Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 403: Impossible To Ignore!

No matter which side it is for, this is something that must be done.

Because if something happens to Jiang Chen, they will not get any benefits at all! If something happens to Jiang Chen, how can other countries and organizations in the world benefit from Jiang Chen?

All the things that Jiang Chen harvested before will all be held by the Dragon Kingdom. If Jiang Chen has not passed away, Jiang Chen is actually still a leader. This is absolutely certain!

And at this time, Jiang Chen has the absolute right to speak, whether in the Dragon Kingdom or in the international arena, he has a pivotal position, at least the position is even much higher than the presidents of many small countries, this is One thing for sure!

The heads of all countries in the world, all the forces, families and organizations in the world will care about Jiang Chen's thoughts, and will also look at Jiang Chen's face.

As long as Jiang Chen says a word, everyone and all forces will notice, and consider Jiang Chen's feelings, pay attention to Jiang Chen's behavior, and Jiang Chen's every move [these are extremely critical.

But if Jiang Chen passes away, obviously all the countries and forces in the world will never look at anyone's face again, this is absolutely certain!

Moreover, the key point is, if something happens to Jiang Chen, who should we please now, in order to obtain the qualifications for research and development opportunities in the future? Do we want to please Long Guo?

It should be known that with Jiang Chen, Long Guo's research is absolutely unlimited, and he has absolute confidence in the future development.

However, if Jiang Chen dies, it will be an unprecedented blow to Long Guo, which is absolutely certain-!

Because if something happens to Jiang Chen, it means that the unlimited resources of the Dragon Kingdom will be gone, which means that the challenge to the future dominance will also be full of great pressure.


It will not be like when Jiang Chen is around, there are unlimited resources for research, they can be very confident about the future, confident that they will be able to surpass everything in the future with Jiang Chen and Jiang Chen's research and discoveries.

But if something happens to Jiang Chen, then all of this will be empty talk, and the future will not be the most stable for the Dragon Kingdom, especially if it becomes the hegemon of the world, it will be even more precarious. This is ok For sure.

So even the Dragon Kingdom, which is already doing a lot of research, is very reluctant to see Jiang Chen's sudden accident. If Jiang Chen has an accident, it will still be a big blow to them!

The same is true for other countries and international forces.

They have no objects and goals to please, so they are destined to be abandoned in the future, so in their minds and eyes, they will completely lose their future

At least and completely lost the dominance of the future, this is absolutely certain.

In the future world, due to Jiang Chen's death, in their view, they must be the candidate who will be abandoned, and will be left far behind by the mainstream of the world. This is also completely certain.

Of course, one more important point is that if Jiang Chen exists, all human beings in the world, regardless of countries or forces, can see the coming future, are full of expectations for the future, and are eager to unravel the mysteries of the world Veil and see the true face of the earth.

However, if something happens to Jiang Chen, everything will be completely different. This is absolutely certain. If something happens to Jiang Chen, everyone will be full of uncertainty and confusion about the future again!

Because Jiang Chen, the pioneer, the future guide has disappeared, so it is not unreasonable to call Jiang Chen the guide.

According to what Jiang Chen is currently doing, for all human beings and all forces in the world, he is indeed a guide, who can lead the human beings in the world, as well as the countries and forces in the world, to the A brand new world, towards a brand new future, this is absolutely certain!

However, if something happens to Jiang Chen, there is no doubt that the role of the guide will disappear, and everyone will be full of uncertainty and confusion about the future. What happened, and I have no idea what direction my future should go in, this is also very important.

It is undeniable that the entire world, human civilization, and all forces are all because of Jiang Chen's accident. The disappearance of Jiang Chen, the guide, makes the future full of uncertainty and suspense!

Of course, it is even more impossible for everyone in the world, including all forces, to check the truth of the world, the true face of the earth!

Everyone has been exploring the earth for thousands of years, but the true face and mysterious veil of the earth have not been discovered by humans. It seems that there is a force in the dark that prevents humans from realizing these things.

Generally, even human beings can only find some strange clues, and there is no way to follow the clues, lift the mysterious veil of the earth, and let the true face of the earth appear in front of everyone!

In this world, for thousands of years, in the entire history of human civilization, only Jiang Chen can do this, and only Jiang Chen seems to be able to contend with the power in the dark, leading everyone to see See the true face of the earth and uncover the mystery of the earth!

If something happens to Jiang Chen, there is no doubt that it is completely impossible for everyone in the world to see the true face of the world.

Human beings will be the same as before, completely surviving in appearances. If people came like this at the beginning, they would feel nothing. After proving his own words with facts, the result is completely different.

It is impossible for all human beings to live as before, as if nothing happened, as if there is nothing in this world!

After all, things have happened, they can't forget the past, and Jiang Chen's amazing achievements and discoveries, so they can't go back!

This is like a lie, if I lie to you, then even if I finally admit that it is a lie, let you not care, everything is over, you will still care.

Because I lied, because I lied to you, because I influenced you, I caused immeasurable loss and influence to you, so everything can’t go back to the past, everything has happened, how can I go back to the past ?

……… Ask for flowers……

It's also like a couple who quarreled because they quarreled because of cheating, and then they reconciled, saying that they want to forget the past, forget the unhappiness before, and live together again, or live the same as before, do you think it is possible? ?

This is completely impossible, it is completely impossible, the fact of derailment has already appeared, they have no way to forget what happened, and it is even more impossible to live together again, and live the same life as before, even more Impossible.

As long as there is friction between the two in the future, these things will surface, and then lead to more intense or tragic consequences, this is for sure!

All of this is like a piece of beautiful jade being thrown out of a crack, but you have used extremely huge technology to make up for the crack.

But in this way, even if the cracks have been repaired, even if there are no scars on the cracks, and it looks extremely perfect, you will still think that this piece of beautiful jade is actually a defective piece, and you will still feel it in your heart. Will be full of resistance to Meiyu.


And even if you sell it, the price of beautiful jade will be greatly reduced, losing its original value, which is the same as the previous argument!

If something has already happened, it cannot be regarded as if it did not happen. Whether it is the image produced, the image brought to oneself, or the impression brought to others, it will continue to happen all the time.

Everyone can't face these things as if nothing happened. This is absolutely certain.

This is why, if something happens to Jiang Chen, everyone will not be able to see everything as if nothing happened!

Unless there is some powerful ability that can make all the people in the world erase their memories of the time when Jiang Chen existed, otherwise, even if something happens to Jiang Chen, the image he brings will definitely be there Yes, it is absolutely impossible for everyone, and absolutely impossible to treat all these things as if nothing happened.

So if something happens to Jiang Chen, it will actually bring a certain image to everyone. This is absolutely certain, just look at the size of these influences." This is also absolutely certain.

For some people, Jiang Chen's accident has relatively little influence on them, but for some people, if Jiang Chen has an accident, the influence will become greater for them. This is absolutely certain a little.

That's why, everyone can't ignore Jiang Chen, and the reason why everyone can't ignore Jiang Chen after his accident.

After all, Jiang Chen is not an ordinary person. His ability, deeds, achievements, and talent are all capable of changing and leading the entire world.

In the history of thousands of years of human civilization, there is no one who can gather all human beings in the world together and become the center of all human beings in the world like him.

No one has ever done this before. From this we can see how extraordinary Jiang Chen is, and from this we can see how special and extraordinary Jiang Chen is!.

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