there is only Jiang Chen in the whole world It can be done like this!

Of course, it is precisely because of this that in the eyes of normal people, Jiang Chen will naturally become more different. In their view, the series of things that Jiang Chen has done show the god-level reaction he made before. Similarly, it is simply not something that humans can do at present. From their point of view, even after a few thousand years, it is estimated that humans will not be able to do it.

That is to say, only God can do all of these things, and he has accomplished them perfectly. This point is absolutely certain in the hearts of everyone!

And in the hearts of everyone, there is no doubt that Jiang Chen is definitely this god, because apart from Jiang Chen, there is no one else who can do this, and do this thing so perfectly, This is simply an impossible thing, and it is simply not something that humans can accomplish.

However, to the surprise of everyone, even if Jiang Chen is no longer there, it is very possible that Jiang Chen is dead, but even if Jiang Chen is dead, the legend about Jiang Chen, about what Jiang Chen said before his death The words are still being fulfilled, that is to say, even though Jiang Chen is dead and no longer in this world, Jiang Chen's influence is still there, and Jiang Chen is still shocking the whole world, which makes people Everyone couldn't help but be terrified, couldn't help being surprised, and they became more determined in their hearts that Jiang Chen is definitely a god-like existence!

Because, who would think that this is something that human beings can do? How can human beings do all the things to such a degree? Not even a fortune teller!

Even in the ancient times of the Dragon Kingdom, the most famous strange book, the picture on the back, only depicts a general meaning, and the rest of the language is the guesswork of the posterity. It is not certain whether it is true or not. , What if the Tuibei pictures are just some imaginative pictures drawn? These meanings are all the meanings that people later use to figure out subjectively. It is not certain whether they are the real meanings in the pictures!

However, Jiang Chen is different. First, because Jiang Chen had an accident just now, there is no possibility of it being tampered with at all, and it was carried out under the witness of everyone in the world. It is a fact that can be completely verified and words........

But the Tuibei map is different. Although there are records in the historical materials, but because the distance is too long, it is completely impossible to know whether it is true. Because the age is too long, there is no way to verify it. It's completely different from what Jiang Chen showed. This is the huge gap between the two, which is enough to shake everything, and it can also prove the gap in strength between the two!

Another point is that Jiang Chen's words were fulfilled not long ago, and they were absolutely directional, but what about the Tuibei diagram? This is different, and some are only fulfilled after hundreds of years , and there is no directionality at all, all the content needs to be compared with historical events by future generations and searched for by themselves, which adds subjective judgments to it, making the pushback map even more unreasonable Yes, this point is absolutely certain. If Tui Beitu can really speak, why doesn't he predict tomorrow's events? He wants to predict the future events extensively.

If this is the case, wouldn't everyone be able to become a prophet, so that any passer-by on the road can speak, for example, predicting that a meteorite will land on the earth one day in the future and destroy the earth, such a thing is very small , but there is a chance, and it will definitely happen. After a few years, when this thing really happens, will people turn out the words of 5.8, and then have a heated discussion, so-and-so prophesied What about today's meteorite fall?

In this way, everyone in the world can write a book, as long as they write all the things they want into the book, such as writing a river, describing that the river will burst into floods, or that a certain small island will have a tsunami or Earthquakes, or a sudden heavy rain in a certain language area, and so on, all languages.

These languages, it may never be realized, there is no relationship, the things described will definitely happen, as long as these things happen, does it mean that the language is successful this time? Can people really predict? Can they really see the future? These are simply nonsense, after all, certain things will definitely happen

It's just a matter of time!

It's like you try to do an experiment, you can fail countless times, as long as you succeed once, you will succeed together, it's the same reason. .

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