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Chapter 400: Incomparable! [Please Subscribe! 】

This is also very similar to the fortune tellers on the street. When they tell fortunes, they will not deliberately answer your questions, and they will not predict the specific time, but will only answer some of your questions in a very broad way.

For example, if you were sick last year, then you will think about whether you were sick last year? Then you will think about it, and put yourself into it, and after thinking about it, you will find that you have really been sick, so immediately Clap your legs and applaud, think the true god of fortune-telling!

Or, the fortune teller said, you had a serious illness last year, but what is the scope of the serious illness? How much does it have to be considered a serious illness? He will not tell you, and you will wonder if a fever counts?

If it counts, then I have indeed been ill, so I give the fortune teller a thumbs up, and call the fortune teller awesome!

And these fortune tellers grasp people's preconceived subjective thinking and the psychology of not being able to think objectively.

Let me talk about some more extensive questions or answers, as long as it is something that a normal person will experience or encounter.

In this way, most people are directly recruited, and most people have similar experiences, such as getting up, the fortune teller said that you like to stay in bed, is it true that most people like to stay in bed? Then is he right? ?He is right!

The principle is the same as that of pushing back pictures. Use some broad answers or questions, and then let future generations guess and imagine by themselves.

After all, hundreds of years have passed, and countless historical events have happened. There are always a few of them that will meet some of the words on the Tuibei map, similar to the floods, earthquakes, and tsunamis mentioned above. The events are very long, but one day they will occur.

As for those that have not been fulfilled, after people have firmly believed that the back map can predict the future, then people will say that these predictions are actually things that have not happened in the predicted future. Isn’t this even more of a test?

The future will be longer, and there will be more historical events and coincidences. At that time, as long as one of them matches the picture of Tui Bei [doesn’t everyone believe in 26 even more?

Therefore, even if it is the most famous prophecy book in Dragon Kingdom, there is no way to compare the Tuibei Tui with Jiang Chen's previous performance. It should be that Tui Bei Tu has no direction at all, and the time and date are not clear.

If the Tuibei map is really directional and has a clear date, then Yuan Tiangang must be the real prophet, but judging from the current Tuibei map, Yuan Tiangang can only be regarded as a mixed comparison at best An advanced fortune teller!

Of course, another crucial point is that if Yuan Tiangang can really predict, why doesn't he fable himself? What will happen to his future?

The same goes for the fortune tellers on the street, why can't they see what their future looks like?

It is also used to tell fortunes to people on the street, it is ridiculous, it is simply too ridiculous!

But Jiang Chen is different, he is very directional, not broad at all, he just said directly to Zhou Zhiyao, and what he said clearly was what he wanted to say to Zhou Zhiyao.

Moreover, Jiang Chen even anticipated what would happen to him after he fell into the elevator shaft, which is why Jiang Chen said this passage.

In other words, Jiang Chen is not only speaking to Zhou Zhiyao, but to a great extent, he is also speaking to himself. He must have expected that he would fall into the elevator shaft and be unable to get up, so he will Say something like this.

Otherwise, if Jiang Chen hadn't fallen into the elevator shaft, or if Jiang Chen had fallen into the elevator shaft and then got up by himself, then everything that followed would not have happened, and what happened to Zhou Zhiyao would not have happened, Jiang Chen The sentence Chen said has no meaning at all, and everyone will not care!

However, obviously, Jiang Chen had already predicted what would happen to him, so he said this. This is the point that Jiang Chen is completely different from all other legendary prophets in history. He is completely different from others can be compared.

Jiang Chen has his own things, at least his calmness beyond ordinary people, his calmness in dangerous moments and his calmness when thinking about problems, and the calmness he shows when his life is at stake, is absolutely impossible for others Compared with him, this point is absolutely certain, and it is also a point that others cannot compare with Jiang Chen.

As for whether Jiang Chen can speak, this is something that everyone does not know, but Jiang Chen's strength is already beyond ordinary people, but everyone can be sure, and they all see it. It has been verified under the witness of almost all human beings in the world, and it is already a recognized thing!

It can be seen from this that Jiang Chen is really powerful, at least compared with the legendary figures in history, Jiang Chen is still at the top level, definitely not worse than any of them!

At least, everything that Jiang Chen has shown before has surpassed everything. Under the extremely dangerous situation, his mind can still think calmly, he can still think of what will happen next, and accurately predict what will happen next matter.

The key is to be able to give the solution to everyone, even novels dare not write like this.

If someone is at this time, they will definitely say, isn't Zhuge Liang in the Three Kingdoms period like this?

I gave you three kits, and there are tricks in the kits, as long as you open them at that time, you can resolve the crisis and solve all the troubles!

If you look at it this way, Zhuge Liang is also very powerful, able to predict what will happen in the future, otherwise he would not have made three kits, and he would not have added the legendary kits in it, so that all crises can be avoided. solve.

Being able to resolve the crisis at least shows that he has anticipated what will happen next, and will keep the solution in his bag.

And if you look at it this way, Zhuge Liang must be stronger than Jiang Chen.

Because Jiang Chen just predicted what would happen next, and told everyone the solution to it, that’s all, but what about Zhuge Liang?

It directly predicted the three major events that will happen in the future, not only that, but also directly gave the solutions for the three major events that will happen in the future, and directly put them into the three Jin Xiang, which can be said to be very accurate Language, and a very perfect solution, Zhuge Liang is the real awesome!

As for the things that Gang Jing said, Zhuge Liang was used for comparison. Indeed, Zhuge Liang was indeed very powerful. He was a very famous military scientist during the Three Kingdoms period, and he was also very powerful in tactics. The huge Kingdom of Shuhan, together with Cao Cao and Sun Quan, formed the three kingdoms!

In addition, Liu Bei's first grassroots directly became a pivotal figure in the establishment of the Three Kingdoms, and Zhuge Liang was indeed very smart and talented, able to think of many things, and gave many ways to solve problems, and he was also able to fight wars , is indeed an all-around talent!

Moreover, in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he also played a lot of roles, and he was hailed as a god-level figure in the Three Kingdoms period, leaving a lot of god-level operations for later generations.

For example, empty city strategy, such as straw boat borrowing arrows, and many of them are even written into our textbooks, and are regarded as classics, as the most magical battlefield operations in ancient times, and are called the most powerful military Talent, the kind of talent who can withstand millions of troops by one person, as long as he goes, he will often be defeated, or he will be frightened and run away!

Looking at it this way, Zhuge Liang is indeed a very powerful talent. He was able to accomplish tasks that many people could not, and did things that no one could think of. He was beyond everyone's expectations and became the brightest star in the Three Kingdoms period. It is even called Mr. Wolong, and there is no such thing as Wolong coming out, and there is no theory of the Three Kingdoms. It is conceivable how powerful Zhuge Liang was and how powerful he was in people's hearts at that time!

But what about the facts?

The fact that Zhuge Liang, who is so awesome, is actually just a mythical figure.

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is just a novel fabricated by later generations. All the descriptions about Zhuge Liang are actually fictional!

It is similar to presenting the real history to the public after perfect processing. Almost all of them have been processed by the author, such as Cao Cao's generation of heroes, but in the end they are described as villains, and they do all kinds of evil!

Of course, if there is ugliness, there will naturally be beautification. Zhuge Liang is actually just a character in the mythology of the author.

In real history, he is really not as good as in the novel, not even as good as Guo Jia, he can only be regarded as a talent in the middle and late period of the Three Kingdoms.

In the era of the Three Kingdoms, where talents are born in large numbers, not to mention that there are many people who are better than Zhuge Liang, but there are also many people who can be evenly matched with Zhuge Liang.

Moreover, for example, the empty city plan that was regarded as a classic before, in fact, in the real history, there is no such thing as empty city move at all.

Zhuge Liang had never used the empty city strategy before. After all, it was a bit fake to imagine that one person could resist tens of thousands of local troops.

After all, the enemy can drown Zhuge Liang even if he spits every mouthful, so why did he fall into his scheme alone?

Furthermore, Zhuge Liang’s opponent described in the book was not a fool at the time, how could he fall for such a simple trick of Zhuge Liang?

And according to what is said in the book, even if they didn't dare to fight at the time, they should at least have the courage to send some people to try it out? As a result, they didn't talk about it after the test, so they just withdrew. History background!

In addition, borrowing from straw boats is actually fake. In real history, the matter of borrowing arrows from straw boats did happen, but it was not done by Zhuge Liang, but by a very little-known counselor. In the last Romance of the Three Kingdoms, it became Zhuge Liang's handwriting, and boasted that Zhuge Liang was amazing!

It can be seen from this that the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is actually just a novel, just for future generations to watch. If you read it as an entertaining literary book, it is still very valuable to watch, but the inside If you compare the characters and operations with real people in modern times, it is really a bit exaggerated!

If this is the case, why not compare Sun Wukong with Jiang Chen? Surely this is incomparable? Why not compare it with the power that can destroy the universe with one hand in fantasy novels? Zhuge Liang is considered a power in the face of such power Fart, let alone an empty city plan, even an empty cosmic plan is useless!

Therefore, comparing Zhuge Liang in Romance of the Three Kingdoms with Jiang Chen is just a group of mentally retarded!

And the only thing that can be proved in this book is that Si Si really has a preference for Zhuge Liang, is really fascinated, really likes, and really worships Zhuge Liang.

I really don't like Cao Cao, or maybe I envy Cao Cao, so I describe Cao Cao in the book as an extremely black-bellied, disgusting, and unfaithful person. In fact, Cao Cao is really a courageous and courageous person. There is a huge gap between the courageous hero and the hero who has a great talent and love for his talent, and the existence described in the novel!

Therefore, many people who use Zhuge Liang to talk about things are like a group of fools in everyone's eyes. At least in the eyes of normal audiences, Zhuge Liang has no way to compare with Jiang Chen.

Let's not talk about talent, just talk about their greatness, Zhuge

The greatness of Liang lies in the period of the Three Kingdoms, in the Shuhan Dynasty, and in Liu Bei.

But Jiang Chen's greatness is now, and it is not limited to one person, his greatness is in the whole world, the whole world thinks that he is definitely a great talent, and he is still the current legend

Great talents have brought too many surprises to the world.

There are too many surprising discoveries and conclusions, and at the moment, people all over the world can truly feel the power of Jiang Chen and the contribution he has made to all human beings in the world.


On the other hand, Zhuge Liang, no matter how great and powerful he is, everyone can only feel it from the book, but Jiang Chen can let everyone see it in a real sense.

Therefore, the greatness of Jiang Chen, the value brought by Jiang Chen, and the image of Jiang Chen in everyone's minds have been irreplaceable by anyone throughout the ages, whether it is from the East or the West.

No character can replace him, and there will be no such character in the future, this is absolutely certain!

ps: Most of the content described in this book comes from personal opinions, please don’t make mistakes, please don’t spray, thank you!.

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