Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 402: Ordinary People Can't Feel It!

It can be seen from this how important Jiang Chen is, and has such a huge impact on the countries of the entire world, on the entire world organization, on the entire world's capital and families, and on the entire human race. It can be said that Jiang Chen's every move is influenced by It affects the hearts of all human beings, it's like pulling one hair and moving the whole body!

Moreover, it is worth noting that all future actions of Jiang Chen will have a huge impact on the future direction of the world. One of his choices or one action will definitely interfere with the future. Road, for the whole world, is an extremely complicated option!

But at this moment, Jiang Chen is in danger, the direction of the world will change because of this, and the whole world is starting to boil.

Not only all the crew members and tourists present, but Captain Jack and the hundreds of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, as well as the 20% of the human beings who control 80% of the world's population, are actually at this time It's starting to get tense!

After all, Jiang Chen is so important. His every move, what he does, and his life and death are related to the direction of the world, and it can be said that it is not necessarily related to the direction of the entire human race. In the short term, it may not have much impact on 80% of ordinary people!

Because of the influence of Jiang Chen on the direction of the world, the matter is really too big, to the point where ordinary people simply don't have the strength and ability to perceive it.

So for 80% of ordinary people, they will feel very flat, or feel nothing at all. After all, for ordinary people, daily necessities, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tea, and food and clothing are the main concerns of them. The problem.

For other issues, even if they care about them, they only know the most superficial layer, and they can't have a direct impact on them, so they don't feel it at all!

At least ordinary people can't feel anything in the short term, unless there is a chain reaction happening, otherwise, it's really hard for them to notice it, because the matter is too big!

Just like in ancient times and now, ordinary people know and discuss state affairs, but do they know everything? Do they really understand?

It's nothing more than some chatting after dinner in 050, and I don't understand it at all. Turning around, the most concerned thing is the issue of food and clothing, struggling hard in this world for a little bit of money.

They can't do more, so they naturally won't pay attention to more, naturally they can't get in touch with more, and naturally they can't feel more, that's why they don't feel the problem!

In fact, this is also a benefit, because in peaceful times, the common people are the happiest because they don’t need to feel more, they don’t need to know more, and they don’t need to pay attention to higher levels. Things, higher-level things are solved by higher-level people, they only need to rest and work every day, and make money to solve the problem of food and clothing.

This is actually a kind of happiness, which is why some people say that it is good to be a small person, because a small person also has the happiness of a small person, and there are not many responsibilities and burdens on the shoulders, so the whole person will naturally be much more relaxed. I won't pay attention to some big things.

As for the other 20% of people, it is different. The reason why they are 20% exists.

The reason is that they understand the world better than ordinary people, pay more attention to the world, and are at the top. They have to experience everything first and fastest, and have the most intuitive feelings.

This can keep them in the ranks of 20%, and naturally it can also make them feel danger and fear, as well as an unprecedented sense of tension!

If something happens to Jiang Chen, ordinary people may be sad, sad, or unavoidable, but the effect brought by Jiang Chen is limited, and ordinary people may not feel much.

Even after a period of time, after returning to the life of money and oil and salt, they will soon devote themselves to work for their own food and clothing, as well as the lives of their families.

This incident (cgec) will naturally be forgotten by them, so the impact on them will be very funny, this is absolutely certain!

However, for the top 20% of human beings, the feeling is even greater, and if something happens to Jiang Chen, the impact will be the greatest on them.

Because they are the group of people standing at the forefront, they enjoy everything, as if they were the first, surpassing 80% of human beings, and they have supreme rights and financial resources on weekdays, it can be said that on weekdays they are is the god of this world.

However, this will also pay a price within a certain period of time after certain problems occur. After all, they are above 80% of human beings.

If it rains, if there is thunder, they must be the first to get wet and the first to be struck by lightning. Maybe it will not have much impact on ordinary people, but to them, it will bring The impact is too great!

For example, in ancient times, among dynasties, if something happened, the ministers who were originally high above were the most prone to accidents.

No matter how many ministers you are, no matter whether you are a general or whoever, as long as there is turmoil and something happens, they must be the ones who suffer. On the contrary, for ordinary people, they just watch the fun and don't care about their affairs at all.

They still have to run and work hard for their own lives, and they will not be affected by this incident and delay themselves, so everything they feel is naturally very small!

And in fact?

For a dynasty, the development of things is actually very terrifying. The entire court is in complete chaos. All the executives are panicked, afraid that they will be the next one, and there is absolutely no one who can follow. Like ordinary people, they stay in it with an attitude that has nothing to do with them.

They are all afraid that the next person will be themselves, and things will affect themselves and affect themselves.

For another example, one dynasty is replaced by another dynasty, the change of powers, one dynasty becomes another dynasty, one emperor becomes another emperor, this is simply a big event like changing the sky.

For 20% of those in power, the old power has changed. They are facing their own greatest crisis, or their lives are in danger. The entire dynasty is no longer under their control. Whether they are Heart, body, or spirit, all suffering 2 to the extreme, the whole person is already dying!

As for the new power holders, they have become new power holders from nothing, from small people.

Since then, there will be prosperity, wealth, high-ranking officials and generous salary, and have the rights and everything, become the emperor of the new dynasty, and completely change the destiny.

As for the ministers, they also changed their own destiny. From a draft to becoming a generation of famous ministers and generals, and from then on to become the top part of the world, the whole world began to change!

In ancient times, the change of dynasties was considered a major event, but such a major event, the group of people who were most affected was actually the 20% who stood at the top.

They are the most important roles in the replacement of dynasties. As for the soldiers, etc., they are actually just victims of the competition between their subordinates!

And what about ordinary people in the countryside? Will the feelings be great?

In fact, it will not be so huge, because the change of dynasties is actually not too big or too directly related to them.

In the ancient dynasties, if we really want to say that there were not many examples of peasants becoming royals, even Zhu Yuanzhang, who was regarded as a grassroots, had a certain background and strength.

So it can be seen from this that after the incident reaches a certain level, for the common people, the feeling is really not that big. This point is absolutely certain.

After all, for thousands of years, how many times have the dynasties changed in ancient times? Counting from the now known Shennong civilization, thousands of years have passed.

The 20% of people are constantly changing, although ordinary people are also constantly changing, but no matter who the 20% of people are at the time, they will eventually be greatly affected and completely destroyed.

And the only thing that has not been destroyed and has always existed is actually the remaining 80% of ordinary people.

Because the matter is so big that they can't feel it at all, and it has nothing to do with them at all, so they will not be threatened too much, so they will always exist, and the sky will disappear , For them, it is nothing more than changing the day, they still have to live their lives as they are, and they still have to solve their food and clothing. This is the most intuitive feeling of ordinary people!

As for other things, for ordinary people, whether it is in ancient times or now, they are not very important. They pay attention to the things around them, and they have the ability to change and operate things. There is no room for ordinary people to intervene in the inside, this is absolutely certain!

So, whether it is the crew members present, the tourists present, or Captain Jack, or the hundreds of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, although they are anxious for Jiang Chen, although they are worried about Jiang Chen, although they want to Jiang Chen Chen was rescued, although they felt sad and sad for Jiang Chen's falling into the water.

However, in fact, Jiang Chen's life and death are not particularly important to them, because they can't feel how huge the impact on the world will be if Jiang Chen really passes away, on the whole world. How huge is the loss, they are just an emotional expression now, in fact, in a fundamental sense, they just need to vent their emotions!

It's like people are suddenly moved by something, they are simply moved, or they are scared to cry by something, it is just simply scared to cry, this is just one of their It's just emotions, just like children, when the whole thing is over, they will actually come out of this emotion completely.

For example, people are moved by watching a movie, after the movie is over, they will slowly come out of it, and will not be moved by the content again, and it is the same reason to be scared to cry after watching a horror movie.

People are frightened at the time, and maybe they will be frightened later, but as time goes by, they will forget it lightly because these are just emotions!

At this moment, they are the same for Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen's death is sad for them, it will make them feel sad, it will make them cry, but as time goes by, they will also remember this This thing is slowly forgotten.

They will also come out of sadness and reluctance, but can they get anything from it, or is it going to be something, or is it actually affected? Not at all! Because they are ordinary people, they feel It doesn't reach the power that Jiang Chen would bring if he really died!

However, the 80% of the people standing at the top are different, they are people who can be actually affected, and they can truly feel the impact of Jiang Chen's death if he really dies huge!

Therefore, they are actually more anxious than ordinary people, and they do not want Jiang Chen to have an accident, so after seeing the content of the live broadcast room and knowing that Jiang Chen fell into the water, the organizers of all countries and organizations around the world began to worry. Let your rescue team and search and rescue team go forward at full speed, find the location of the cruise ship as quickly as possible, and start rescue, first of all, rescue Jiang Chen!

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